Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Troubleshooting Guide

Issues Related to Eclipse

Eclipse GlassFish Server Adapter – Port Conflict When Starting GlassFish


On Windows, the following error message is displayed when you start Enterprise Server v3 Prelude using the server adapter within Eclipse:

Please stop the server process using the same port as the one used
by the Application Server. A server process is already running on this port
but we cannot determine if it's a GlassFish
process (lack of info or credentials)

The message does not list which port is blocked by a server process, making it difficult to locate the blocking process. Obvious candidates such 4848 or 8080 are not blocked, according to TCP View.


This problem only occurs on Windows platforms and is related to an HTTP connection socket error. For more information, see the following:

Note –

The netstat -ab command shows the PID and might prove useful.