Sun Cluster Data Service for Sun Java System Application Server Guide for Solaris OS

Overview of the Installation and Configuration Process for Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java System Application Server

The following table summarizes the tasks for the installation and configuration of Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java System Application Server. Perform these tasks in the order that they are listed.

Table 1–1 Task Map: Installing and Configuring the Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java System Application Server


For Instructions 

Plan the Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java System Application Server installation and configuration 

Planning the Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java System Application Server Installation and Configuration

Install and configure the Sun Java System Application Server 

Installing and Configuring Sun Java System Application Server

Verify the installation and configuration of the Sun Java System Application Server 

Verifying the Sun Java System Application Server Supported Versions as of 8.1 Installation and Configuration

Configure the Sun Java System Web Server plugin 

Configuring the Sun Java System Web Server Plugin

(Optional) Use the Sun Java System Application Server with HADB 

Using the Sun Java System Application Server With HADB

Install the Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java System Application Server package 

How to Install the Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java System Application Server Packages

Register and Configure the Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java System Application Server 

Registering and Configuring Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java System Application Server Supported Versions as of 8.1

(Optional) Configure the SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource type.

Configuring the SUNW.HAStoragePlus Resource Type

(Optional) Tune the Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java System Application Server fault monitor 

Tuning the Fault Monitor for Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java System Application Server

Verify the Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java System Application Server installation and configuration 

Verifying the Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java System Application Server Installation and Configuration

Note –

If you run multiple data services in your Sun Cluster configuration, you can set up the data services in any order, with the following exception. If the Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java System Application Server depends on Sun Cluster HA for DNS, you must set up DNS first. For details, see Sun Cluster Data Service for DNS Guide for Solaris OS for details. DNS software is included in the Solaris operating environment. If the cluster will obtain the DNS service from another server, configure the cluster to be a DNS client first.