Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Troubleshooting Guide

Security FAQs

What Happens When No Server Side Realm Is Configured?

When the application is configured (within XML files), but no server side realm is configured, the application is authenticated in the default realm. No error is thrown that indicates “No such realm.”

Can I See the TLS/SSL Handshake Information for an SSL Client?

Yes. Set the Java debugging property on the JVM. To see the handshake information from the application client, append the following to the VMARGS variable:,handshake

Can I Change the Keystore Password?

Yes. Use the following Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SETM) properties to change the keystore password:

Note that the keystore password must match the individual key passwords to perform operations on the keys, so you must change the keystore password with the property mentioned above, and then change the password to each key to match that password.