Sun Cluster Data Service for Sybase ASE Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Create the Sybase ASE Database Environment

The Sybase ASE database environment consists of the following servers:

Creating the Sybase ASE database environment involves configuring these servers.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have completed the following tasks.

  1. Run the GUI-based utility srvbuild to create the Sybase ASE database.

    This utility is contained in the $SYBASE/ASE_major-version/bin directory, where major-version is the major version of Sybase ASE that you are using. For example, if you are using Sybase ASE version 12.5.1, major-version is 12-5.

    For information about the srvbuildutility, see the Sybase ASE document Installing Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise on Sun Solaris 2.x (SPARC).

  2. To verify successful database installation, ensure that all of the servers start correctly.

    Run the ps(1) command to verify the operation of all of the servers. Sybase ASE server logs indicate any errors that have occurred.

  3. Set the password for the Sybase ASE system administrator account.

    For details about changing the sa login password, see Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise System Administration Guide.

  4. Create a new Sybase ASE account for fault monitoring.

    This account enables the fault monitor to perform the following tasks.

    • Supporting queries to system tables

    • Creating and updating user tables

    Note –

    Do not use the sa account for these purposes.

    The following example shows how to create a new Sybase ASE account for fault monitoring.

    # isql -Usa -Psybase -Sasedb
    1> use master
    2> go
    1> create database sc3xdb
    1> sp_addlogin dbmon, dbmonp, sc3xdb
    2> go
    1> use sc3xdb
    2> go
    1> sp_changedbowner dbmon
    2> go
    1> sp_modifylogin dbmon, defdb, sc3xdb
    2> go
    1> exit

    For more information, see Tuning the Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE Fault Monitor.

  5. Update the stop file with the sa password.

    Because the stop file contains the sa password, protect the file with the appropriate permissions, and place the file in a directory that the system administrator chooses. Enable only the sybase user to read, write, and execute the stop file.

    For more information about the stop file, see Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE Security Issues.

Next Steps

After you create the Sybase ASE database environment, go to Installing the Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE Packages.