Sun Cluster Quick Start Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Configure the Storage Array

Follow procedures in the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware 4.1x User’s Guide to configure the storage array. Configure the array to the following specifications.

  1. Create one global hot-spare drive from the unused physical drive.

  2. Create two RAID-5 logical drives.

    1. For redundancy, distribute the physical drives that you choose for each logical drive over separate channels.

    2. Add six physical drives to one logical drive and assign the logical drive to the primary controller of the storage array, ports 0 and 5.

    3. Add five physical drives to the other logical drive and assign the logical drive to the secondary controller, ports 1 and 4.

  3. Partition the logical drives to achieve three partitions.

    1. Allocate the entire six-drive logical drive to a single partition.

      This partition will be for use by Sun Cluster HA for Oracle.

    2. Create two partitions on the five-drive logical drive.

      • Allocate 40% of space on the logical drive to one partition for use by Sun Cluster HA for NFS.

      • Allocate 10% of space on the logical drive to the second partition for use by Sun Cluster HA for Apache.

      • Leave 50% of space on the logical drive unallocated, for other use as needed.

  4. Map each logical drive partition to a host logical unit number (LUN).

    Partition Use 








  5. Note the World Wide Name (WWN) for each LUN.

    You use this information when you create the disk sets later in this manual.