Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Troubleshooting Guide

First Steps

Sometimes the most obvious solutions are overlooked. As you begin your investigation, try the following steps first.

Verify System Requirements and Configuration

Problems are often caused by configuration issues (system, JVMTM, server, or application-level) and by resource issues (such as when a system runs out of memory). Refer to the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Release Notes for the latest information regarding system requirements dependencies.

Review Known Issues

Your problem might be related to a known issue for the release. Refer to the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Release Notes for the latest information regarding known issues and possible workarounds. Also search the GlassFish issue tracker at

Search the Product Documentation

Enterprise Server includes complete documentation. Search the documentation to see if your problem is addressed. The documentation set is available at See Enterprise Server Documentation Set for a list of books in the documentation set and a description of their contents.

Search the GlassFish Mailing Lists and Forums

Lists and forums are extremely helpful resources, and are accessed as follows:

Learn More About Enterprise Server v3 Prelude

As the name suggests, the release is a prelude to Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3. It is not a full Java EE 5 application server, and not everything that was implemented in Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 (GlassFish v2) is implemented and functional in Enterprise Server v3 Prelude. You might be trying to do something that is not possible with the existing feature set. For more information about Enterprise Server v3 Prelude and the features it contains, consult the following resources:

Note –

Some resources refer to GlassFish v3 Prelude. GlassFish v3 Prelude is the community version of the commercially supported offering, Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude. The software is the same; the difference is in support.

Search the SunSolve Knowledgebase

SunSolveSM is Sun's informational and patch database service with a browseable directory of all publicly available Sun Microsystems support documents. SunSolve is available at Additional resources are also available for customers with support contracts.