Sun Cluster 3.2 Release Notes for Solaris OS


The following revised Synopsis and added Options sections of the ccp(1M) man page document the addition of Secure Shell support to the Cluster Control Panel (CCP) utilities:


$CLUSTER_HOME/bin/ccp [-s] [-l username] [-p ssh-port] {clustername | nodename}


The following options are supported:

-l username

Specifies the user name for the ssh connection. This option is passed to the cconsole, crlogin, or cssh utility when the utility is launched from the CCP. The ctelnet utility ignores this option.

If the -l option is not specified, the user name that launched the CCP is effective.

-p ssh-port

Specifies the Secure Shell port number to use. This option is passed to the cssh utility when the utility is launched from the CCP. The cconsole, crlogin, and ctelnet utilities ignore this option.

If the -p option is not specified, the default port number 22 is used for secure connections.


Specifies using Secure Shell connections to node consoles instead of telnet connections. This option is passed to the cconsole utility when the utility is launched from the CCP. The crlogin, cssh, and ctelnet utilities ignore this option.

If the -s option is not specified, the cconsole utility uses telnet connections to the consoles.

To override the -s option, deselect the Use SSH checkbox in the Options menu of the cconsole graphical user interface (GUI).