Sun Cluster System Administration Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Change the Cluster Name

If necessary, you can change the cluster name after initial installation.

This procedure provides the long forms of the Sun Cluster commands. Most commands also have short forms. Except for the long and short forms of the command names, the commands are identical. For a list of the commands and their short forms, see Appendix A, Sun Cluster Object-Oriented Commands.

  1. Become superuser on any node in the cluster.

  2. Start the clsetup utility.

    # clsetup

    The Main Menu is displayed.

  3. To change the cluster name, type the number that corresponds to the option for Other Cluster Properties.

    The Other Cluster Properties menu is displayed.

  4. Make your selection from the menu and follow the onscreen instructions.

Example 8–1 Changing the Cluster Name

The following example shows the cluster(1CL) command generated from the clsetup(1CL) utility to change to the new cluster name, dromedary.

# cluster -c dromedary