Sun Cluster Data Service for Sun Java System Application Server EE (HADB) Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Register and Configure Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java System Application Server EE (HADB)

Perform the following steps to complete your configuration.

  1. On a cluster member, become superuser or assume a role that provides solaris.cluster.admin RBAC authorization.

  2. Register the resource type for Sun Java System Application Server EE (HADB).

    # clresourcetype register SUNW.hadb_ma
  3. Create the resource group for the Sun Java System Application Server EE (HADB) software.

    This resource group is configured to be mastered by multiple nodes at the same time.

    # clresourcegroup create -n nodelist \
    -p Maximum_primaries=nodes_in_rg \
    -p Desired_primaries=nodes_in_rg resource_group
    -n nodelist

    Specifies a comma-separated subset of cluster nodes to run the Sun Java System Application Server EE (HADB) software. If this option is omitted, all cluster nodes run Sun Java System Application Server EE (HADB). Use the command to find the node list names.

    -p Maximum_primaries=nodes_in_rg

    Specifies the maximum number of nodes on which the resource can start. You must specify the same number as the value of the Desired_primaries property.

    -p Desired_primaries=nodes_in_rg

    Specifies the desired number of nodes on which the resource can start. You must specify the same number as the value of the Maximum_primaries property.


    Specifies the name of the resource group that is to be created.

  4. Create a resource for Sun Java System Application Server EE (HADB).

    See Appendix A, Properties for Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java System Application Server EE (Supporting HADB Versions as of 4.4) for a detailed description of the extension properties for this resource type.

    # clresource create -g resource_group  -t SUNW.hadb_ma \
    -p HADBM_PASSWORDFILE=path_to_pw_file resource
    -g resource_group

    Specifies the name of the resource group to which the resource is to be added.

    -t SUNW.hadb_ma

    Specifies the predefined resource type name.

    -p HADBM_PASSWORDFILE=path_to_pw_file

    Specifies the full path to the file containing the HADBM administrative password.

    For details about the contents of the password file, see the Sun Java System Application Server documentation.


    Specifies the name of the resource that you are creating.

    The resource is created in the enabled state.

  5. Bring the resource group online.

    # clresourcegroup online resource_group
  6. Verify that the resource group and HADB resource are online.

    # cluster status
    # ps -ef
  7. To verify that you have correctly installed and configured Sun Cluster HA for HADB, run the following command.

    # hadbm status database_name --nodes

    The output should indicate that the database that you specified is running.

Example 1–1 Creating a SUNW.hadb_ma Resource

This example shows the creation of a SUNW.hadb_ma resource.

In this example the default values for the extension properties are used. The resource has the following characteristics:

clresource create -g hadb-rg -t SUNW.hadb_ma \
-p HADBM_PASSWORDFILE=/global/disk1/hadbm-pwfile hadb-rs