Sun Cluster 系統管理指南(適用於 Solaris 作業系統)


sccheck(1M) 指令將會檢查 /etc/vfstab 檔案以驗證叢集檔案系統及其全域掛載點是否存在配置錯誤。

備註 –

請在進行影響裝置或磁碟區管理元件的叢集配置變更之後,執行 sccheck

  1. 成為叢集中任何節點的超級使用者。

    % su
  2. 確認叢集配置。

     # sccheck

範例 1–9 檢查全域掛載點

以下範例顯示缺少掛載點 /global/schost-1 的叢集 suncluster 之節點 phys-schost-2。報告已傳送至輸出目錄 /var/cluster/sccheck/myReports/

# sccheck -v1 -h phys-schost-1,phys-schost-2 -o /var/cluster/sccheck/myReports

sccheck: Requesting explorer data and node report from phys-schost-1.
sccheck: Requesting explorer data and node report from phys-schost-2.
sccheck: phys-schost-1: Explorer finished.
sccheck: phys-schost-1: Starting single-node checks.
sccheck: phys-schost-1: Single-node checks finished.
sccheck: phys-schost-2: Explorer finished.
sccheck: phys-schost-2: Starting single-node checks.
sccheck: phys-schost-2: Single-node checks finished.
sccheck: Starting multi-node checks.
sccheck: Multi-node checks finished.
sccheck: One or more checks failed.
sccheck: The greatest severity of all check failures was 3 (HIGH).
sccheck: Reports are in /var/cluster/sccheck/myReports.
# cat /var/cluster/sccheck/myReports/sccheck-results.suncluster.txt

CHECK ID : 3065
FAILURE  : Global filesystem /etc/vfstab entries are not consistent across 
all Sun Cluster 3.x nodes.
ANALYSIS : The global filesystem /etc/vfstab entries are not consistent across 
all nodes in this cluster.
Analysis indicates:
FileSystem '/global/phys-schost-1' is on 'phys-schost-1' but missing from 'phys-schost-2'.
RECOMMEND: Ensure each node has the correct /etc/vfstab entry for the 
filesystem(s) in question.
# cat /var/cluster/sccheck/myReports/sccheck-results.phys-schost-1.txt

CHECK ID : 1398
FAILURE  : An unsupported server is being used as a Sun Cluster 3.x node.
ANALYSIS : This server may not been qualified to be used as a Sun Cluster 3.x node.  
Only servers that have been qualified with Sun Cluster 3.x are supported as 
Sun Cluster 3.x nodes.
RECOMMEND: Because the list of supported servers is always being updated, check with 
your Sun Microsystems representative to get the latest information on what servers 
are currently supported and only use a server that is supported with Sun Cluster 3.x.