Sun Cluster 3.1 - 3.2 With SCSI JBOD Storage Device Manual for Solaris OS

Sun StorEdge 3120 Cabling Diagrams

Installing a Sun StorEdge 3120 Storage Array

For the procedure about how to install and cable the storage arrays, see the Sun StorEdge 3120 SCSI Array Quick Installation Guide. For a URL to this storage documentation, see Related Documentation.

Note –

In the configuration that is outlined in Figure 3–1, you must mirror the Sun StorEdge 3120 storage array against another storage array. This storage array need not be a Sun StorEdge 3120 storage array.

Figure 3–1 Cabling a Single-Bus, Multi-Initiator Sun StorEdge 3120 Storage Array

Illustration: Node A connects to port B OUT. Node B connects
to port A IN.

Figure 3–2 Cabling a Dual-Bus, Multi-Initiator Sun StorEdge 3120 Storage Array

Illustration: Nodes with redundant connections to storage.
Left to right, Node A connects to Port 1 and 3. Node B connects to Port 2
and 4.