Sun Cluster 3.2 Release Notes for Solaris OS

scconf Command

The -q option of the scconf command has been modified to distinguish between shared local quorum devices (SCSI) and other types of quorum devices (including NetApp NAS devices). Use the name suboption to specify the name of the attached shared-storage device when adding or removing a shared quorum device to or from the cluster. This suboption can also be used with the change form of the command to change the state of a quorum device. The globaldev suboption can still be used for SCSI shared-storage devices, but the name suboption must be used for all other types of shared storage devices. For more information about this change to scconf and working with quorum devices, see scconf(1M), scconf_quorum_dev_netapp_nas(1M), scconf_quorum_dev_netapp_nas(1M), and scconf_quorum_dev_scsi(1M).