Sun Cluster System Administration Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Check the Status of Cluster Components

You can also accomplish this procedure by using the Sun Cluster Manager GUI. See the Sun Cluster Manager online help for more information.

This procedure provides the long forms of the Sun Cluster commands. Most commands also have short forms. Except for the long and short forms of the command names, the commands are identical. For a list of the commands and their short forms, see Appendix A, Sun Cluster Object-Oriented Commands.

Before You Begin

Users other than superuser require RBAC authorization to use the status subcommand.

  1. Check the status of cluster components.

    % cluster status

Example 1–4 Checking the Status of Cluster Components

The following example provides a sample of status information for cluster components returned by cluster cluster(1CL) status.

% cluster status
=== Cluster Nodes ===

--- Node Status ---

Node Name                                       Status
---------                                       ------
phys-schost-1                                   Online
phys-schost-2                                   Online

=== Cluster Transport Paths ===

Endpoint1               Endpoint2               Status
---------               ---------               ------
phys-schost-1:qfe1      phys-schost-4:qfe1      Path online
phys-schost-1:hme1      phys-schost-4:hme1      Path online

=== Cluster Quorum ===

--- Quorum Votes Summary ---

            Needed   Present   Possible
            ------   -------   --------
            3        3         4

--- Quorum Votes by Node ---

Node Name       Present       Possible       Status
---------       -------       --------       ------
phys-schost-1   1             1              Online
phys-schost-2   1             1              Online

--- Quorum Votes by Device ---

Device Name           Present      Possible          Status
-----------               -------      --------      ------
/dev/did/rdsk/d2s2      1            1                Online
/dev/did/rdsk/d8s2      0            1                Offline

=== Cluster Device Groups ===

--- Device Group Status ---

Device Group Name     Primary          Secondary    Status
-----------------     -------          ---------    ------
schost-2              phys-schost-2     -           Degraded

--- Spare, Inactive, and In Transition Nodes ---

Device Group Name   Spare Nodes   Inactive Nodes   In Transistion Nodes
-----------------   -----------   --------------   --------------------
schost-2            -             -                -

=== Cluster Resource Groups ===

Group Name        Node Name      Suspended      Status
----------        ---------      ---------      ------
test-rg           phys-schost-1       No             Offline
                  phys-schost-2       No             Online

test-rg           phys-schost-1       No             Offline
                  phys-schost-2       No             Error--stop failed

test-rg           phys-schost-1       No             Online
                  phys-schost-2       No             Online

=== Cluster Resources ===

Resource Name     Node Name     Status               Message
-------------     ---------     ------               -------
test_1            phys-schost-1      Offline         Offline
                  phys-schost-2      Online          Online

test_1            phys-schost-1      Offline         Offline
                  phys-schost-2      Stop failed     Faulted

test_1            phys-schost-1      Online          Online
                  phys-schost-2      Online          Online

Device Instance             Node                     Status
---------------             ----                     ------
/dev/did/rdsk/d2            phys-schost-1            Ok

/dev/did/rdsk/d3            phys-schost-1            Ok
                            phys-schost-2            Ok

/dev/did/rdsk/d4            phys-schost-1            Ok
                            phys-schost-2            Ok

/dev/did/rdsk/d6            phys-schost-2            Ok