Sun Cluster System Administration Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Create a Role by Using the Administrative Roles Tool

Before You Begin

To create a role, you must either assume a role that has the Primary Administrator rights profile assigned to it or run as root user.

  1. Start the Administrative Roles tool.

    To run the Administrative Roles tool, start the Solaris Management Console, as described in How to Assume a Role in the Solaris Management Console in System Administration Guide: Security Services. Then, open the User Tool Collection, and click the Administrative Roles icon.

  2. Start the Add Administrative Role wizard.

    Select Add Administrative Role from the Action menu to start the Add Administrative Role wizard for configuring roles.

  3. Set up a role to which the Cluster Management rights profile is assigned.

    Use the Next and Back buttons to navigate between dialog boxes. Note that the Next button does not become active until you have filled in all required fields. The last dialog box enables you to review the entered data, at which point you can use the Back button to change entries or click Finish to save the new role. The following list summarizes the dialog box fields and buttons.

    Role Name

    Short name of the role.

    Full Name

    Long version of the name.


    Description of the role.

    Role ID Number

    UID for the role, automatically incremented.

    Role Shell

    The profile shells that are available to roles: Administrator's C, Administrator's Bourne, or Administrator's Korn shell.

    Create a role mailing list

    Makes a mailing list for users who are assigned to this role.

    Available Rights / Granted Rights

    Assigns or removes a role's rights profiles.

    Note that the system does not prevent you from typing multiple occurrences of the same command. The attributes that are assigned to the first occurrence of a command in a rights profile have precedence and all subsequent occurrences are ignored. Use the Up and Down arrows to change the order.


    Server for the home directory.


    Home directory path.


    Adds users who can assume this role. Must be in the same scope.


    Deletes users who are assigned to this role.

    Note –

    You need to place this profile first in the list of profiles that are assigned to the role.

  4. Add users who need to use the Sun Cluster Manager features or Sun Cluster commands to the newly created role.

    You use the useradd(1M) command to add a user account to the system. The -P option assigns a role to a user's account.

  5. Click Finish when you have added the users.

  6. Open a terminal window and become root.

  7. Start and stop the name service cache daemon.

    The new role does not take effect until the name service cache daemon is restarted. After becoming root, type the following text:

    # /etc/init.d/nscd stop
    # /etc/init.d/nscd start