Figure showing the HTTP request as initiated in the client browser. The HTTP request includes attributes, which are user settings, including locale information, and cookies. The HTTPServletRequest is routed through the web server to the servlet container. The servlet container routes the HTTPServletRequest through the Filter component, the Front Controller servlet component, the View JSP page, and back through another Filter component. The request ends when processing in the View JSP and the Filter component is complete. The HTTPServletResponse object is created within the servlet container. The response, including cookies, headers, and output, eventually goes to the client browser. The Front Controller servlet and the View JSP page both have access to the session data as well as to the information in the HTTPServletRequest and HTTPServletResponse. The Filter can be used to inspect or modify the HTTPServletRequest as it enters the Front Controller servlet. The Filter can also be used to inspect or modify the HTTPServletResponse before it is sent to the client browser.