C H A P T E R  33

Web Service Model

The Web Service Model (WS model) allows developers to easily execute Web service operations and retrieve/populate the parameters of those operations via display field bindings. The Web service model is a specialized object adapter model which specifically handles JAX-RPC client stubs. The result is a model which adapts to arbitrary RPC-style Web services.

The Web service model is fully configured by the wizard when it is created: all required properties are set and model operations are declared for the methods on the Web services port. Usually the only remaining configuration task is to set the default dataset name, if needed.

Note that when the model is created, JAX-RPC client stubs are generated in the application's WEB-INF/classes/stubs directory, and JAX-RPC support libraries are added to the application's WEB-INF/lib directory automatically.

Property Name



Default Dataset Name

Because there may be more than one dataset (collection) in the adapted object, this property declares which of these datasets will be considered the default. During field binding, any path expression which cross a contained dataset requires a current dataset name to be set for the model. This property allows the developer to specify a dataset name (path expression denoting a contained dataset) which the model will use in the case of a null current dataset name.


JAX RPC Stub Factory

Whereas the object adapter model allows the specification of an arbitrary object factory bean, this model requires an object factory of type com.iplanet.jato.model.object.JaxRpcStubFactory. In this case, the object factory helps the Web service model find the request-scoped JAX-RPC stub. This property is set by the Web service model wizard automatically and generally should not be edited.



The class name of the component.



Property Name



Key Path

An expression describing how to traverse properties, members, and methods on the adapted object graph to arrive at the field's value. This expression will be used at runtime to resolve a logical field name to a physical field value in the object graph. Please refer to the JavaDocs for detailed explanation of the key path expression syntax.



The logical name of the model field.



Property Name




The model operation name.


Operation Name

The name of the public method on the adapted object class.


Operation Parameter

Describes zero or more parameters for the method of this operation.