Sun Cluster System Administration Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to View the Cluster Configuration

You can also accomplish this procedure by using the Sun Cluster Manager GUI. See the Sun Cluster Manager online help for more information.

This procedure provides the long forms of the Sun Cluster commands. Most commands also have short forms. Except for the long and short forms of the command names, the commands are identical. For a list of the commands and their short forms, see Appendix A, Sun Cluster Object-Oriented Commands.

Before You Begin

Users other than superuser require RBAC authorization to use the status subcommand.

  1. View the cluster configuration.

    % cluster show

    To display more information by using the cluster command, use the verbose options. See the cluster(1CL) man page for details.

Example 1–6 Viewing the Cluster Configuration

The following example lists the cluster configuration.

% cluster show

=== Cluster ===                                

Cluster Name:                                   cluster-1
  installmode:                                     disabled
  heartbeat_timeout:                               10000
  heartbeat_quantum:                               1000
  max_nodes:                                       64
  max_privatenets:                                 10
  global_fencing:                                  Unknown
  Node List:                                       phys-schost-1
  Node Zones:                                      phys_schost-2:za

  === Host Access Control ===                  

  Cluster name:                                 clustser-1
    Allowed hosts:                                 phys-schost-1, phys-schost-2:za
    Authentication Protocol:                       sys

  === Cluster Nodes ===                        

  Node Name:                                    phys-schost-1
    Node ID:                                       1
    Type:                                          cluster
    Enabled:                                       yes
    privatehostname:                               clusternode1-priv
    reboot_on_path_failure:                        disabled
    globalzoneshares:                              3
    defaultpsetmin:                                1
    quorum_vote:                                   1
    quorum_defaultvote:                            1
    quorum_resv_key:                               0x43CB1E1800000001
    Transport Adapter List:                        qfe3, hme0

    --- Transport Adapters for phys-schost-1 ---    

    Transport Adapter:                          qfe3
      Adapter State:                               Enabled
      Adapter Transport Type:                      dlpi
      Adapter Property(device_name):               qfe
      Adapter Property(device_instance):           3
      Adapter Property(lazy_free):                 1
      Adapter Property(dlpi_heartbeat_timeout):    10000
      Adapter Property(dlpi_heartbeat_quantum):    1000
      Adapter Property(nw_bandwidth):              80
      Adapter Property(bandwidth):                 10
      Adapter Property(ip_address):      
      Adapter Property(netmask):         
      Adapter Port Names:                          0
      Adapter Port State(0):                       Enabled

    Transport Adapter:                          hme0
      Adapter State:                               Enabled
      Adapter Transport Type:                      dlpi
      Adapter Property(device_name):               hme
      Adapter Property(device_instance):           0
      Adapter Property(lazy_free):                 0
      Adapter Property(dlpi_heartbeat_timeout):    10000
      Adapter Property(dlpi_heartbeat_quantum):    1000
      Adapter Property(nw_bandwidth):              80
      Adapter Property(bandwidth):                 10
      Adapter Property(ip_address):      
      Adapter Property(netmask):         
      Adapter Port Names:                          0
      Adapter Port State(0):                       Enabled

    --- SNMP MIB Configuration on phys-schost-1 --- 

    SNMP MIB Name:                              Event
      State:                                       Disabled
      Protocol:                                    SNMPv2

    --- SNMP Host Configuration on phys-schost-1 ---

    --- SNMP User Configuration on phys-schost-1 ---

    SNMP User Name:                             foo
      Authentication Protocol:                     MD5
      Default User:                                No

  Node Name:                                    phys-schost-2:za
    Node ID:                                       2
    Type:                                          cluster
    Enabled:                                       yes
    privatehostname:                               clusternode2-priv
    reboot_on_path_failure:                        disabled
    globalzoneshares:                              1
    defaultpsetmin:                                2
    quorum_vote:                                   1
    quorum_defaultvote:                            1
    quorum_resv_key:                               0x43CB1E1800000002
    Transport Adapter List:                        hme0, qfe3

    --- Transport Adapters for phys-schost-2 ---    

    Transport Adapter:                          hme0
      Adapter State:                               Enabled
      Adapter Transport Type:                      dlpi
      Adapter Property(device_name):               hme
      Adapter Property(device_instance):           0
      Adapter Property(lazy_free):                 0
      Adapter Property(dlpi_heartbeat_timeout):    10000
      Adapter Property(dlpi_heartbeat_quantum):    1000
      Adapter Property(nw_bandwidth):              80
      Adapter Property(bandwidth):                 10
      Adapter Property(ip_address):      
      Adapter Property(netmask):         
      Adapter Port Names:                          0
      Adapter Port State(0):                       Enabled

    Transport Adapter:                          qfe3
      Adapter State:                               Enabled
      Adapter Transport Type:                      dlpi
      Adapter Property(device_name):               qfe
      Adapter Property(device_instance):           3
      Adapter Property(lazy_free):                 1
      Adapter Property(dlpi_heartbeat_timeout):    10000
      Adapter Property(dlpi_heartbeat_quantum):    1000
      Adapter Property(nw_bandwidth):              80
      Adapter Property(bandwidth):                 10
      Adapter Property(ip_address):      
      Adapter Property(netmask):         
      Adapter Port Names:                          0
      Adapter Port State(0):                       Enabled

    --- SNMP MIB Configuration on phys-schost-2 --- 

    SNMP MIB Name:                              Event
      State:                                       Disabled
      Protocol:                                    SNMPv2

    --- SNMP Host Configuration on phys-schost-2 ---

    --- SNMP User Configuration on phys-schost-2 ---

  === Transport Cables ===                     

  Transport Cable:                              phys-schost-1:qfe3,switch2@1
    Cable Endpoint1:                               phys-schost-1:qfe3
    Cable Endpoint2:                               switch2@1
    Cable State:                                   Enabled

  Transport Cable:                              phys-schost-1:hme0,switch1@1
    Cable Endpoint1:                               phys-schost-1:hme0
    Cable Endpoint2:                               switch1@1
    Cable State:                                   Enabled

  Transport Cable:                              phys-schost-2:hme0,switch1@2
    Cable Endpoint1:                               phys-schost-2:hme0
    Cable Endpoint2:                               switch1@2
    Cable State:                                   Enabled

  Transport Cable:                              phys-schost-2:qfe3,switch2@2
    Cable Endpoint1:                               phys-schost-2:qfe3
    Cable Endpoint2:                               switch2@2
    Cable State:                                   Enabled

  === Transport Switches ===                   

  Transport Switch:                             switch2
    Switch State:                                  Enabled
    Switch Type:                                   switch
    Switch Port Names:                             1 2
    Switch Port State(1):                          Enabled
    Switch Port State(2):                          Enabled

  Transport Switch:                             switch1
    Switch State:                                  Enabled
    Switch Type:                                   switch
    Switch Port Names:                             1 2
    Switch Port State(1):                          Enabled
    Switch Port State(2):                          Enabled

  === Quorum Devices ===                       

  Quorum Device Name:                           d3
    Enabled:                                       yes
    Votes:                                         1
    Global Name:                                   /dev/did/rdsk/d3s2
    Type:                                          scsi
    Access Mode:                                   scsi2
    Hosts (enabled):                               phys-schost-1, phys-schost-2

  Quorum Device Name:                           qs1
    Enabled:                                       yes
    Votes:                                         1
    Global Name:                                   qs1
    Type:                                          quorum_server
    Hosts (enabled):                               phys-schost-1, phys-schost-2
    Quorum Server Host:                  
    Port:                                          9000

  === Device Groups ===                        

  Device Group Name:                            testdg3
    Type:                                          SVM
    failback:                                      no
    Node List:                                     phys-schost-1, phys-schost-2
    preferenced:                                   yes
    numsecondaries:                                1
    diskset name:                                  testdg3

  === Registered Resource Types ===            

  Resource Type:                                SUNW.LogicalHostname:2
    RT_description:                                Logical Hostname Resource Type
    RT_version:                                    2
    API_version:                                   2
    RT_basedir:                                    /usr/cluster/lib/rgm/rt/hafoip
    Single_instance:                               False
    Proxy:                                         False
    Init_nodes:                                    All potential masters
    Installed_nodes:                               <All>
    Failover:                                      True
    Pkglist:                                       SUNWscu
    RT_system:                                     True

  Resource Type:                                SUNW.SharedAddress:2
    RT_description:                                HA Shared Address Resource Type
    RT_version:                                    2
    API_version:                                   2
    RT_basedir:                                    /usr/cluster/lib/rgm/rt/hascip
    Single_instance:                               False
    Proxy:                                         False
    Init_nodes:                                    <Unknown>
    Installed_nodes:                              <All>
    Failover:                                      True
    Pkglist:                                       SUNWscu
    RT_system:                                     True

  Resource Type:                                SUNW.HAStoragePlus:4
    RT_description:                                HA Storage Plus
    RT_version:                                    4
    API_version:                                   2
    RT_basedir:                                    /usr/cluster/lib/rgm/rt/hastorageplus
    Single_instance:                               False
    Proxy:                                         False
    Init_nodes:                                    All potential masters
    Installed_nodes:                               <All>
    Failover:                                      False
    Pkglist:                                       SUNWscu
    RT_system:                                     False

  Resource Type:                                SUNW.haderby
    RT_description:                                haderby server for Sun Cluster
    RT_version:                                    1
    API_version:                                   7
    RT_basedir:                                    /usr/cluster/lib/rgm/rt/haderby
    Single_instance:                               False
    Proxy:                                         False
    Init_nodes:                                    All potential masters
    Installed_nodes:                               <All>
    Failover:                                      False
    Pkglist:                                       SUNWscderby
    RT_system:                                     False

  Resource Type:                                SUNW.sctelemetry
    RT_description:                                sctelemetry service for Sun Cluster
    RT_version:                                    1
    API_version:                                   7
    RT_basedir:                                    /usr/cluster/lib/rgm/rt/sctelemetry
    Single_instance:                               True
    Proxy:                                         False
    Init_nodes:                                    All potential masters
    Installed_nodes:                               <All>
    Failover:                                      False
    Pkglist:                                       SUNWsctelemetry
    RT_system:                                     False

  === Resource Groups and Resources ===        

  Resource Group:                               HA_RG
    RG_description:                                <Null>
    RG_mode:                                       Failover
    RG_state:                                      Managed
    Failback:                                      False
    Nodelist:                                      phys-schost-1 phys-schost-2

    --- Resources for Group HA_RG ---          

    Resource:                                   HA_R
      Type:                                        SUNW.HAStoragePlus:4
      Type_version:                                4
      Group:                                       HA_RG
      Resource_project_name:                       SCSLM_HA_RG
      Enabled{phys-schost-1}:                      True
      Enabled{phys-schost-2}:                      True
      Monitored{phys-schost-1}:                    True
      Monitored{phys-schost-2}:                    True

  Resource Group:                               cl-db-rg
    RG_description:                                <Null>
    RG_mode:                                       Failover
    RG_state:                                      Managed
    Failback:                                      False
    Nodelist:                                      phys-schost-1 phys-schost-2

    --- Resources for Group cl-db-rg ---       

    Resource:                                   cl-db-rs
      Type:                                        SUNW.haderby
      Type_version:                                1
      Group:                                       cl-db-rg
      Resource_project_name:                       default
      Enabled{phys-schost-1}:                      True
      Enabled{phys-schost-2}:                      True
      Monitored{phys-schost-1}:                    True
      Monitored{phys-schost-2}:                    True

  Resource Group:                               cl-tlmtry-rg
    RG_description:                                <Null>
    RG_mode:                                       Scalable
    RG_state:                                      Managed
    Failback:                                      False
    Nodelist:                                      phys-schost-1 phys-schost-2

    --- Resources for Group cl-tlmtry-rg ---   

    Resource:                                   cl-tlmtry-rs
      Type:                                        SUNW.sctelemetry
      Type_version:                                1
      Group:                                       cl-tlmtry-rg
      Resource_project_name:                       default
      Enabled{phys-schost-1}:                      True
      Enabled{phys-schost-2}:                      True
      Monitored{phys-schost-1}:                    True
      Monitored{phys-schost-2}:                    True

  === DID Device Instances ===                 

  DID Device Name:                              /dev/did/rdsk/d1
    Full Device Path:                              phys-schost-1:/dev/rdsk/c0t2d0
    Replication:                                   none
    default_fencing:                               global

  DID Device Name:                              /dev/did/rdsk/d2
    Full Device Path:                              phys-schost-1:/dev/rdsk/c1t0d0
    Replication:                                   none
    default_fencing:                               global

  DID Device Name:                              /dev/did/rdsk/d3
    Full Device Path:                              phys-schost-2:/dev/rdsk/c2t1d0
    Full Device Path:                              phys-schost-1:/dev/rdsk/c2t1d0
    Replication:                                   none
    default_fencing:                               global

  DID Device Name:                              /dev/did/rdsk/d4
    Full Device Path:                              phys-schost-2:/dev/rdsk/c2t2d0
    Full Device Path:                              phys-schost-1:/dev/rdsk/c2t2d0
    Replication:                                   none
    default_fencing:                               global

  DID Device Name:                              /dev/did/rdsk/d5
    Full Device Path:                              phys-schost-2:/dev/rdsk/c0t2d0
    Replication:                                   none
    default_fencing:                               global

  DID Device Name:                              /dev/did/rdsk/d6
    Full Device Path:                              phys-schost-2:/dev/rdsk/c1t0d0
    Replication:                                   none
    default_fencing:                               global

  === NAS Devices ===                          

  Nas Device:                                   nas_filer1
    Type:                                          netapp
    User ID:                                       root

  Nas Device:                                   nas2
    Type:                                          netapp
    User ID:                                       llai