Sun Cluster Data Service for Apache Guide for Solaris OS

Operations for a Monitored URI List

If you have configured URIs in the Monitor_Uri_List extension property, then the probe connects to the Sun Cluster HA for Apache server and performs an HTTP 1.1 GET check by sending a HTTP request and receiving a response to each of the URIs in Monitor_Uri_List. If the HTTP server return code is 500 (Internal Server Error) or if the connect fails, the probe will take action.

Note –

The Monitor_Uri_List extension property supports HTTP requests only. It does not support HTTPS requests.

The result of the HTTP requests is either failure or success. If all of the requests successfully receive a reply from the Sun Cluster HA for Apache server, the probe returns and continues the next cycle of probing and sleeping.

Heavy network traffic, heavy system load, and misconfiguration can cause the HTTP GET probe to fail. Misconfiguration of the Monitor_Uri_List property can cause a failure if a URI in the Monitor_Uri_List includes an incorrect port or hostname. For example, if the web server instance is listening on logical host schost-1 and the URI was specified as http://schost-2/servlet/monitor, the probe will try to contact schost-2 to request /servlet/monitor.