Sun Cluster Reference Manual for Solaris OS
  • R
    • rac_cvm(5)– resource type implementation that represents the VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) component of Sun Cluster Support for Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)
    • rac_framework(5)– resource type implementation for the framework that enables Sun Cluster Support for Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)
    • rac_svm(5)– resource type implementation that represents the Solaris Volume Manager component of Sun Cluster Support for Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)
    • rac_udlm(5)– resource type implementation for the configuration of the UNIX Distributed Lock Manager (Oracle UDLM) component of Sun Cluster Support for Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)
    • rg_properties(5)– resource group properties
    • r_properties(5)– resource properties
    • rt_properties(5)– resource-type properties