Sun Cluster Data Service for Samba Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Install and Configure Samba downloaded from

If a newer version of Samba is required you can download and compile Samba from

  1. (Optional) Mount the highly available local file system.

    It is recommended that you download and install Samba onto a cluster file system or highly available local file system. Doing so will allow you to have Samba installed in one location. You will also be able to mount the file system in Solaris zones.

    If multiple Samba instances will be deployed you should use a cluster file system for the Samba binaries and either a cluster file system or highly available local file system for the Samba files.

    Refer to Example 2 in Restriction for the Samba smb.conf files for an example of download and compiling Samba onto a cluster file system and using a highly available local file system for the Samba files for each Samba instance.

    Alternatively, you can download and compile Samba onto local file system for each Solaris zone.

    Note –

    If a cluster file system is being used, the file system should already be mounted at boot as a global file system.

    # mount samba-highly-available-local-file-system
  2. Download and compile Samba from

    Here Kerberos, OpenLDAP, and Samba will be downloaded and compiled.

    Samba will use the idmap_rid facility to map a single ADS domain SIDs to Solaris UIDs and GIDs. You should determine what idmap is suitable for your installation.

    Within this example the samba-highly-available-local-file-system is /local/samba, where the software is installed into /local/samba/software and compiled into /opt/samba.

    For more information using these filenames refer to the following deployment example in Appendix B, Deployment Example: Installing Samba from where these commands have been has been taken.

    1. Download, Extract and Install Kerberos.

      Vigor5# cd /local/samba/software
      Vigor5# wget
      Vigor5# tar -xfBp krb5*tar
      Vigor5# gunzip -c krb5*.tar.gz | tar -xfBp -
      Vigor5# rm krb5*tar*
      Vigor5# cd krb5*/src
      Vigor5# CC=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc ./configure --prefix=/opt/samba \
      > --enable-dns-for-realm
      Vigor5# make
      Vigor5# make install
    2. Download, Extract and Install OpenLDAP.

      Note –

      You must obtain a fix for Bug ID: 6419029 which describes a problem when compiling OpenLDAP before proceeding with this step.

      Vigor5# cd /local/samba/software
      Vigor5# wget \
      Vigor5# gunzip -c openldap-2.3.24.tgz | tar -xfBp -
      Vigor5# rm openldap-2.3.24.tgz
      Vigor5# cd openldap*
      Vigor5# CC=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc \
      > CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/samba/include" \
      > LDFLAGS="-L/opt/samba/lib -R/opt/samba/lib" ./configure --prefix=/opt/samba \
      > --disable-slapd --disable-slurpd
      Vigor5# make depend
      Vigor5# make
      Vigor5# make install
    3. Download, Extract and Install Samba.

      Vigor5# cd /local/samba/software
      Vigor5# wget
      Vigor5# gunzip -c samba-3.0.22.tar.gz | tar -xfBp -
      Vigor5# rm samba-3.0.22.tar.gz
      Vigor5# cd samba*/source
      Vigor5# CC=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc \
      > CFLAGS=-I/opt/samba/include \
      > LDFLAGS="-L/opt/samba/lib -R/opt/samba/lib" ./configure --prefix=/opt/samba \
      > --with-ads --with-krb5=/opt/samba --with-shared-modules=idmap_rid
      Vigor5# make
      Vigor5# make install
  3. Copy winbind to /usr/lib

    # cd /local/samba/software/samba*/source
    # cp nsswitch/ /usr/lib
    # ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
    # ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
Next Steps

See How to Prepare Samba for Sun Cluster HA for Samba.