Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Troubleshooting Guide

Where in a Rails Application Structure Does Enterprise Server Look for jar Files to Add to the Classpath for That Application?

To continue the question: WAR files and exploded Java webapp directories have a WEB-INF/lib directory. Rails applications also have a lib directory, but this is for Ruby libraries. Where in a Rails application can I put application-specific jar files? Is there such a place, or must I place them in the domain/lib directory?

Response: Place them in the domain/lib directory, or in glassfish/lib. If those bundles are OSGi bundles, you should place them in the glassfish/modules directory. If you want to package your own set of jar files with the Rails application, instead of copying the jars in the glassfish/lib or glassfish/modules directory, you might want to use Warbler. The Warbler gem lets you package your own jars and creates a WAR file from your Rails applications.