Screenshot showing an expanded tree view of the example message-driven bean AddToOrder. To experience this tree view, go to the IDE and create this example message-driven bean. Right-click the Java package. From the menu, choose New > J2EE > Message-driven EJB. In the wizard, name the message-driven bean AddToOrder and choose the default, which is Container Managed Transactions. Click Finish. Now go back to the Explorer. Find your new message-driven bean, AddToOrder, and expand its nodes. The two major nodes are AddToOrder (EJB), which is the logical node, and AddToOrderEJB, which is the bean-class node. Under the logical node are three subnodes: the bean class, the create method, and the onMessage method. Under the bean-class node is a subnode for the class code. Under that subnode are four subnodes: the fields node, the constructors node (which is still empty), the methods node, and the bean patterns node.