
TABLE 1-1 small spaceToolbar Icons

TABLE 1-2 small spaceFolder Symbols

TABLE 1-3 small spaceOther Buttons

TABLE 1-4 small spaceHelp Tabs

TABLE 1-5 small spaceHelp Icons

TABLE 3-1 small spaceSupported Hardware Configurations - Sun StorageTek 5310 and Sun StorageTek 5320 Appliances

TABLE 3-2 small spaceSun StorageTek 5320 RAID-5 Configuration

TABLE 3-3 small spaceSun StorageTek 5300 RAID-5 Configuration

TABLE 4-1 small spaceSupported Antivirus Scan Engine Software

TABLE 5-1 small spaceDual-Server Port Bonding Example

TABLE 7-1 small spaceFields in the SID

TABLE 8-1 small spaceUmask Access Permissions With DOS Read-Only Attribute Set

TABLE 9-1 small spaceAudit Log Format

TABLE 10-1 small spaceSystem Status Display

TABLE 10-2 small spaceSystem Event Icons

TABLE 10-3 small spaceAcceptable Voltage Ranges

TABLE 11-1 small spaceTime Zone Database Files

TABLE 11-2 small spaceCATIA Character Translation Table

TABLE 11-3 small spaceComponent Firmware Directories and Files

TABLE 12-1 small spaceSupported PCI Card Part Numbers

TABLE A-1 small spaceConsole Menu Keyboard Functions

TABLE B-1 small spaceUPS Error Messages

TABLE B-2 small spaceFile-System Errors

TABLE B-3 small spaceRAID Error Messages

TABLE B-4 small spaceIPMI Error Messages

TABLE C-1 small spaceWORM File Metadata That Can and Cannot Be Modified

TABLE D-1 small spaceSun StorageTek 5300 RAID-5 Possible Configurations

TABLE D-2 small spaceSun StorageTek 5320 RAID-5 Possible Configurations

TABLE D-3 small spaceBattery Backup Compartment LEDs

TABLE F-1 small spaceFields and Elements on the Select Controller Unit and Drives or RAID Set Panel

TABLE F-2 small spaceSun StorageTek 5320 Drive Status Indicators (Add LUN)

TABLE F-3 small spaceSun StorageTek 5300 Drive Status Indicators (Add LUN)

TABLE F-4 small spaceFields and Elements on the LUN Properties Panel

TABLE F-5 small spaceFields and Elements on the Configure Antivirus Panel

TABLE F-6 small spaceFields and Elements on the Select Environment Panel

TABLE F-7 small spaceFields and Elements on the Add/Edit Mirror Window

TABLE F-8 small spaceFields and Elements on the Manage Mirrors Panel

TABLE F-9 small spaceFields and Elements on the Promote Volume Window

TABLE F-10 small spaceFields and Elements on the Set Threshold Alert Panel

TABLE F-11 small spaceFields and Elements on the View Mirror Statistics Panel

TABLE F-12 small spaceFields and Elements on the Add/Edit Checkpoint Schedule Window

TABLE F-13 small spaceFields and Elements on the Add/Edit DTQ Setting Window

TABLE F-14 small spaceFields and Elements on the Add/Edit Quota Setting Window

TABLE F-15 small spaceFields and Elements on the Attach Segments Panel

TABLE F-16 small spaceFields and Elements on the Configure Directory Tree Quotas Panel

TABLE F-17 small spaceConfigure User and Group Quotas Panel

TABLE F-18 small spaceFields and Elements on the Create Checkpoint Window

TABLE F-19 small spaceFields and Elements on the Create File Volumes/Segments Panel

TABLE F-20 small spaceFields and Elements on the Delete File Volumes Panel

TABLE F-21 small spaceFields and Elements on the Edit Volume Properties Panel

TABLE F-22 small spaceFields and Elements on the Manage Checkpoints Panel

TABLE F-23 small spaceFields and Elements on the Rename Checkpoint Window

TABLE F-24 small spaceFields and Elements on the Schedule Checkpoints Panel

TABLE F-25 small spaceFields and Elements on the New/Edit Checkpoints Schedule Panel

TABLE F-26 small spaceFields and Elements on the Attach Segments Panel

TABLE F-27 small spaceFields and Elements on the View Volume Partitions Panel

TABLE F-28 small spaceFields and Elements on the Enable Failover Panel

TABLE F-29 small spaceFields and Elements on the Recover Panel

TABLE F-30 small spaceFields and Elements on the Set LUN Path Panel

TABLE F-31 small spaceFields and Elements on the Set Primary Path Window

TABLE F-32 small spaceFields and Elements on the Add/Edit iSCSI Access Window

TABLE F-33 small spaceFields and Elements on the Add/Edit iSCSI LUN Window

TABLE F-34 small spaceFields and Elements on the Configure Access List Panel

TABLE F-35 small spaceFields and Elements on the Configure iSCSI LUN Panel

TABLE F-36 small spaceFields and Elements on the Configure iSNS Server Panel

TABLE F-37 small spaceFields and Elements on the Promote iSCSI LUN Panel

TABLE F-38 small spaceFields and Elements on the Configure SNMP Panel

TABLE F-39 small spaceFields and Elements on the Configure System Auditing Panel

TABLE F-40 small spaceFields and Elements on the Diagnostic Email Window

TABLE F-41 small spaceFields and Elements on the Display System Log Panel

TABLE F-42 small spaceFields and Elements on the Set Up Email Notification Panel

TABLE F-43 small spaceFields and Elements on the Set Up Logging Panel

TABLE F-44 small spaceFields and Elements on the Set Up UPS Monitoring Panel

TABLE F-45 small spaceFields and Elements on the View Fan Status Panel

TABLE 4-2 small spaceSun StorageTek 5320 NAS Appliance Server Fan Identification

TABLE F-46 small spaceFields and Elements on the View File Volume Usage Panel

TABLE F-47 small spaceFields and Elements on the View Power Supply Status Panel

TABLE F-48 small spaceFields and Elements on the View Temperature Status Panel

TABLE F-49 small spaceFields and Elements on the View Voltage Regulator Status Panel

TABLE F-50 small spaceFields and Elements on the Bond NIC Ports Panel

TABLE F-51 small spaceFields and Elements on the Configure Network Adapters Panel

TABLE F-52 small spaceFields and Elements on the Create/Edit Port Bond Window

TABLE F-53 small spaceFields and Elements on the Set Gateway Address Panel

TABLE F-54 small spaceFields and Elements on the Set Server Name Panel

TABLE F-55 small spaceFields and Elements on the Set Up DNS Panel

TABLE F-56 small spaceFields and Elements on the View the Routing Table Panel

TABLE F-57 small spaceDrive Images and Buttons in the Add Hot-Spare Window

TABLE F-58 small spaceSun StorageTek 5210 Add LUN Drive Status Indicators

TABLE F-59 small spaceFields and Buttons on the Add LUN Window

TABLE F-60 small spaceFields and Buttons on the Locate Drive Window

TABLE F-61 small spaceFields and Buttons on the Locate Drive Tray Window

TABLE F-62 small spaceFields and Elements on the Manage RAID Panel

TABLE F-63 small spaceFields and Elements on the View Controller/Enclosure Information Panel

TABLE F-64 small spaceFields and Elements on the View LUN Information Panel

TABLE F-65 small spaceFields and Elements on the View Networking Activity Panel

TABLE F-66 small spaceFields and Elements on the View System Activity Panel

TABLE F-67 small spaceFields and Elements on the Set Up NDMP Panel

TABLE F-68 small spaceFields and Elements on the Edit NFS Export Window

TABLE F-69 small spaceFields and Elements on the Server Properties Window

TABLE F-70 small spaceFields and Elements on the Volume Properties Window

TABLE F-71 small spaceFields and Elements on the Online System Registration Panel

TABLE F-72 small spaceFields and Elements on the Activate Options Panel

TABLE F-73 small spaceFields and Elements on the Add License Window

TABLE F-74 small spaceFields and Elements on the Assign Language Panel

TABLE F-75 small spaceFields and Elements on the Enable Temporary Licenses Window

TABLE F-76 small spaceFields and Elements on the Enable Temporary Licenses Window

TABLE F-77 small spaceFields and Elements on the Set Administrator Password Panel

TABLE F-78 small spaceFields and Elements on the Set Remote Access Panel

TABLE F-79 small spaceFields and Elements on the Set Time and Date Panel

TABLE F-80 small spaceFields and Elements on the Set Up Time Synchronization Panel

TABLE F-81 small spaceFields and Elements on the Shut Down the Server Panel

TABLE F-82 small spaceFields and Elements on the Update Software Panel

TABLE F-83 small spaceFields and Elements on the Add/Edit Comment Window

TABLE F-84 small spaceFields and Elements on the Add/Edit Host Window

TABLE F-85 small spaceFields and Elements on the Add/Edit NFS Export Window

TABLE F-86 small spaceFields and Elements on the Add Hostgroup Member Window

TABLE F-87 small spaceFields and Elements on the Add Hostgroup Window

TABLE F-88 small spaceFields and Elements on the Configure Exports Panel

TABLE F-89 small spaceFields and Elements on the Configure Name Services Panel

TABLE F-90 small spaceFields and Elements on the Configure Exports Panel

TABLE F-91 small spaceFields and Elements on the Set Up FTP Panel

TABLE F-92 small spaceFields and Elements on the Set Up Hostgroups Panel

TABLE F-93 small spaceFields and Elements on the Set Up Local Hosts Panel

TABLE F-94 small spaceFields and Elements on the Set Up NIS Panel

TABLE F-95 small spaceFields and Elements on the Set Up NIS+ Panel

TABLE F-96 small spaceFields and Elements on the Set Up NSSLDAP Panel

TABLE F-97 small spaceFields and Buttons on the Add/Edit Group Window

TABLE F-98 small spaceFields and Buttons on the New Share Window

TABLE F-99 small spaceFields and Buttons on the Edit Share Window

TABLE F-100 small spaceFields and Buttons on the Add/Edit SMB/CIFS User or Group Map Window

TABLE F-101 small spaceFields and Buttons on the Configure Autohome Panel

TABLE F-102 small spaceFields and Buttons on the Configure Autohome Panel

TABLE F-103 small spaceConfigure Domains and Workgroups Panel

TABLE F-104 small spaceFields and Elements on the Configure Groups Panel

TABLE F-105 small spaceFields and Elements on the Configure Mapping Policy Panel

TABLE F-106 small spaceFields and Elements on the Configure Maps Panel

TABLE F-107 small spaceFields and Buttons on the Configure Shares Panel

TABLE F-108 small spaceFields and Elements on the Remove Share Window

TABLE F-109 small spaceFields and Buttons on the Set Up WINS Panel

TABLE F-110 small spaceFields on the System Status Panel