
This Suntrademark ONE Application Framework Component Author's Guide describes the Sun ONE Application Framework component architecture and the process whereby component authors can design, create, and distribute new components. This book is intended for prospective Sun ONE Application Framework component authors, and assumes that these component authors are already familiar with the Sun ONE Application Framework architecture.

How This Book Is Organized

Chapter 1, Overview and Component Architecture provides an overview of Component-Based Development (CBD), Sun ONE Application Framework Component Library, the Component Class, and the ComponentInfo Class.

Chapter 2, Developing Components provides a description of the fundamental steps involved in creating, distributing, and using a Sun ONE Application Framework component.

Chapter 3, Developing View Components provides a description of the fundamental steps involved in developing view components.

Chapter 4, Developing Model Components provides a description of the fundamental steps involved in developing model components.

Chapter 5, Developing Command Components provides a description of the fundamental steps involved in developing command components.

Chapter 6, ConfigurableBeans (Non-Visual Components) introduces how the IDE toolset makes use of the ConfigurableBean, the role it plays, and the relationship between Sun ONE Application Framework and the ConfigurableBean types.

Chapter 7, Developing and Distributing Non-Extensible Model, Command and ContainerView Components introduces the steps to develop and distribute non-extensible Model, Command, and ContainerView components.

Chapter 8, Design Actions describes developing extensible components which have component design actions, defines a component design action, and shows how to expose design action in ComponentInfo.

Chapter A, Component Library Structure offers an overview of the component library and the component library structure, and details the component manifest, with a description of automated unpacking of component tag libraries (TLD) files, and automated unpacking of "Additional Files".

Using UNIX Commands

This document might not contain information on basic UNIX® commands and procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring devices. See the following for this information:

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Sun ONE Application Framework Component Author's Guide, part number 817-4362-10