Sun Cluster Concepts Guide for Solaris OS

Support for Solaris Zones on Sun Cluster Nodes Directly Through the RGM

On a cluster where the Solaris 10 OS is running, you can configure a resource group to run in the global zone or in non-global zones. The RGM manages each zone as a switchover target. If a non-global zone is specified in the node list of a resource group, the RGM brings the resource group online in the specified zone on the node.

Figure 3–8 illustrates the failover of resource groups between zones on Sun Cluster nodes in a two-node cluster. In this example, identical zones are configured on each node to simplify the administration of the cluster.

Figure 3–8 Failover of Resource Groups Between Zones on Sun Cluster Nodes

Diagram showing failover of resource groups between zones

A failover resource group can fail over to a zone on another node or on the same node. However, if the node fails, the failing over of this resource group to a zone on the same node does not provide high availability. Nonetheless, you might find this failing over of a resource group to a zone on the same node useful in testing or prototyping.

You can configure a scalable resource group (which uses network load balancing) to run in a non-global zone as well. However, do not configure a scalable resource group to run in multiple zones on the same node.

In Sun Cluster commands, you specify a zone by appending the name of the zone to the name of the physical node, and separating them with a colon, for example:


You can specify a zone with several Sun Cluster commands, for example:

Criteria for Using Support for Solaris Zones Directly Through the RGM

Use support for Solaris zones directly through the RGM if any of following criteria is met:

Requirements for Using Support for Solaris Zones Directly Through the RGM

If you plan to use support for Solaris zones directly through the RGM for an application, ensure that the following requirements are met:

If you use support for Solaris zones directly through the RGM, configure resources and resource groups as follows:

Additional Information About Support for Solaris Zones Directly Through the RGM

For information about how to configure support for Solaris zones directly through the RGM, see the following documentation: