C H A P T E R  4

Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1 Tool Options

This chapter provides an overview of the Suntrademark ONE Studio 5 update 1 tool options.

Like all IDEs, the Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1 has general configuration options that apply to the entire IDE and to specific modules of the IDE, like the Suntrademark ONE Application Framework, for example. This section focuses on those properties that can be configured for the Sun ONE Application Framework module.

Select the Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1 menu option, Tools -> Options.

The Options window displays, as shown in the following figure.

This figure shows the Options window. 

With all the top level nodes collapsed (closed), locate the Sun ONE node and expand it. Then select the Sun ONE Application Framework (JATO) Settings node. This displays the property sheet tabs (Properties and Expert) on the right portion of the Options window.

Properties Property Sheet

The following list of properties reside in the Properties tab of the Sun ONE Application Framework (JATO) Settings property sheet.

procedure icon  [property] Application Servlet Name Suffix

When you create a new Sun ONE Application Framework application using the new application wizard, you are prompted to provide a name for the a servlet class known as the app servlet class of your Sun ONE Application Framework application. The default suffix appended to this class is AppServletBase. However, this is merely a convention and not a requirement.

This property allows you to customize the suffix that is appended to the name of all app servlet class names when you create a new Sun ONE Application Framework application.

procedure icon  [property] Component Download URL

Specifies a default URL (http://www.sun.com/sunone/) that is used when the Download Components contextual menu option of the Sun ONE Web Applications root node (in the Sun ONE Web Apps tab) is selected.

The purpose of this URL is meant to provide a shortcut to a website that would contain a repository of third party Sun ONE Application Framework components that developers could download and use in their Sun ONE Application Framework applications. At the time this document was authored, no such web-based component repository has been constructed.

procedure icon  [property] Create Default PointBase JDBC Datasource

When you create a new Sun ONE Application Framework application using the new application wizard, a default JDBC Datasource object, name jdbc/jdbc-pointbase, is created for you. This datasource is preconfigured to access the sample PointBase database that ships with the Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1. See JDBC Datasources for more details.

Setting this property to False prevents the new application wizard from creating the default JDBC Datasource. There is no negative side effect or runtime performance penalty of having this JDBC Datasource exist in your Sun ONE Application Framework application. In fact, the JDBC Datasource is only used for design-time activities.

procedure icon  [property] Default Application Directory

When you create a new Sun ONE Application Framework application using the new application wizard, you are prompted for a location (directory) in which to locate your application. The default location is your Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1 user directory. This default location will vary depending upon the platform (Unix, Linux, or Windows) and is configured when the Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1 is installed.

This property allows you with the opportunity to provide a custom default location when you create a new Sun ONE Application Framework application. This saves you the trouble of navigating to your preferred application development location with every new application.

This property is also used for the default location when you attempt to mount a Sun ONE Application Framework application. For more information on creating and mounting Sun ONE Application Framework applications, refer to Section 1 of this document.

procedure icon  [property] External JSP Editor

If editing the raw contents of the JSP is out of your domain of expertise and you would rather use a 3rd party HTML/JSP WYSIWYG editor, you can specify the executable path to the desired application in the Sun ONE Application Framework setting's External JSP Editor property by selecting Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1 menu option, Tools | Options, then expand the Sun ONE node, and select Sun ONE Application Framework (JATO) Settings.

When you right-click a JSP in your Sun ONE Application Framework application, you can select the Edit in External Editor action to start the external editor and load the JSP. Be careful not to have the JSP open in both the external editor and the Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1 at the same time to avoid file locking/overwriting issues.

procedure icon  [property] Module Servlet Name Suffix

When you create a new Sun ONE Application Framework application using the new application wizard, or when you create a new module folder, you are prompted to provide a name for the a servlet class known as the module servlet class. See module folder node in this document for more details. The default suffix appended to this class is ModuleServlet. However, this is merely a convention and not a requirement.

This property allows you to customize the suffix that is appended to the name of all module servlet class names when you create a new module servlet class.

procedure icon  [property] Mount Notification Dialog

When set to True, the mount notification dialog is shown when a Sun ONE Application Framework application filesystem is mounted.

procedure icon  [property] Show Web Application Explorer Toolbar

When set to True, the Sun ONE Application Framework toolbar is docked at the top of the Sun ONE Web Apps tab in the Explorer window.

procedure icon  [property] Use External JSP Editor as Default

If you have specified an external JSP editor in the External JSP Editor property, then setting this option to True launches that external editor as the default editor instead of the Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1 editor. This means that double-clicking a JSP (with or without jato tag markup) anywhere within the context of a Sun ONE Application Framework application opens it in the specified external editor.

If you want to open a JSP in the Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1 editor, simply right click the JSP and select the Open contextual menu command. If you are in a Web application that is not a Sun ONE Application Framework application, the default is to open it in the Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1 editor. In other words, this property only affects JSPs inside a Sun ONE Application Framework application.

Expert Property Sheet

The following list of properties reside in the Expert tab of the Sun ONE Application Framework (JATO) Settings property sheet.

procedure icon  [property] Component Palette Refresh Interval

Controls how often the Sun ONE Application Framework Component Palette refreshes its contents. If you were to add a new component library that contained third party Sun ONE Application Framework components, or when you create new page, pagelet and model components in your Sun ONE Application Framework application, those components are exposed in the Component Palette on the next refresh interval.

You do not want, nor is there any need, to set this refresh rate to check more frequently than the default. You do not want to overwhelm the Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1 with refreshing the Component Palette every five milliseconds.

procedure icon  [property] Runtime JAR Location Override

The location of a Sun ONE Application Framework runtime file JAR (jato.jar) to be used in place of the one that is shipped with the Sun ONE Application Framework Studio 5 update 1 tools module.

procedure icon  [property] Show Component Debug Log

When set to True, a log file in the IDE is shown that might help component developers debug their components or component libraries.