C H A P T E R  26

Simple Custom Model

The Simple Custom Model provides a foundation for a new model which requires advanced dataset management and pagination support. The simple custom model is a solution for the developer who would have previously coded a new model which specialized com.iplanet.jato.model.DefaultModel. Unlike other types of custom model, this type provides field value storage and other behavior, allowing the developer to merely customize existing capabilities rather then define them.

Property Name



Coerce Value Types

When true, the model implementation will try to convert values set on the model fields to the type specified for that field. For instance if the type of the field is Boolean, then a string value from an HTML form which is mapped to the model through a display field will be coerced to a Boolean. This feature uses the com.iplanet.jato.util.TypeConverter class for all type conversions, which allows developers to register new type conversion algorithms.


Default Operation Name

The operation which may be invoked when an operation name is not specified in the ModelExecutionContext parameter of the execute() method. Please note that the execute() method implementation of the new model must be provided by the developer. If the developer chooses to disable or omit execute() behavior for their new model then this property will have no purpose. In short, use of this property is at the discretion of the component author.



The class name of the component.



Property Name



Field Class

Class type of the field (String, Integer, Boolean, etc.) which may be leveraged by the developer coding the model implementation.



The logical name of the model field.



Property Name




The model operation name.
