Release Notes for Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition

(Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition)

For the most current version of these notes, see the version on the Sun ONE Studio Developer Resources page at

NOTE: For Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition, the volume names for the product and companion CDs are:

This section of these Release Notes ... Provides this information ...
A. Introduction Introduction to these release notes and the Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition product.
B. What's New: Enhancements and New Features New features and enhancements for this release of the Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition product.
C. Limitations Limitations on usage of the Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition product.
D.System Requirements Hardware requirements needed to install a minimum Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition configuration on any of the supported platforms.
E. Operating Systems, Servers, Databases, ORBs and Version Control Systems Operating systems and other software supported by this release.
F. Platforms Operating systems on which Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition, has been tested.
G. Installation Notes General information about installation, in addition to that presented in the Sun ONE Studio 5 Getting Started Guide. Refer to that document at
H. Module Notes General and miscellaneous information about individual modules.
I. Bugs and Issues Bugs and Issues related to functionality in this release of the product, supplied with workarounds, where applicable.
J. Accessibility Accessible features of the Sun ONE Studio update 1, Standard Edition product.
K. Other Documentation Sources of information about Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition, in documentation form.
L. Update Center General information about the Sun ONE Studio update 1, Standard Edition, Update Center.
M. NetBeans™ Open Source Project Descriptive information and web address related to the NetBeans Open Source Project.
N. Redistributables Redistributable binary files supplied with this product.
O. Mobile Modules Release Notes Release Notes for Mobile Edition Modules supplied with Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition.

A. Introduction

These release notes represent the release notes for the Standard Edition of the Sun™ Open Net Environment Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition, product. These notes also contain the Mobile Modules Release Notes.

NOTE: Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition requires the Java™ 2 Software Development Kit, Standard Edition (J2SE™ SDK) v. 1.4.1_02 or higher.

Sun ONE Application Server 7

Sun ONE Application Server 7 update 1, bundled with Sun™ Open Net Environment Studio 5 product, is a developer-only product and is not intended for runtime use.

To obtain information about the current version of the Sun ONE Application Server, enter asadmin version at the command prompt:

<instance>/appserver/bin/asadmin version

Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition, for the Solaris 9 OS x86 Platform Edition

You can download and install the Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition for the Solaris 9 OS x86 Platform Edition. The instructions for downloading and installing the x86 version using the web download can be found on the product download web site.

You can also find the installer for the Solaris 9 OS x86 Platform Edition on the CD-ROM. Refer to the Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition Getting Started Guide for instructions. Follow the instructions for installing the IDE on Solaris 9 OS by starting the install from the CD-ROM. You need root permission to install this product.

If you are installing the Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition, for the Solaris 9 OS x86 Platform Edition, note these restrictions:

Knowledge Base

You can find answers to many of your questions by accessing a large, searchable FAQ database. This database is a dynamic, growing knowledge base that offers customized searches based on your needs. It is referred to as the Knowledge Base and is accessible through the Sun ONE Studio Developer's Portal:


When you first run the IDE, you can import the settings that you used in a previous installation of the IDE. These settings include project-specific settings and global options. If you choose not to import settings from a previous release, the IDE begins with a set of default settings. The Import Wizard guides you through the choices.

You can import settings from the NetBeans IDE v. 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4. You can also import settings from Sun ONE Studio (formerly Forte for Java) software versions 2.0, 3.0, 4 and 4.1.

In the NetBeans IDE Release 3.2 or above and Sun ONE Studio 3.0 product or above, you can find the user directory when running the software. Choose Help | About, and click the Detail tab.

Though it is possible to import settings from a previous IDE installation into the Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition software, it is not possible to import all settings from the Sun ONE Studio 5 product into an earlier IDE release.

Future Removal of Modules

In a release subsequent to Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition, three modules will be removed. These modules are the Forte™ for Java™ JNDI Module, the CORBA Module, and the Forte™ for Java™ RMI Support Module. Although these three modules will no longer be available in the Studio ONE Studio distribution, you can develop to the RMI, CORBA, and JNDI functionality by writing code within the Sun ONE Studio development environment.

B. What's New: Enhancements and New Features

The following section provides information on enhancements and new features available with Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition..

Application Framework 2.1

Sun ONE Studio Application Framework 2.1 is now bundled with the Sun ONE Studio product. The Sun ONE Studio Application Framework product is a mature, powerful, standards-based J2EE Web application framework geared toward enterprise Web application development. Sun ONE Studio Application Framework unites familiar concepts such as display fields, application events, component hierarchies, and a page-centric development approach, with a state-of-the-art design based on the Model-View-Controller and Service-to-Workers patterns.

Sun ONE Studio integration with the Sun ONE Studio Application Framework 2.1 product now offers a quantum leap in RAD Web application
productivity. The product features a rich GUI toolset for the Sun ONE Studio product that provides rapid visual development of Web applications based on the time-tested Sun ONE Application Framework framework runtime and the industry standard J2EEplatform.
The Sun ONE Application Framework toolset supports an expanded and powerful component architecture.

The Sun ONE Studio Application Framework 2.1 product has the following features, added since the Sun ONE Application Framework 2.0 release:


Web Services

Miscellaneous IDE Changes 

Bug Submitter

The Bug Submitter feature enables you to submit problem reports (bugs) related to Sun ONE Studio, ideas for improvements (requests for enhancement, or RFEs), and ease-of-use suggestions (EOUs) to Sun Microsystems.

The preferred method is to open the Bug Submitter wizard from within the IDE, fill in the fields, and send the report using either the HTTP or SMTP protocol. The Bug Submitter wizard captures certain data from the IDE automatically.

However, if the IDE or the wizard is not available, you can complete and send a report through the portal, using a web browser to get to the Bug Submitter web page.

Both the wizard and the web page are available from within the IDE, as is online help on the Bug Submitter feature.

C. Limitations

This section describes limitations related to use of Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition product.

Clients of Web Services Created from WSDL

When you create a web service from a WSDL file, clients that are created from this WSDL file cannot invoke operations on the web service. To create a client that can invoke operations on this web service, you must create it using the web service as the source.

Alternatively, you can generate a WSDL from the newly-created web service and use that WSDL as the source of the client.

D. System Requirements

E. Operating Systems, Servers, Databases, ORBs, and Version Control Systems

The following table describes Operating Systems, servers, databases, version control systems and ORBS supported by Sun ONE Studio 5, Standard Edition.

# Operating Systems  Application Servers Web Servers Web Browsers VCSes Database servers, JDBC Drivers, ORBs
Win2000 SP3 Sun ONE AS 7, SE, BEA WebLogic 6.1 SP4/7.0 SP2 Sun ONE Application Server 7 Update 1, SE, Tomcat 4.1 Internal, TomCat 4.0.6 External Netscape 7.02
Internet Explorer 6
VSS 6.0, 
CVS 1.11, ClearCase V2002 u2

Oracle 9i/JDBC Thin Driver 9 

MS SQLServer 2000, JDBC-ODBC bridge/SQL Server 2000 ODBC driver 

Pointbase 4.2 Network Edition/Pointbase JDBC Driver 

IBM DB2 8.1/JDBC Thin Driver for DB2 8.1

VisiBroker 3.4, VisiBroker 4.0, Orbix 2000 for Java, OrbixWeb 3.2, ORBacus 4.0.4, J2SE 1.4 ORB, J2EE 1.2 ORB
Windows XP Professional SP1 Sun ONE AS 7, SE, BEA WebLogic 6.1 SP4/7.0 SP2 Sun ONE Application Server 7 Update 1,SE, Tomcat 4.1 Internal, TomCat 4.0.6 External Netscape 7.02
Internet Explorer 6


VSS 6.0, 
CVS 1.11, ClearCase V2002 u2

Oracle 9i/JDBC Thin Driver 9 

MS SQLServer 2000, JDBC-ODBC bridge/SQL Server 2000 ODBC driver 

Pointbase 4.2 Network Edition/Pointbase JDBC Driver 

IBM DB2 8.1/JDBC Thin Driver for DB2 8.1

VisiBroker 3.4, VisiBroker 4.0, Orbix 2000 for Java, OrbixWeb 3.2, ORBacus 4.0.4, J2SE 1.4 ORB, J2EE 1.2 ORB

Linux RedHat 7.2 Sun ONE AS 7, SE BEA WebLogic 6.1 SP4/7.0 SP2 Sun ONE Application Server 7 Update 1,, SE, Tomcat 4.1 Internal, TomCat 4.0.6 External Netscape 7.02 CVS 1.11, ClearCase V2002 u2,

Oracle 9i/JDBC Thin Driver 9 

Pointbase 4.2 Network Edition/Pointbase JDBC Driver 

IBM DB2 8.1/JDBC Thin Driver for DB2 8.1

VisiBroker 3.4, VisiBroker 4.0, Orbix 2000 for Java, OrbixWeb 3.2, ORBacus 4.0.4, J2SE 1.4 ORB, J2EE 1.2 ORB

Solaris 9 SPARC® (32/64 Bit) Sun ONE AS 7, SE, BEA WebLogic 6.1 SP2/7.0 SP2 Sun ONE Application Server 7 Update 1, SE, Tomcat 4.1 Internal, TomCat 4.0.6 External Netscape 7.02
CVS 1.11, ClearCase V2002 u2

Oracle 9i/JDBC Thin Driver 9 

Pointbase 4.2 Network Edition/Pointbase JDBC Driver 

IBM DB2 8.1/JDBC Thin Driver for DB2 8.1

VisiBroker 3.4, VisiBroker 4.0, Orbix 2000 for Java, OrbixWeb 3.2, ORBacus 4.0.4, J2SE 1.4 ORB, J2EE 1.2 ORB

Solaris 8 SPARC (32/64 bit)  Sun ONE AS 7, SE, BEA WebLogic 6.1 SP2/7.0 SP2
Sun ONE Application Server 7 Update 1, SE,Tomcat 4.1 Internal, TomCat 4.0.6 External
Netscape 7.02
CVS 1.11, ClearCase V2002 u2

Oracle 9i/JDBC Thin Driver 9 

Pointbase 4.2 Network Edition/Pointbase JDBC Driver 

IBM DB2 8.1/JDBC Thin Driver for DB2 8.1

VisiBroker 3.4, VisiBroker 4.0, Orbix 2000 for Java, OrbixWeb 3.2, ORBacus 4.0.4, J2SE 1.4 ORB, J2EE 1.2 ORB

Solaris 9 OS x86 Platform Edition BEA WebLogic 6.1 SP2/7.0 SP2 Tomcat 4.1 Internal, TomCat 4.0.6 External Netscape 7.02 CVS 1.11

Oracle 9i/JDBC Thin Driver 9 

Pointbase 4.2 Network Edition/Pointbase JDBC Driver 

IBM DB2 8.1/JDBC Thin Driver for DB2 8.1

J2SE 1.4 ORB


Please see the restrictions under:

Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition, for the Solaris 9 OS x86 Platform Edition

F. Platforms

NOTE:The Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition software requires J2SE SDK v. 1.4.1_02 or higher.
The Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition has been tested on the following platforms:
  • Win2000 SP3
  • Windows XP Professional SP1
  • Linux RedHat 7.2
  • Solaris 9 SPARC (32/64 bit)
  • Solaris 8 SPARC (32/64 bit)
  • Solari 9 OS x86 Platform Edition

Multi-User Platforms:
   SunRay server

G. Installation Notes

This section provides additional information about installing Sun ONE Studio 5, update 1, Standard Edition.. For complete information on installing Sun ONE Studio 5, Standard Edition, update 1, refer to the Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition for Java Getting Started Guide, available at

Solaris Packages

Before installing the Sun ONE Application Server with Sun ONE Studio on a Solaris system, you must verify the following packages are installed on a Solaris system:

SUNWpr version 4.1.2
SUNWtls version 3.3.2

You can display information related to these two packages with these commands:

pkginfo -l SUNWpr
pkginfo -l SUNWtls

If both packages are present, then verify these patches are installed:

For Solaris 9: 114049-03
For Solaris 8: 114045-02

To install these packages on the system:

  1. Download the NSS/NSPR Components tarfile from
  2. Untar its contents.
  3. Run these commands:
    cd <UntarDirName>
    pkgadd -d . SUNWpr SUNWtls

Following successful package installation, you must apply patches:

For Solaris 9 ONLY: cd Solaris9 ; patchadd -d 114049
For Solaris 8 ONLY: cd Solaris8 ; patchadd -d 114045

NOTE: these patches are Solaris OS version-specific. You should only apply 114049 on Solaris 9 systems, and 114045 only on Solaris 8 systems.

IMPORTANT: On Solaris 9, if the SUNWpr and SUNWtls packages have been installed on the system, your applying the patch might result in the following error:

ERROR: This patch is incompatible with patch 114045-02 which has already been applied to the system...

If so, you must uninstall both SUNWpr and SUNWtls packages using pkgrm, then re-install both packages following the instructions above.

The Sun ONE Application Server 7 Update 1 Installation Guide (817-2169-10), Chapter 2 in the System Requirements' section on "Solaris Patch Requirements" has detailed information on why you would need to be concerned about Solaris patches and how you do the install of the SUNWpr, SUNWtls packages and the patches 114045-02 for Solaris 8, 114049-03 for Solaris 9 (from the tar file).

NOTE: The nss_nspr.tar file contains the nss_nspr/README.txt which has the same text as the Sun ONE Studio Application Server 7 Update 1 Installation Guide section but only provides installation information and does not provide background information.

H. Module Notes

This section provides additional information about individual modules that make up the Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition product.

Browsers Used with Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition
J2EE EJB Builder (EJB Initialization)
Web Services
J2EE Web Tier
Sun ONE Application Server

Browsers Used with Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition

On Microsoft Windows platforms, if Netscape 7 is used, you should use the Netscape 6 setting:

  1. Choose Tools->Options
  2. Expand IDE Configuration | Server AndExternal ToolSettings | Web Browsers | External Browsers
  3. Set the DDE server property to Netscape 6

J2EE EJB Builder (EJB Initialization)

When you add a method to an EJB such as a create or business method using the EJB menu items ("Add Create Method..."), the IDE adds the method declaration in all necessary classes and interfaces. Additionally, you might edit an EJB interface directly, type in a new method and the IDE adds the associated method declaration to the bean class.

After you create a new EJB via an EJB wizard, you should select the newly created EJB node in the Explorer window.

However, in some cases, when an EJB has remote interfaces and the remote interface Java class name is the same as the EJB name (as it would be by default), the IDE causes this Java class node to be selected instead.

Because the EJB node is not selected, the EJB is not completely initialized internally. If you then edit an EJB interface and add a new method, the IDE will NOT add the associated method to the bean class because the EJB has not fully been initialized.

The solution is for you to select the EJB node after creating it via the EJB wizard to verify that the EJB has been fully initialized.

This problem does not occur if you are creating an EJB with only local interfaces because none of the classes created in that case have the same name as the EJB.


These modules are not bundled with the Sun ONE Studio installer but are available as NetBeans Modules from the Sun ONE Studio Update Center:

Web Services

Tomcat Deployment Persistence between Restarts

When deploying Web Services, deployments made to the Tomcat web server do not persist between IDE restarts, because such deployments are deployed to a temp directory. This temp directory is 'cleaned' upon Sun ONE Studio shutdown.

If you need to re-use the application after restart of the IDE, you will need to ensure that it gets deployed or executed prior to usage.

Web Services: XML Operations

The XML Operations functionality has been deprecated.

J2EE Web Tier

Server Information. Both the Sun ONE Application Server the Tomcat server are bundled with this release of the product. The Tomcat server is derived from the Apache Tomcat server that is in the Java Web Services Developer Pack (JWSDP) version 1.1. The IDE now uses Sun ONE Application Server as the default server for web modules.

The following list describes the differences between the Tomcat server plugin and the plugin for the Sun ONE Application Server:

Special Mounting Instructions for Web Modules Under Version Control. If your web module source resides in a version control system (VCS) you must mount the web module at the root of the repository for the initial checkout. Then you must use the relative mount point to mount the web module at the root of the web module. You can optionally unmount the original VCS filesystem that corresponds to the root of the repository. For complete instructions, see "Using CVS With Web Modules" in the JSP/Servlet help set.

Sun ONE Application Server

If a Sun ONE Application Server instance fails to start, the JMS service might have failed to start. Examine the server.log for your instance to find more information.

For example,

# /opt/imq/bin/imqcmd shutdown bkr -u admin -p admin -javahome
/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_01 -b localhost:7676
# /opt/imq/bin/imqcmd shutdown bkr -u admin -p admin -javahome
/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_01 -b localhost:33497

The S1MQ broker, the server process for MQ, keeps its instance data by default (on the Linux platform) at:

MQ brokers have instance names such as

The log for the instance is in:

For more information, refer to SunSolve article 8270:

I. Bugs and Issues

This section provides bugs and issues related to functionality in this release of the product, supplied with workarounds, where applicable.

General or Core IDE Issues
Sun ONE Application Framework 2.1

BEA WebLogic Plugin
Internationalization (I18N)
J2EE Application Client
J2EE Assembly
J2EE EJB Builder
J2EE Web Tier
Sun ONE Application Server
VCS(VSS, CVS, Clear Case)

General or Core IDE Issues

The following are some of the general IDE-related unresolved bugs and issues for Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition.

Sun ONE Studio Application Framework 2.1

BEA Web Logic Plugin

4863921 Description: WL61SP4: exception is thrown while server startup

Problem : You might see the following exception on the Linux platform when using WebLogic 6.1 SP4 with the Sun ONE Studio 5 IDE:

Please ensure that libmuxer library is in
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no muxer in java.library.path
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
at weblogic.socket.PosixSocketMuxer.<init>(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
at weblogic.socket.SocketMuxer.makeTheMuxer(
at weblogic.socket.SocketMuxer.getMuxer(

Workaround : Add the following path to the Extra Library Path property of the WL61 plugin node: <WL61_HOME>/lib/linux/i686


Copy Client Binding Code action does not generate correct path. For example,

  1. Bind a context, and a context named "a" under it, and object named "b" bound in it.
  2. Invoke Copy Client Binding Code action on "b" object.
  3. Paste the code into the Java editor. This results in: code that is: String[] client_name_hierarchy = new String [] {"b", ""};
    But it should be:
    String[] client_name_hierarchy = new String [] {"a", "", "b", ""};

    If the object is bound in the root of the context - it generates: String[] client_name_hierarchy = new String [] {};

    Fill in the missing path manually, rather than using the Copy action..

Source code is not correctly updated when you change the Child POA variable name.

  1. Create the Java source file from the CORBA|ServerMain template.
  2. Select file|RootPOA node.
  3. Add the Child POA using Add|Child POA popup menu action on the RootPOA node.
  4. Add a Servant under ChildPOA node using the Add|Servant popup menu action on ChildPOA node.
  5. Open the Customizer (or Properties window) for the ChildPOA node.
  6. Change the value of the Variable Name property to another value..
  7. Refer to the Source Editor.
  8. The ChildPOA variable name is changed for assignment and starting manager only. The variable name is not changed on line where servant is created. This problem occurs for all types of children under ChildPOA.


Internationalization (I18N)

For Internationalization bugs, please refer to the Sun ONE Studio Knowledge Base.

J2EE Application Client

J2EE Assembly

J2EE EJB Builder

J2EE Web Tier



33763 Description: Synchronization of RMI-implementing classes may cause a deadlock, particularly when the sources are created manually

Workaround: Create the RMI implementing class directly from RMI template.

You can alternatively perform the following steps

  1. In the Options dialog, select the Options -> Distributed Application Support -> RMI Settings.
  2. In the properties panel, set the Detect Remote property to False..
    This disables the automatic detection functionality. You might need to mark the object as remote by:
  3. Select the Java Object in the explorer
  4. Select Tools -> Mark as RMI from the pop-up menu.

Sun ONE Application Server and Plugin

    1. Open the Server Registry.
    2. Expand the Sun ONE Application Server registered Admin server, Deployed Applications node.
    3. Undeploy the application.

VCS/(VSS, CVS, Clear Case)

Web Services

This exception indicates that your application server's security policy does not permit the update of the related Java system properties. To enable update, add the following permissions to your application server's security policy file:

If a checked-in web service has an associated client and the client is not checked in, a problem may be encountered if the web service is generated from another VCS view. The solution is to check in the client after the web service.

java.lang.RuntimeException: RegistryServerSevlet.initializeDB(...):
com.sun.xnode.XNodeException: aborting connection attempt.,
RegistryServerServlet.init(...): connection: 1, Database failed to connect
com.sun.registry_server.server.RegistryServerServlet.init(RegistryServerServlet. java:93)

The status field above the IDE explore will display the text "Internal UDDI Registry Server started" after the internal UDDI registry server starts successfully. The exception is caused by a transient state when UDDI registry server servlet is ready to accept requests but its backend database server Xindice is still not yet ready.

This exception indicates that your application server's security policy does not permit deletion of temporary files that created when test client uploading files from client to your web server, to enable, add the following permission to your appserver's security policy file:

J. Accessibility

This section provides information on the accessible features of Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition.


Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition documentation is provided in accessible formats that are readable by assistive technologies. This includes the Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition, programming guides, Getting Started Guides, and tutorials on the site.

Online Help Documentation

The IDE provides many accessibility features that enable you to read about and use the product in the manner that is most comfortable and convenient to you. These features include:

For information on the accessibility features of the IDE, open the the online help and click the Accessibility topic in the table of contents.

Modifying Cascading Style Sheets for Accessibility

The instructions in the online help for modifying the cascading style sheet require additional information.

Most help sets use the style sheet that is stored in modules/docs/usersguide.jar. If you change this style sheet, the display of most other help sets is also affected. The exception includes the Database Schema help set, which uses the style sheet stored in dbschema.jar.

To change the cascading style sheet for the online help:

1. In your IDE installation directory, navigate to modules/docs.

2. Use the jar command-line utility to unpack the JAR file.

On Microsoft Windows and UNIX systems, the command is:

jar xf jar-file

For jar-file, use one of the following:

The Jar tool makes copies of the files and writes them to the current directory. The directory structure is reproduced according to the package structure in the archive.

3. In the extracted hierarchy, navigate to the directory that contains the style sheet you want to edit:

4. Open the file ide.css in a text editor. Edit the file to your preferences and save the file.

6. Return to modules/doc in your installation directory and update the JAR file. On Microsoft Windows and UNIX systems, the command is:

jar ufv jar-file input-file

For jar-file use the name of the original JAR file, for example,
usersguide.jar. For input-file use, one of the following:

Solaris Operating Environment

The Solaris operating environment allows you to set window behavior using the Window Style Manager. When using mnemonics with the IDE, the window behavior should be set to "Click In Window To Make Active."
If this option is not set, in some cases, a mnemonic can appear to fail.

K. Other Documentation

This section provides a summary of the documentation that is available with the Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition product.


The following Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition books can be downloaded in PDF format at

Online Help

You can access online help for the IDE by choosing Help > Help Sets menu item from the main window. The Help menu also includes links to the Sun ONE Studio Developer's Resources homepage and other useful URLs.


You can find tutorials and examples together under Sun ONE Studio Developer's Resources: at

A subset of the examples and tutorials located under the Sun ONE Studio Developer's Resources are available within the IDE distribution.

Access to Bugs

You can access most Sun ONE Studio 5, Standard Edition bugs through Java Developer Connection's Bug Parade at

Choosing a Browser with the Setup Wizard

In the Setup wizard you will be able to choose the type of HTML browser you can use to both browse the documentation in addition to external websites such as the Sun ONE Studio Developer Web Resources site. If you have a browser such as Netscape or Internet Explorer installed, be sure to choose "External Browser" rather than "Swing HTML Browser". The Swing HTML Browser is intended only for browsing the documentation and does not work with with most web sites.

L. Update Center

You can dynamically update the IDE using the Update Center feature. When you connect to the Update Center, the IDE checks to see if there are new modules or new versions of already installed modules available. If new or updated modules are available, you can select which ones you would like. Then those modules are downloaded and installed in your IDE.

Note: Sun ONE Studio modules are available through the Sun ONE Studio Update Center folders.

The AutoUpdate Wizard enables you to install modules from the Update Center or to install modules (in the form of .nbm files) that have been previously downloaded to your system. For both methods, the modules are .nbm format.

If you choose to use the Sun ONE Studio Update Center, you will need to enter your Update Center login and password. If you do not have an Update Center login and password, you need to obtain one by clicking on the Account Maintenance button on the wizard and by following the instructions provided.

If you do not register, you can leave the Login and Password fields blank and you can still connect to the Update Center and see generally available free modules. However, to obtain access to upgraded third party or Enterprise Editions, you must register.

The Update Center uses this login and password to track user entitlements to various products and modules. The IDE sends the login and password over HTTP when you connect to the Update Center. When you register with the Developer Resources web site to get the login and password, we do ask for some personal information, however you can choose to not be contacted by Sun. For more information on Sun's privacy policy, see the Developer Resources Site FAQs at

If you need to set a proxy to get through a firewall, you can click Proxy Configuration on the first page of the wizard.

You also can update modules in the IDE without having to connect to an Update Center server.

To update the IDE offline:

  1. Manually download the NBM file of the module you want to update.
  2. Choose Tools > Update Center from the main window.
  3. In the first page of the wizard, select the Install Manually Downloaded Modules button.
  4. Proceed according to the instructions in the rest of the wizard.

By default, the IDE periodically asks you whether you want to connect to the Update Center to check for new updates. You can set the interval for this prompt or turn it off completely.

To set the frequency that you are prompted to check for updates:

  1. Choose Tools > Options from the main window.
  2. Select the Update Center node and set the Check Period property.

M. NetBeans Open Source Project

The Sun ONE Studio IDE is based upon the NetBeans Open Source Project, located at NetBeans is a community-based project that fosters the use of the NetBeans IDE platform in new, creative ways. All developers are invited to join the effort to extend the NetBeans IDE and improve the framework upon which it is based in order to create an extremely powerful set of tools by and for the development community.

N. Redistributables

The following binary files are supplied with this product and are redistributable:


O. Mobile Edition Modules

Sun ONE Studio, Mobile Edition Modules for Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition:

Introduction to the Mobile Edition Modules

This section of the Release Notes for the Sun™ Open Net Environment (Sun ONE) Studio 5, J2ME™ Wireless, RetroGuard Integration, JODE Integration, and J2ME™ Wireless Toolkit modules describe the significant features and the addition and deletion of bugs specific to the following modules:

Together, these modules form the Sun™ ONE Studio, Mobile Edition Modules for Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition, hereafter referred to as the "Mobile Edition modules."

Instructions for adding the separate modules to Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition are contained in the file, me_modules/README.html.

The Mobile Edition modules are specially customized to support and facilitate the development of CLDC/MIDP applications for the J2METM platform. They combine the technologies of the J2ME Wireless Toolkit with the Sun ONE Studio programming environment to provide the following:

For more information about the J2ME Wireless Toolkit, see the J2ME Wireless Toolkit Release Notes your installation. Note that some of the information might not apply. For example, tools such as the KToolbar have not been integrated into the Mobile Edition.

Sun ONE Studio 5, J2ME RetroGuard Integration Module adds:

The Sun ONE Studio 5, JODE Integration Module adds:

System Requirements for Mobile Edition Modules

If you have already installed the Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition, you will need an additional 45 Mbytes of space to install the four modules.

The following lists the platforms upon which the Mobile Edition modules have been tested. The platforms upon which the J2ME, Wireless Toolkit 1.0.4_01 has been tested are also listed.

NOTE: The platforms supported by the Mobile Edition modules might differ from those supported by the emulator you plan to use. You should verify that both the Mobile Edition modules and the emulator you plan to use are supported on your particular platform.

The Sun ONE Studio, Mobile Edition Modules for Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1, Standard Edition have been tested on the following platforms and we recommend you use these platforms:

This release has been tested on a limited basis on the following platforms:

The J2ME, Wireless Toolkit, version 1.0.4_01 has been tested on the following platforms and we recommend you use these platforms:

The J2ME, Wireless Toolkit, version 1.0.4_01 has been tested on a limited basis with the following, unsupported systems:

Mobile Edition Bugs and Issues

NOTE: Linked Bugs other than those available through SunSolve require a Java Developer Connection login to view.

NOTE: The Mobile Edition modules were designed to be used in single-user mode. Errors might occur if multiple users concurrently access the same executable file. For this reason, this edition is not recommended for use in a shared installation on any Windows platform.