Sun Cluster Data Service for SWIFTAlliance Gateway Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Install and Configure SWIFTAlliance Gateway

  1. Create a resource group for SWIFTAlliance Gateway.

    # clresourcegroup create sag-rg
  2. Create a logical host.

    A logical host is required before you install SWIFTAlliance Gateway.

    1. Add the hostname and the IP address in the /etc/hosts file on both cluster nodes.

    2. Register the logical host, and then add the logical host resource to the resource group.

      # clreslogicalhostname -g sag-rg -h swiftgatewayhost sag-lh-rs
  3. Create the device group and file systems.

    Although you can use a global file system, create an HAStoragePlus failover resource to contain the SWIFTAlliance Gateway application and configuration data.

    This procedure uses /swift/SWIFTAlliance/Gateway as the path.

    # clresource create -g sag-rg  -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus -x filesystemMountPoints=/swift/SWIFTAlliance/Gateway sag-ds
  4. Bring the resource group online to enable the IP address and access to the storage.

    # clresourcegroup online sag-rg
  5. Create the following symbolic links before the installation.

    Without these symbolic links, the SWIFTAlliance Gateway application will not be installed in the correct location. You must install the SWIFTAlliance Gateway application in the correct location to ensure failover capabilities.

    # cd /swift
    # mkdir -p /swift/etc/opt/swnet
    # chown -R root:system /swift/etc
    # chown -R root:swnetg /swift/etc/opt/swnet
    # chmod -R 0555 /swift/etc
    # chmod -R 0775 /swift/etc/opt
    # cd /etc/opt
    # ln -s /swift/etc/opt/swnet swnet
    # mkdir -p /swift/var/opt/swnet
    # chown -R root:system /swift/var/
    # chown -R root:swnetg /swift/var/opt/swnet
    # chmod -R 0775 /swift/var
    # cd /var/opt
    # ln -s /swift/var/opt/swnet swnet
  6. If necessary, install the Websphere MQ client packages.

    Websphere MQ client software is software that guarantees and load-balances connections between the gateway and remote SWIFTNet Link systems. If you chose this type of SWIFTAlliance Gateway installation and have the appropriate license, install the Websphere MQ client packages.

  7. Install SWIFTNet Link.

    • Follow the instructions in your SWIFTNet Link documentation. To download the SWIFTNet Link documentation, see

    • Specify the directory on which to install the failover data service: /swift/snl.

    • If necessary, install any patches for SWIFTNet Link before you proceed with the installation of SWIFTAlliance Gateway.

  8. Install SWIFTAlliance Gateway software.

    • Follow the instructions in your SWIFTAlliance Gateway documentation. To download the SWIFTAlliance Gateway documentation, see

    • Use the logical IP address as the IP with which the SWIFTAlliance Gateway software communicates with remote hosts.

  9. If necessary, install Websphere MQ client software.

    Websphere MQ client software is software that guarantees and load-balances connections between the gateway and remote SWIFTNet Link systems. If you chose this type of SWIFTAlliance Gateway installation and have the appropriate license, install the Websphere MQ client packages.

  10. Create the following symbolic links.

    # ln -s /swift/home/swnet /home/swnet
    # ln -s /swift/etc/opt/swnet /etc/opt/swnet
    # ln -s /swift/var/opt/swnet /var/opt/swnet
  11. Copy the ~root/ file from node2 to the ~root/ directory on node1.

    This information enables you to install patches in the future.

Next Steps

Go to How to Verify the SWIFTAlliance Gateway Installation and Configuration.