Figure showing your choices regarding how to create enterprise beans in the EJB Builder wizard. A message-driven bean can have container-managed or bean-managed transactions. A session bean can be stateless or stateful, and it can have container-managed or bean-managed transactions, remote-type interfaces only (which is the default), local interfaces only, or both types of interfaces. An entity bean with bean-managed persistence (a BMP entity bean) can have remote interfaces only, local interfaces only (which is the default), or both types of interfaces. An entity bean that delegates its persistence to the container (a CMP entity bean) can have its fields based on a table from a database connection or from a database schema object, or you can create the bean's tfields from scratch. A CMP entity bean can have remote interfaces only, local interfaces only (which is the default), or both types of interfaces. Finally, a set of related CMP entity beans can use tables from a database connection or from a database schema. The beans in this set can have local interfaces only or both types of interfaces.