Sun Cluster Data Service for Oracle Guide for Solaris OS

Upgrading the SUNW.oracle_listener Resource Type

The information that you require to complete the upgrade of the SUNW.oracle_listener resource type is provided in the subsections that follow.

Information for Registering the New Resource Type Version

The relationship between the version of the SUNW.oracle_listener resource type and the release of Sun Cluster data services is shown in the following table. The release of Sun Cluster data services indicates the release in which the version of the resource type was introduced. The table also summarizes the changes that were introduced in each new version.

SUNW.oracle_listener Resource Type Version

Sun Cluster Data Services Release 

Summary of Changes 


Not applicable 


3.1 5/03 

Directives to enable upgrades of this resource type introduced 

3.1 4/04 

Probe_timeout extension property introduced

3.1 8/05 

Default value of the Probe_timeout extension property increased to 180 seconds

To determine the version of the resource type that is registered, use one command from the following list:

The resource type registration (RTR) file for this resource type is /opt/SUNWscor/oracle_listener/etc/SUNW.oracle_listener.

Information for Migrating Existing Instances of the Resource Type

The information that you require to edit each instance of the SUNW.oracle_listener resource type is as follows:

Note –

If you are using version 4 of the SUNW.oracle_listener resource type, upgrade to version 4 only if you require the new default values. If the default values in version 4 are satisfactory, you do not need to upgrade.

The following example shows a command for editing an instance of the SUNW.oracle_listener resource type.

Example 7 Editing an Instance of the SUNW.oracle_listener Resource Type

# clresource set  -p Type_version=4 \
  -p probe_timeout=60 oracle-lrs

This command edits a SUNW.oracle_listener resource as follows: