Sun Cluster Data Service for DNS Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Install DNS

This section describes how to install the DNS.

  1. On a cluster member, become superuser or assume a role that provides solaris.cluster.admin RBAC authorization.

  2. Decide on the network resource that will provide the DNS service.

    This name should be an IP address (logical hostname) that you set up when you install the Sun Cluster software. See the Sun Cluster Concepts Guide for Solaris OS document for details about network resources.

  3. Ensure that the DNS executable (in.named) is in the directory /usr/sbin.

    The DNS executable is bundled with the Solaris 8, Solaris 9, and Solaris 10 operating systems. Ensure that this executable is located in the /usr/sbin directory before you begin the installation.

  4. Create directory structure /global/dns/named on the cluster file system to hold the DNS configuration files (at level /global/dns) and database files (at level /global/dns/named).

    See the Sun Cluster Software Installation Guide for Solaris OS for information on how to set up cluster file systems.

    # mkdir -p /global/dns/named
  5. Place the configuration file for DNS, named.conf or named.boot, under the /global/dns directory.

    If you have already installed DNS, you can copy the existing named.conf or named.boot file to the /global/dns directory. Otherwise, create a named.conf file in this directory. See the in.named(1M) man page for information on the types of entries to place in named.conf or named.boot. Either the named.conf file or the named.boot file must exist. Both files can exist.

  6. Place all of the DNS database files (listed in the named.conf file) under the /global/dns/named directory.

  7. On all of the clients of Sun Cluster HA for DNS, create an entry for the network resource of the DNS service in the /etc/resolv.conf file.

    On all of the nodes or zones, edit the /etc/resolv.conf file to contain the network resource. The following example shows the entries for a four-node configuration (phys-schost-1, phys-schost-2, phys-schost-3, and phys-schost-4) with the logical hostname

    (Only entry to be added if the file is already present.)
    ; phys-schost-2.eng
    ; phys-schost-3.eng
    ; phys-schost-4.eng
    ; phys-schost-1.eng

    Make the network resource the first entry after the domain name. DNS attempts to use the addresses in the order that they are listed in the resolv.conf file to access the server.

    Note –

    If the /etc/resolv.conf is already present on the nodes or zones, just add the first entry that shows the logical hostname in the preceding example. The order of the entries determines the order in which DNS tries to access the server.

  8. On all of the cluster nodes or zones, edit the /etc/inet/hosts file to create an entry for the network resource of the DNS service.

    In the following example, perform these steps.

    • Replace the IPaddress variable with your actual IP address, such as

    • Replace the logical-hostname variable with your actual network resource (logical hostname).						localhost
    IPaddress						logical-hostname
  9. On all of the cluster nodes or zones, edit the /etc/nsswitch.conf file to add the string dns after cluster and files to the hosts entry.


    hosts:		 	cluster files dns
  10. On all of the cluster nodes or zones, test DNS.

    The following example shows how to test DNS.

    # /usr/sbin/in.named -c /global/dns/named.conf
    # nslookup phys-schost-1
  11. On all of the cluster nodes or zones, stop DNS.

    Be sure to stop the in.named executable before you proceed.

    # pkill -x in.named
Next Steps

If you installed the Sun Cluster HA for DNS packages during your Sun Cluster installation, go to Registering and Configuring Sun Cluster HA for DNS. Otherwise, go to Installing the Sun Cluster HA for DNS Packages.