Sun Cluster Data Service for MySQL Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Remove a Sun Cluster HA for MySQL Resource From a Failover Zone

  1. Become superuser or assume a role that provides solaris.cluster.modify and solaris.cluster.admin RBAC authorizations.

  2. Disable and remove the resource that is used by the Sun Cluster HA for MySQL data service.

    # clresource disable resource
    # clresource delete resource
  3. Log in as superuser to the failover zone's console.

  4. Unregister Sun Cluster HA for MySQL from the Solaris Service Managemet Facility (SMF) service.

    # /opt/SUNWscmys/util/ha_mysql_smf_remove -f filename

    Specifies the configuration file name.


    The name of the configuration file that you used to register Sun Cluster HA for MySQL with the SMF service.

    Note –

    If you no longer have the configuration file that you used to register Sun Cluster HA for MySQL with the SMF service, create a replacement configuration file:

    1. Make a copy of the default file, /opt/SUNWscmys/util/ha_mysql_config.

    2. Set the ZONE and RS parameters with the values that are used by the data service.

    3. Run the ha_mysql_smf_remove command and use the -f option to specify this configuration file.

  5. Disconnect from the failover zone's console.