Sun Cluster Quorum Server User's Guide

ProcedureHow to Install Quorum Server Software

Before You Begin

The Sun Cluster Quorum Server software requires at least 1 MB disk space for its installation. The installation is independent of other Sun Java Enterprise System components. The Sun Cluster Quorum Server software does not depend upon the installation of the Java Enterprise System shared components nor upon the installation of the Sun Cluster core software or its agent software.

When using a quorum server, disable the spanning tree algorithm on the Ethernet switches for the ports connected to the cluster public network where the quorum server will run.

  1. Become superuser on the host server to install.

    % su -

    Root access is required for installation.

  2. (Optional) To use the installer program with a GUI, ensure that the display environment of the host server to install is set to display the GUI.

    # xhost +
    # setenv DISPLAY nodename:0.0
  3. Load the installation media into the drive.

    If the volume management daemon (vold(1M)) is running and is configured to manage CD-ROM or DVD devices, the daemon automatically mounts the media on the /cdrom/cdrom0/ directory.

  4. Change to the installation wizard directory of the media.

    • If you are installing the software packages on the SPARC platform, type the following command:

      phys-schost# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_sparc
    • If you are installing the software packages on the x86 platform, type the following command:

      phys-schost# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_x86
  5. Start the installation wizard.

    phys-schost# ./installer
  6. Follow instructions on the screen to install the quorum server software on the host server.

    Choose the Configure Later option.

    Note –

    If the installer does not allow you to choose the Configure Later option, choose Configure Now. You will still need to configure the quorum server by following the instructions in Chapter 2, Configuring the Sun Cluster Quorum Server Software.

    After installation is finished, you can view any available installation log. See the Sun Java Enterprise System 2006Q4 Installation Guide for UNIX for additional information about using the Java Enterprise System installer program.

  7. Unload the installation media from the drive.

    1. To ensure that the installation media is not being used, change to a directory that does not reside on the media.

    2. Eject the media.

      phys-schost# eject cdrom
  8. Apply any necessary patches to support the quorum server software.

    See Patches and Required Firmware Levels in Sun Cluster 3.2 Release Notes for Solaris OS for the location of patches and installation instructions.

  9. Add the quorum server binary to your PATH environment variable.

    # PATH=$PATH:/usr/cluster/bin
  10. Add the quorum server man pages to your MANPATH environment variable.

    # MANPATH=$MANPATH:/usr/cluster/man

The installer performs a simple pkgadd installation of the Sun Cluster Quorum Server packages and sets up the necessary directories. The software consists of the following packages:

The pkgadd of these packages adds software to the /usr/cluster and /etc/scqsd directories. You cannot modify the location of the Sun Cluster Quorum Server software.

If you receive an installation error message regarding the quorum server, verify that the packages were properly installed.

Next Steps

If your system requires only the default quorum server, start the quorum server by following the instructions in How to Start a Quorum Server.

If your system requires a specially configured quorum server, or requires multiple quorum servers, configure quorum servers by following the instructions in Configuring Multiple Quorum Servers on the Same Host.