Sun Cluster Upgrade Guide for Solaris OS

Upgrading Sun Management Center Software

This section provides procedures to upgrade Sun Management Center software.

ProcedureSPARC: How to Upgrade Sun Management Center Software

Perform the following steps to upgrade from Sun Management Center 3.6 or 3.6.1 software to Sun Management Center 3.6.1 or 4.0 software.

Before You Begin

Have available the following items:

  1. Stop any Sun Management Center processes.

    1. If the Sun Management Center console is running, exit the console.

      In the console window, choose File⇒Exit.

    2. On each Sun Management Center agent machine (cluster node), stop the Sun Management Center agent process.

      phys-schost# /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-stop -a
    3. On the Sun Management Center server machine, stop the Sun Management Center server process.

      server# /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-stop -S
  2. As superuser, remove Sun Cluster–module packages.

    Use the pkgrm(1M) command to remove all Sun Cluster module packages from all locations that are listed in the following table.


    Module Package to Remove 

    Each cluster node 

    SUNWscsam, SUNWscsal

    Sun Management Center console machine 


    Sun Management Center server machine 

    SUNWscssv, SUNWscshl

    machine# pkgrm module-package

    If you do not remove the listed packages, the Sun Management Center software upgrade might fail because of package dependency problems. You reinstall these packages in Step 4, after you upgrade Sun Management Center software.

  3. Upgrade the Sun Management Center software.

    Follow the upgrade procedures in your Sun Management Center documentation.

  4. As superuser, reinstall Sun Cluster module packages from the Sun Java Availability Suite DVD-ROM to the locations that are listed in the following table.


    Module Package to Install 

    Each cluster node 

    SUNWscsam, SUNWscsal

    Sun Management Center server machine 


    1. Insert the Sun Java Availability Suite DVD-ROM for the appropriate platform in the DVD-ROM drive of the machine.

    2. Change to the /cdrom/suncluster_3_0Packages/ directory, where arch is sparc or x86, and ver is 9 for Solaris 9 or 10 for Solaris 10.

      machine# cd /cdrom/cdrom0//cdrom/suncluster_3_0Packages/

      Note –

      The agent packages to install on the cluster nodes are available for both SPARC based systems and x86 based systems. The package for the server machine is available for SPARC based systems only.

    3. Install the appropriate module package on the machine.

      • For cluster nodes that run the Solaris 10 OS, use the following command:

        phys-schost# pkgadd -G -d . module-package

        The -G option adds packages to the current zone only. You must add these packages only to the global zone. Therefore, this option also specifies that the packages are not propagated to any existing non-global zone or to any non-global zone that is created later.

      • SPARC: For cluster nodes that run the Solaris 9 OS and for the server machine, use the following command:

        phys-schost# pkgadd -d . module-package
  5. Apply any Sun Management Center patches and any Sun Cluster module patches to each node of the cluster.

  6. Restart Sun Management Center agent, server, and console processes.

    Follow procedures in How to Start Sun Management Center in Sun Cluster Software Installation Guide for Solaris OS.

  7. Load the Sun Cluster module.

    Follow procedures in How to Load the Sun Cluster Module in Sun Cluster Software Installation Guide for Solaris OS.

    If the Sun Cluster module was previously loaded, unload the module and then reload it to clear all cached alarm definitions on the server. To unload the module, choose Unload Module from the Module menu on the console's Details window.