C H A P T E R  7

Check Box

The Check Box component provides a mutually exclusive, two-state field value: true/false, yes/no, on/off, A/B, etc. The actual field types and values of the true and false states are completely customizable.

Property Name



False Value

The type and value of the field when the visual component is in a false (unselected) state.


Model Field Binding

The model field to which the visual component is bound (where it stores/retrieves its value). The Model Reference property must be configured before this property can be configured.

Dependent on Model Reference

Model Reference

A reference to the model to which the visual component's bound model field belongs. This property must be configured before the Model Field Binding property can be configured.



The name of the component instance.



The initial state (value) of the check box (true or false).


True Value

The type and value when the visual component is in a true (selected) state.



Controls whether the component will be displayed or not. Can also be set programmatically using the component's setVisible(boolean) method.