Sun Cluster Error Messages Guide for Solaris OS

Message IDs 200000–299999

This section contains message IDs 200000–299999.

201134 Validate - tftpd daemon has to be activated in %s when -F is being used


If TFTPTESTFILE= was set within /opt/SUNWscdhc/util/dhcp_config then the tftp daemon needs to be activated witihin /etc/inet/inetd.conf.


If TFTPTESTFILE= is required, then ensure that tftp is activated within /etc/inet/inetd.conf.

202101 metastat shows volume %s/%s is in state \'%s\'.


Output from metastat the command shows that the disk set or disk group is not available.


Examine the output from metastat and perform maintenance if necessary.

202528 No permission for group to read %s.


The group of the file does not have read permission on it.


Set the permissions on the file so the group can read it.

203142 Update_drv successfully read did.conf file


Update_drv command was successful in making did driver re-read did.conf file.


This is an informational message, no user action is needed.

203202 Peer node %d attempted to contact us with an invalid version message, source IP %s. Peer node may be running pre 3.1 Sun Cluster software.


Sun Cluster software at the local node received an initial handshake message from the remote node that is not running a compatible version of the Sun Cluster software.


Make sure all nodes in the cluster are running compatible versions of Sun Cluster software.

203411 A role mismatch has been discovered. Fault monitor will be stopped.


The Dataguard role that the Sun Cluster resource is configured with does not match the dataguard role queried by the monitor from the Oracle instance.


Update the DATAGUARD_ROLE and STANDBY_MODE extension properties of the Sun Cluster resource to reflect the correct dataguard role shown by the instance. CSTYLED

203680 fatal: Unable to bind to nameserver


The low-level cluster machinery has encountered a fatal error. The rgmd will produce a core file and will cause the node to halt or reboot to avoid the possibility of data corruption.


Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes, and of the rgmd core file. Contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing the problem.

204026 parameter '%s%s' must be an integer "%s". Using default value of %d.


Using a default value for a parameter.



204163 clcomm: error in copyin for state_balancer


The system failed a copy operation supporting statistics reporting.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

204584 clexecd: Going down on signal %d.


clexecd program got a signal indicated in the error message.


clexecd program will exit and node will be halted or rebooted to prevent data corruption. Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

205259 Error reading properties; exiting.


The cl_apid was unable to read the SUNW.Event resource properties that it needs to run.


Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes and contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing and correcting the problem.

205754 All specified device services validated successfully.


All device services specified directly or indirectly via the GlobalDevicePath and FilesystemMountPoint extension properties respectively are found to be correct. Other Sun Cluster components like DCS, DSDL, RGM are found to be in order. Specified file system mount point entries are found to be correct.


This is an informational message, no user action is needed.

205822 clcomm:Cannot vfork() after ORB server initialization.


A user level process attempted to vfork after ORB server initialization. This is not allowed.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

205863 SCSLM cannot create pset <%s%s> min=%u,max=%u


Requested number of cpus cannot be set for this resource group on this node.


Switch the resource group on a node with enough cpus or lower RG_SLM_CPU_SHARES andor RG_SLM_PSET_MIN properties values or move RG_SLM_type to manual and restart the resource group.

205873 Permissions incorrect for %s. s bit not set.


Permissions of $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle are expected to be '-rwsr-s--x' (set-group-ID and set-user-ID set). These permissions are set at the time or Oracle installation. FAult monitor will not function correctly without these permissions.


Check file permissions. Check Oracle installaion. Relink Oracle, if necessary.

206494 ucmm is unstable.


The UCMM is stopping or aborting, or is in an unstable state.


Determine why the UCMM is aborting or stopping. This is behavior valid for a node that is shutting down. If the node is not shutting down, verify the status of the SUNW.rac_framework resource and either the SUNW.rac_svm resource or the SUNW.rac_cvm resource. Contact your authorized Sun service provider for further assistance in diagnosing the problem.

206501 CMM: Monitoring re-enabled.


Transport path monitoring has been enabled back in the cluster, after being disabled.


This is an informational message, no user action is needed.

206558 Replica is not running on this node, but is running remotely on some other node. %s cannot be started on this node.


The SAP enqueue server is trying to start up on a node where the SAP replica server has not been running. The SAP enqueue server must start on the node where the replica server has been running.


No user action is needed.

206947 ON_PENDING_MON_DISABLED: bad resource state <%s> (%d) for resource <%s>


The rgmd state machine has discovered a resource in an unexpected state on the local node. This should not occur and may indicate an internal logic error in the rgmd.


Look for other syslog error messages on the same node. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes, and report the problem to your authorized Sun service provider.

206969 ct_tmpl_set_critical: %s


The rpc.pmfd was unable to configure a process template in which to launch the requested service. Consequently, the rpc.pmfd was unable to launch the process under its control.


If the message is isolated, it was probably a transient error. If you were running pmfadm(1M) directly, retry the requested action. If there are many instances of the message, there is a problem with the contract file system. Search for other syslog error messages on the same node. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes, and report the problem to your authorized Sun service provider.

207075 Issuing a resource restart request.


The process monitoring facility tried to send a message to the fault monitor noting that the data service application died. It was unable to do so.


Since some part (daemon) of the application has failed, it would be restarted. If fault monitor is not yet started, wait for it to be started by Sun Cluster framework. If fault monitor has been disabled, enable it by using clresource.

207465 No %s/quotas file exists - not starting quotas for %s


The UFS mount point has quotas enabled but there is no "quotas" file under the mounted file system.


Create a "quotas" file under the mounted file system if quotas are desired. Check the man page of quotacheck(1M). If the quotas file is created you must restart the corresponding SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource.

207481 getlocalhostname() failed for resource <%s>, resource group <%s>, method <%s>


The rgmd daemon was unable to obtain the name of the local host, causing a method invocation to fail. Depending on which method is being invoked and the Failover_mode setting on the resource, this might cause the resource group to fail over or move to an error state.


Examine other syslog messages occurring at about the same time to see if the problem can be identified. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes and contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing the problem.

207615 Property Confdir_list is not set.


The Confdir_list property is not set. The resource creation is not possible without this property.


Set the Confdir_list extension property to the complete path to the JSAS home directory. Refer to the Configuration guide for more details.

207666 The path name %s associated with the FilesystemCheckCommand extension property is detected to be a relative path name. Only absolute path names are allowed.


Self explanatory.


Specify an absolute path name to your command in the FilesystemCheckCommand extension property.

208216 ERROR: resource group <%s> has RG_dependency on non-existent resource group <%s>


A non-existent resource group is listed in the RG_dependencies of the indicated resource group. This should not occur and may indicate an internal logic error in the rgmd.


Look for other syslog error messages on the same node. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes, and report the problem to your authorized Sun service provider.

208441 Stopping %s with command %s failed.


An attempt to stop the application by the command that is listed failed. Informational message.


Other syslog messages that occur shortly before this message might indicate the reason for the failure. Check the application installation and make sure the command listed in the message can be executed successfully outside Sun Cluster. A more severe command will be used to stop the application after this. No user action is needed.

208596 clcomm: Path %s being initiated


A communication link is being established with another node.


No action required.

208838 check_dhcp - The retrieved file (%s) don't exist or is zero-bytes long.


The (tftp) retrieved file either does not exist or has filesize of zero bytes


None required. Informational message, an immediate failover is being requested.

209090 scha_control RESOURCE_RESTART failed. error %s


Fault monitor had detected problems in RDBMS server. Attempt to restart RDBMS server on the same node failed. Error returned by API call scha_control is indicated in the message.



209314 No permission for group to write %s.


The group of the file does not have write permission on it.


Set the permissions on the file so the group can write it.

209540 scvxvmlg warning - %s does not exist, creating it


The program responsible for maintaining the VxVM device namespace has discovered inconsistencies between the VxVM device namespace on this node and the VxVM configuration information stored in the cluster device configuration system. If configuration changes were made recently, then this message should reflect one of the configuration changes. If no changes were made recently or if this message does not correctly reflect a change that has been made, the VxVM device namespace on this node may be in an inconsistent state. VxVM volumes may be inaccessible from this node.


If this message correctly reflects a configuration change to VxVM diskgroups then no action is required. If the change this message reflects is not correct, then the information stored in the device configuration system for each VxVM diskgroup should be examined for correctness. If the information in the device configuration system is accurate, then executing '/usr/cluster/lib/dcs/scvxvmlg' on this node should restore the device namespace. If the information stored in the device configuration system is not accurate, it must be updated by executing '/usr/cluster/bin/scconf -c -D name=diskgroup_name' for each VxVM diskgroup with inconsistent information.

210468 %s: returned error (%d)


The command returned an error.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing the problem.

210729 start_sge_qmaster failed


The process sge_qmaster failed to start for reasons other than it was already running.


Check /var/adm/messages for any relevant cluster messages. Respond accordingly, then retry.

210975 Stop monitoring saposcol under PMF times out.


Stopping monitoring the SAP OS collector process under the control of Process Monitor facility times out. This might happen under heavy system load.


You might consider increase the monitor stop time out value.

211018 Failed to remove events from client


The cl_apid experienced an internal error that prevented proper updates to a CRNP client.


Examine other syslog messages occurring at about the same time to see if the problem can be identified. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes and contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing and correcting the problem.

211198 Completed successfully.


Data service method completed successfully.


No action required.

211565 Validate - WebSphere MQ Broker file systems not defined


The WebSphere MQ Broker file systems (/opt/mqsi and /var/mqsi) are not defined.


Ensure that the WebSphere MQ Broker file systems are defined correctly.

211588 Must have a valid %s file with dns specified.


The /etc/nsswitch.conf(4) file does not have a valid "dns" source specified.


/etc/nsswitch.conf(4) must have a "dns" source under the "hosts" or "ipnodes" database entries.

211765 SCSLM <%s> zone <%s> strong while weak running


Should never occur.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

211869 validate: Basepath is not set but it is required


The parameter Basepath is not set in the parameter file


set the variable Basepath in the paramter file mentioned in option -N to a of the start, stop and probe command to valid contents.

211873 pmf_search_children: pmf_remove_triggers: %s


The rpc.pmfd server was not able to monitor a process, and the system error is shown. An error message is output to syslog.


Save the syslog messages file. Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

211943 dl_info: DLPI error %u


DLPI protocol error. We cannot get a info_ack from the physical device. We are trying to open a fast path to the private transport adapters.


Reboot of the node might fix the problem.

212503 reservation fatal error(%s) - get_global_fencing_status error, errno %d


Failed to retrieve the global fencing status from both the global name server and the CCR.


Check whether the root file system is having access problems.

212884 Hostname %s has no usable address.


The hostname does not have any IP addresses that can be hosted on the resource's IPMP group. This could happen if the hostname maps to an IPv6 address only and the IPMP group is capable of hosting IPv4 addresses only (or the other way round).


Use ifconfig -a to determine if the network adapter in the resource's IPMP group can host IPv4, IPv6 or both kinds of addresses. Make sure that the hostname specified has atleast one IP address that can be hosted by the underlying IPMP group.

213583 Failed to stop Backup server.


Sun Cluster HA for Sybase failed to stop backup server using KILL signal.


Please examine whether any Sybase server processes are running on the server. Please manually shutdown the server.

213599 Failed to stop backup server.


Sun Cluster HA for Sybase failed to stop backup server using KILL signal.


Please examine whether any Sybase server processes are running on the server. Please manually shutdown the server.

213894 exit_event: ct_pr_event_get_pid: %s


The rpc.pmfd was unable to retrieve the pid from a contract event. The rpc.pmfd will continue to monitor the process, but the rpc.pmfd may have missed an event of interest.


Search for other syslog error messages on the same node. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes, and report the problem to your authorized Sun service provider.

213973 Resource depends on a SUNW.HAStoragePlus type resource that is not online anywhere.


The resource depends on a SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource that is not online on any cluster node.


Bring all SUNW.HAStoragePlus resources, that this HA-NFS resource depends on, online before performing the operation that caused this error.

213991 No Network resource in resource group.


This message indicates that there is no network resource configured for a "network-aware" service. A network aware service can not function without a network address.


Configure a network resource and retry the command.

214578 No resource dependencies properties of this resource contain a SharedAddress network resource.


The resource dependencies property (any of strong/weak/ restart/offline-restart) must contain at least one SharedAddress network resource.


Specify a SharedAddress network resource in at least one of the resource dependencies properties of this resource.

214780 Error getting handle tolibvxvm functions


An error occurred when library routines in were called.


Ensure that the correct version of the library is installed. Contact your authorized Sun service provider for further assistance in diagnosing the problem.

215191 Internal error; SAP User set to NULL.


Extension property could not be retrieved and is set to NULL. Internal error.


No user action needed.

216087 rebalance: resource group <%s> is being switched updated or failed back, cannot assign new primaries


The indicated resource group has lost a master due to a node death. However, the RGM is unable to switch the resource group to a new master because the resource group is currently in the process of being modified by an operator action, or is currently in the process of "failing back" onto a node that recently joined the cluster.


Use cluster status -t <resourcegroup> to determine the current mastery of the resource group. If necessary, use clresourcegroup switch to switch the resource group online on desired nodes.

216244 CCR: Table %s has invalid checksum field. Reported: %s, actual: %s.


The indicated table has an invalid checksum that does not match the table contents. This causes the consistency check on the indicated table to fail.


Boot the offending node in -x mode to restore the indicated table from backup or other nodes in the cluster. The CCR tables are located at /etc/cluster/ccr/.

216379 Stopping fault monitor using pmfadm tag %s


Informational message. Fault monitor will be stopped using Process Monitoring Facility (PMF), with the tag indicated in message.



216623 in libsecurity for program %s ; fattach of file %dto door failed : %s


A Sun Cluster daemon was unable to attach to a door descriptor for communication with its clients. A following syslog message provides the name of the daemon that failed. This might cause the node to be rebooted or halted.


Save the /var/adm/messages file. Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

216774 WARNING: update_state:udlm_send_reply failed


A warning for udlm state update and results in udlm abort.


This is an internal error. Save the contents of /var/adm/messages, /var/cluster/ucmm/ucmm_reconf.log and /var/cluster/ucmm/dlm*/*logs/* from all the nodes and contact your Sun service representative.

217093 Call failed: %s


A client was not able to make an rpc connection to a server (rpc.pmfd, rpc.fed or rgmd) to execute the action shown. The rpc error message is shown.


Examine other syslog messages occurring at about the same time to see if the problem can be identified. Save the /var/adm/messages file. Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

217440 The %s protocol for this node%s is not compatible with the %s protocol for the rest of the cluster%s.


The cluster version manager exchanges version information between nodes running in the cluster and has detected an incompatibility. This is usually the result of performing a rolling upgrade where one or more nodes has been installed with a software version that the other cluster nodes do not support. This error may also be due to attempting to boot a cluster node in 64-bit address mode when other nodes are booted in 32-bit address mode, or vice versa.


Verify that any recent software installations completed without errors and that the installed packages or patches are compatible with the rest of the installed software. Save the /var/adm/messages file. Check the messages file for earlier messages related to the version manager which may indicate which software component is failing to find a compatible version.

218049 Waiting for the sc_zonesd to stop


The SCZONE service is being stopped.


Please wait. No action is required. This is an informational message.

218575 low memory: unable to capture output


The rpc.fed server was not able to allocate memory necessary to capture the output from methods it runs.


Determine if the host is running out of memory. If not save the /var/adm/messages file. whether a workaround or patch is available.

218655 Waiting for WebSphere MQ Queue Manager


A WebSphere MQ component is waiting for the Queue Manager.


None required. Informational message.

218780 Stopping the monitor server.


The Monitor server is about to be brought down by Sun Cluster HA for Sybase.


This is an information message, no user action is needed.

218919 J2EE probe returned %s




Informational message. No user action is needed.

219058 Failed to stop the backup server using %s.


Sun Cluster HA for Sybase failed to stop the backup server using the file specified in the STOP_FILE property. Other syslog messages and the log file will provide additional information on possible reasons for the failure.


Please check the permissions of file specified in the STOP_FILE extension property. File should be executable by the Sybase owner and root user.

219205 libsecurity: create of rpc handle to program %s (%lu) failed, will keep trying


A client of the specified server was not able to initiate an rpc connection. The maximum time allowed for connecting (1 hr) has not been reached yet, and the pmfadm or scha command will retry to connect. An accompanying error message shows the rpc error data. The program number is shown. To find out what program corresponds to this number, use the rpcinfo command. An error message is output to syslog.


Save the /var/adm/messages file. Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

219277 Could not kill the monitor.


The monitor for HA-KDC could not be killed with a SIGKILL.


This is an internal error. No user action needed. Save the /var/adm/messages from all nodes. Contact your authorized Sun service provider.

219729 Error incontract event acknowledging


Not able to clear the active contract template.


Check the contract manpage to know more about the error.Also make sure the basic contract functionalities are working fine.Contact SUN vendor for more help. Previous messages will give the reason

220104 Function: validate - Milestone (%s) is invalid with Zonebootopt=%s, needs single-user


The Zoneboot variable is set to -s. Every milestone other than single-user is invalid.


Correct the milestone in the paramter file sczbt_<resource name>. You need to specify single user together with the boot option -s.

220173 Function: validate: Directory %s does not contain the PostgreSQL configuration files


A directory is specified in the PGDATA variable which does not contain a postgresql.conf file.


Specify a directory in the PGDATA variable in the parmeter file, which contains the postgresql.conf file.

220645 Failed to retrieve property : %s : %s


An error occurred while a property of the resource was being retrieved.


Investigate possible RGM errors or DSDL errors. Contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing the problem.

220753 %s: Arg error, invalid tag <%s> restarting service.


The PMF tag supplied as argument to the PMF action script is not a tag generated by the DSDL; the PMF action script has restarted the application.


This is an internal error. Contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing and correcting the problem.

220849 CCR: Create table %s failed.


The CCR failed to create the indicated table.


The failure can happen due to many reasons, for some of which no user action is required because the CCR client in that case will handle the failure. The cases for which user action is required depends on other messages from CCR on the node, and include: If it failed because the cluster lost quorum, reboot the cluster. If the root file system is full on the node, then free up some space by removing unnecessary files. If the root disk on the afflicted node has failed, then it needs to be replaced. If the cluster repository is corrupted as indicated by other CCR messages, then boot the offending node(s) in -x mode to restore the cluster repository backup. The cluster repository is located at /etc/cluster/ccr/.

221292 Failed to stop sckrb5 using the custom stop command; trying SIGKILL now.


HA-KDC's stop method was not able to gracefully terminate krb5kdc or kadmind within SMOOTH_TIMEOUT.


This is for informational purposes, no action is required. The stop method will subsequently try to forcefully kill these processes through SIGKILL.

221527 Created thread %d for node %d.


The cl_eventd successfully created a necessary thread.


This message is informational only, and does not require user action.

221746 Failed to retrieve property %s: %s.


HA Storage Plus was not able to retrieve the resource property from the CCR.


Check the cluster configuration. If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider.

222345 Found invalid IP address %s for interface %s


Cluster cannot generate a callback for the RDS module. Operation of RDS sockets might be affected.


If Reliable Datagram Sockets (RDS) is used by applications running on this cluster, contact your Sun Microsystems service representative to determine if a workaround or patch is available.

222512 fatal: could not create death_ff


The rgmd program could not enable the failfast mechanism. The failfast mechanism is designed to prevent data corruption by causing the node to be shutdown in the event that the rgmd program dies.


To avoid data corruption, the rgmd will halt or reboot the node. Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

222869 Database is already running.


The database is running and does not need to be started.


This is an informational message, no user action is needed.

222921 Failed to stop sckrb5; exiting UNSUCCESSFUL.


Was not able to stop the HA-KDC service through a SIGKILL.


This is an internal error. No user action needed. Save the /var/adm/messages from all nodes. Contact your authorized Sun service provider.

223181 Instance number <%s> contains non-numeric character.


The instance number specified is not a valid SAP instance number.


Specify a valid instance number, consisting of 2 numeric character.

223458 INTERNAL ERROR CMM: quorum_algorithm_init called already.


This is an internal error during node initialization, and the system can not continue.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

223641 Validation failed. User %s does not belong to the project %s.


Resource_project_name or RG_project_name property has been set to a project whose members do not include the specified user.


Please set the Resource_project_name or the RG_project_name property to a valid project for the specified user. The project membership of a user is displayed by the command 'projects <user>'.

224682 Failed to initialize the probe history.


A process has failed to allocate memory for the probe history structure, most likely because the system has run out of swap space.


To solve this problem, increase swap space by configuring additional swap devices. See swap(1M) for more information.

224718 Failed to create scalable service in group %s for IP %s Port %d%c%s: %s.


A call to the underlying scalable networking code failed. This call may fail because the IP, Port, and Protocol combination listed in the message conflicts with the configuration of an existing scalable resource. A conflict can occur if the same combination exists in a scalable resource that is already configured on the cluster. A combination may also conflict if there is a resource that uses Load_balancing_policy LB_STICKY_WILD with the same IP address as a different resource that also uses LB_STICKY_WILD.


Try using a different IP, Port, and Protocol combination. Otherwise, save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes. Contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing the problem.

224783 clcomm: Path %s has been deleted


A communication link is being removed with another node. The interconnect might have failed or the remote node might be down.


Any interconnect failure should be resolved, and/or the failed node rebooted.

224900 launching method <%s> for resource <%s>, resource group <%s>, node <%s>, timeout <%d> seconds


RGM has invoked a callback method for the named resource, as a result of a cluster reconfiguration, scha_control GIVEOVER, or clresourcegroup switch.


This is an informational message; no user action is needed.

225453 Failed to stop all the services on second partition


The upgrade process tries to stop all the services on the second partition before it brings down the cluster. Not all services on the partition could be stopped. Upgrade process has stopped and cannot proceed.


Cluster upgrade has failed. Reboot all the nodes out of cluster mode and recover from upgrade. Finish the cluster upgrade by using the standard upgrade method.

225882 Internal: Unknown command type (%d)


An internal error has occurred in the rgmd while trying to connect to the rpc.fed server.


Save the /var/adm/messages file. Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

225883 Failed to stop derby data service with SIGTERM; retry with SIGKILL


The derby data service did not stop correctly.


This message is informational; no user action is needed. Automatic recovery kills the data service processes. Verify if other messages followed this one.

226047 The asadmin list-node-agents failed to run. Unable to communicate with the Domain Admin Server %s on port %d. Probe will just check for Node Agent <%s> PID.


This error message is from the start method. After starting the Node Agents, the start method probes for the Node Agent using the asadmin list-node-agents command and makes sure it is UP before declaring the resource online. The asadmin command failed because the Domain Admin Server is unreachable. The Start method will just verify that the Node Agents PID is available.


If the Domain Admin Server is also a Sun Cluster resource then set the resource dependency between the Node Agents resource and the Domain Admin Server resource. If the Domain Admin Server is not a Sun Cluster resource then make sure it is Running.

226280 PNM daemon exiting.


The PNM daemon (pnmd) is shutting down.


This message is informational; no user action is needed.

226458 SCSLM <%s> pool_get_pool error <%s>


Should never occur.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

226557 pipe returned %d. Exiting.


Internal error.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

226907 Failed to run the DB probe script %s


This is an internal error.


Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes. Contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing the problem.

227426 Failed to open the resource %s handle: %s.


HAStoragePlus failed to access the resource information.


Check the cluster configuration. If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider.

227445 Unable to create directory %s: %s.


A call to scds_initialize() failed because it was unable to create a directory required for fault monitoring. The reason for the failure is included in the message. This might cause an RGM-managed service to fail.


Examine other syslog messages occurring around the same time. Take corrective action based upon the contents of the error messages.

227733 Failed to complete command %s. Will continue to start up %s.


The listed command failed to complete. HA-SAPDB will continue to start up SAPDB.


Informational message. No action is needed.

227820 Attempting to stop the data service running under process monitor facility.


The function is going to request the PMF to stop the data service. If the request fails, refer to the syslog messages that appear after this message.


This is an informational message, no user action is required.

228038 Error in scha_res_open of res:%s, rg:%s, Err: %s,


Cannot create a handle for the scha resource


Check out the man pages for help depending on the error type

228212 reservation fatal error(%s) - unable to get local node id


The device fencing program has suffered an internal error.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available. Copies of /var/adm/messages from all nodes should be provided for diagnosis. It may be possible to retry the failed operation, depending on the nature of the error. If the message specifies the 'node_join' transition, then this node may be unable to access shared devices. If the failure occurred during the 'release_shared_scsi2' transition, then a node which was joining the cluster may be unable to access shared devices. In either case, it may be possible to reacquire access to shared devices by executing '/usr/cluster/lib/sc/run_reserve -c node_join' on all cluster nodes. If the failure occurred during the 'make_primary' transition, then a device group has failed to start on this node. If another node was available to host the device group, then it should have been started on that node. If desired, it might be possible to switch the device group to this node by using the cldevicegroup command. If no other node was available, then the device group will not have been started. You can use the cldevicegroup command to retry the attempt to start the device group. If the failure occurred during the 'primary_to_secondary' transition, then the shutdown or switchover of a device group has failed. The desired action may be retried.

228399 Unable to stop processes running under PMF tag %s.


Sun Cluster HA for Sybase failed to stop processes using Process Monitoring Facility. Please examine if the PMF tag indicated in the message exists on the node. (command: pmfadm -l <tag>). Other syslog messages and the log file will provide additional information on possible reasons for the failure.


Please examine Sybase logs and syslog messages. If this message is seen under heavy system load, it will be necessary to increase Stop_timeout property of the resource.

228994 Validation failed. CRS_HOME/bin/crs_stop not found CRS_HOME=%s


The SUNW.scalable_rac_server_proxy agent could not find the crs_stop binary in the indicated $CRS_HOME/bin/ directory.


Check whether the $CRS_HOME/bin/ directory is accessible, and if so, whether the crs_start binary exists. If the problem persists, contact your Sun support representative for further assistance.

229189 Method timeout monitoring is being resumed for Resource group <%s>.


Timeout monitoring for resource methods in the resource group is being reinstated since the device group reconfigurations have completed.


This is just an informational message.

229198 Successfully started the fault monitor.


The fault monitor for this data service was started successfully.


No user action is needed.

229433 The N1 Grid Service Provisioning System database is unavailable or the test user %s or the test table %s is not set up correct


The PostgreSQL Database is unavailble or the test setup ios misconfigured.


Prepare the database if not done already.

229567 CMM: Open failed for quorum device %d with gdevname '%s'.


The open operation on the specified quorum device failed, and this node will ignore the quorum device.


The quorum device has failed or the path to this device may be broken. Refer to the quorum disk repair section of the administration guide for resolving this problem.

229618 Failed to open contract file %s: %s


Cannot open the specified contract file


Man contract(4), should help in providing the reason.

230516 Failed to retrieve resource name.


HA Storage Plus was not able to retrieve the resource name from the CCR.


Check that the cluster configuration. If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider.

231188 Retrying to retrieve the resource group information: %s.


An update to cluster configuration occurred while resource group properties were being retrieved.


No user action is needed.

231556 %s can't plumb %s: out of instance numbers on %s.


This means that we have reached the maximum number of Logical IPs allowed on an adapter.


This can be increased by increasing the ndd variable ip_addrs_per_if. However the maximum limit is 8192. The default is 256.

231770 ns: Could not initialize ORB: %d


could not initialize ORB.


Please make sure the nodes are booted in cluster mode.

231894 ct_pr_tmpl_set_fatal: %s


The rpc.pmfd was unable to configure a process template in which to launch the requested service. Consequently, the rpc.pmfd was unable to launch the process under its control.


If the message is isolated, it was probably a transient error. If you were running pmfadm(1M) directly, retry the requested action. If there are many instances of the message, there is a problem with the contract file system. Search for other syslog error messages on the same node. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes, and report the problem to your authorized Sun service provider.

231991 WARNING: lkcm_dreg: udlm_send_reply failed


Could not deregister udlm with ucmm.



232063 Unable to open door server.


An internal error has occurred in the inter-process communication between Sun Cluster processes. Related error messages might be found near this one in the syslog output.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

232319 Extension properties %s and %s are empty.


HA Storage Plus detected that no devices or file systems are to be managed.


This is an informational message, no user action is needed.

232920 -d must be followed by a hex bitmask


Incorrect arguments used while setting up sun specific startup parameters to the Oracle unix dlm.


This is an internal error. Save the contents of /var/adm/messages, /var/cluster/ucmm/ucmm_reconf.log and /var/cluster/ucmm/dlm*/*logs/* from all the nodes and contact your Sun service representative.

233017 Successfully stopped %s.


The resource was successfully stopped by Sun Cluster.


No user action is required.

233327 Switchover (%s) error: failed to mount FS (%d)


The file system specified in the message could not be hosted on the node the message came from.


Check /var/adm/messages to make sure there were no device errors. If not, contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

233956 Error in reading message in child process: %m


Error occurred when reading message in fault monitor child process. Child process will be stopped and restarted.


If error persists, then disable the fault monitor and resport the problem.

233970 Failed to read the status_fd


Cannot read the contract status file descriptor.


Depending on the error, check the SMF man page.Contact SUN vendor for help.

234249 scha_resource_get() failed for %s: %s


A call to scha_resource_get() failed.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

234330 Failed to start NFS daemon %s.


HA-NFS implementation failed to start the specified NFS daemon.


HA-NFS would attempt to remedy this situation by attempting to restart the daemon again, or by failing over if necessary. If the system is under heavy load, increase Start_timeout for the HA-NFS resource.

234438 INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid resource property type <%d> on resource <%s>; aborting node


An attempted creation or update of a resource has failed because of invalid resource type data. This may indicate CCR data corruption or an internal logic error in the rgmd. The rgmd will produce a core file and will force the node to halt or reboot.


Use clresource show -v and clresourcetype show -v to examine resource properties. If the resource or resource type properties appear to be corrupted, the CCR might have to be rebuilt. If values appear correct, this may indicate an internal error in the rgmd. Re-try the creation or update operation. If the problem recurs, save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes and contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance.

234547 No entry for file-system %s found in /etc/mnttab.


No entry exits in /etc/mnttab for the specified file system.


Manually unmount the file system.

234655 Function: validate - SLrunlevel (%s) is invalid with Zonebootopt=%s, needs single-user


The Zoneboot variable is set to -s. Every SLrunlevel other than "S" is invalid.


Correct the SLrunlevel variable in the paramter file sczbt_<resource name>. You need to specify "S" together with the boot option -s.

235032 Function: validate - LXrunlevel (%s) is invalid with Zonebootopt=%s, needs single-user


The Zoneboot variable is set to -s. Every LXrunlevel other than "unknown" is invalid.


Correct the LXrunlevel variable in the paramter file sczbt_<resource name>. You need to specify "unknown" together with the boot option -s.

235131 Could not enumerate multi-node devices


An error occurred while the list of multinode devices was being retrieved.


Investigate possible DCS errors. Contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing the problem.

235455 inet_ntop: %s


The cl_apid received the specified error from inet_ntop(3SOCKET). The attempted connection was ignored.


No action required. If the problem persists, save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes and contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing and correcting the problem.

235707 pmf_monitor_suspend: pmf_remove_triggers: %s


The rpc.pmfd server was not able to suspend the monitoring of a process and the monitoring of the process has been aborted. The message contains the system error.


Save the syslog messages file. Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

236733 lookup of oracle dba gid failed.


Could not find group id for dba. udlm will not startup.


Make sure /etc/nswitch.conf and /etc/group files are valid and have correct information to get the group id of dba.

236737 libsecurity: NULL RPC to program %s (%lu) failed; will not retry %s


A client of the specified server was not able to initiate an rpc connection, because it could not execute a test rpc call. The program will not retry because the time limit of 1 hr was exceeded. The message shows the specific rpc error. The program number is shown. To find out what program corresponds to this number, use the rpcinfo command. An error message is output to syslog.


Save the /var/adm/messages file. Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

236789 Failed to open the resource group <%s> handle: <%s>.


An API operation on the resource group has failed. Low memory might be the reason for the problem.


Check the syslog messages from other components for details. If the problem persists, rebooting the node will help. If the problem recurs after rebooting, additional swap space may need to be configured.

237149 clcomm: Path %s being constructed


A communication link is being established with another node.


No action required.

237532 Service %s is not defined.


The SAP service listed in the message is not defined on the system.


Define the SAP service.

237547 Adaptive server stopped (nowait).


The Sybase adaptive server been been stopped by Sun Cluster HA for Sybase using the nowait option.


This is an informational message, no user action is needed.

237744 SAP was brought up outside of HA-SAP, HA-SAP will not shut it down.


SAP was started up outside of the control of Sun cluster. It will not be shutdown automatically.


Need to shut down SAP, before trying to start up SAP under the control of Sun Cluster.

237781 WARNING: lkcm_sync: %d returned from udlm_recv_message


The UDLM has received a message of unknown type. This message is ignored.


No user action is required.

238988 Validate - qping file does not exist or is not executable at %s/qping


The binary file qping can not be found, or is nor excutable.


Confirm the binary file '${SGE_ROOT}/bin/<arch>/qping' exists at that location, and is executable. qping was introduced with Sun Grid Engine 6.0.

239415 Failed to retrieve the cluster handle: %s.


An API operation has failed while retrieving the cluster information.


This may be solved by rebooting the node. For more details about API failure, check the messages from other components.

239631 The status of device: %s is set to UNMONITORED


A device is not monitored.


No action required.

239928 clq_scsi2: quorum_register error: read check for registration key failed on quorum device %s.


An error was encountered while trying to place node's registration key on specified quorum device. The write operation returned success but read check to confirm presence of key failed to match key. This error occurs because of unexpected behaviour from device driver or multi-pathing driver or device's firmware.


Please contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

240051 clq_scsi3: One of the key was found to be zero value on quorum device %s.


One of the registration keys is found to be zero value on specified quorum device. This error occurs because of unexpected behaviour from device driver or multi-pathing driver or device's firmware.


Please look for updates in device driver, multi-pathing driver or device firmware. If no updates are available please contact Sun device driver support team.

240376 No protocol was given as part of property %s for element %s. The property must be specified as %s=PortNumber%cProtocol,PortNumber%cProtocol,...


The IPMP group named is in a transition state. The status will be checked again.


This is an informational message, no user action is needed.

240388 Prog <%s> step <%s>: timed out.


A step has exceeded its configured timeout and was killed by ucmmd. This in turn will cause a reconfiguration of OPS.


Other syslog messages occurring just before this one might indicate the reason for the failure. After correcting the problem that caused the step to fail, the operator can retry reconfiguration of OPS.

240529 Listener status probe failed with exit code %s.


An attempt to query the status of the Oracle listener using command 'lsnrctl status <listener_name>' failed with the error code indicated. HA-Oracle will attempt to kill the listener and then restart it.


None, HA-Oracle will attempt to restart the listener. However, the cause of the failure should be investigated further. Examine the log file and syslog messages for additional information.

241147 Invalid value %s for property %s.


An invalid value was supplied for the property.


Supply "conf" or "boot" as the value for DNS_mode property.

241215 AS_DEF_DOMAINS_PATH not found in the JSAS config file %s


The variable AS_DEF_DOMAINS_PATH is not set in the asenv.conf configuration file. The path to the default domain directory is by default set in this variable in the asenv.conf file. If this is not available, the agent cannot know the default domain directory.


Set the extension property domaindir while creating the resource.

241369 clq_netapp: Error %d from quorum_read_reservations --- failed to read reservations from quorum device %s.


An error was encountered while trying to read reservations on the specified quorum device.


There may be other related messages on this and other nodes connected to this quorum device that may indicate the cause of this problem. Refer to the quorum disk repair section of the administration guide for resolving this problem.

241441 clexecd: ioctl(I_RECVFD) returned %d. Returning %d to clexecd.


clexecd program has encountered a failed ioctl(2) system call. The error message indicates the error number for the failure.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

241630 File %s should be readable only by the owner %s.


The specified file is expected to be readable only by the specified user, who is the owner of the file.


Make sure that the specified file has correct permissions permissions by running "chmod 600 <file>" for non-executable files, or "chmod 700 <file>" for executable files.

241761 Unknown error on door server: %s


The zone state change registration with sc_zonesd failed for an unknown reason.


Search for messages from sc_zonesd to determine the source of the error. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes. If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing the problem.

241828 Method <%s> on resource <%s>, resource group <%s>, node <%s>: Timed out.


A VALIDATE method execution has exceeded its configured timeout and was killed by the rgmd. This in turn will cause the failure of a creation or property update operation on a resource or resource group.


Consult data service documentation to diagnose the cause of the method failure. Other syslog messages occurring just before this one might indicate the reason for the failure. After correcting the problem that caused the method to fail, the operator can retry the operation that failed.

241948 Failed to retrieve resource <%s> extension property <%s>


Can not get extension property.


Look for other syslog error messages on the same node. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes, and report the problem to your authorized Sun service provider.

242209 Error: ${LOGGER} is already running.


The cl_eventlog init script found the cl_eventlogd already running. It will not start it again.


No action required.

242214 clexecd: fork1 returned %d. Returning %d to clexecd.


clexecd program has encountered a failed fork1(2) system call. The error message indicates the error number for the failure.


If the error number is 12 (ENOMEM), install more memory, increase swap space, or reduce peak memory consumption. If error number is something else, contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

242261 Incorrect permissions detected for the executable %s associated with the FilesystemCheckCommand extension property: %s.


The specified executable associated with the FilesystemCheckCommand extension property is not owned by user "root" or is not executable.


Correct the rights of the filename by using the chmod/chown commands.

242385 Failed to stop liveCache with command %s. Return code from SAP command is %d.


Failed to shutdown liveCache immediately with listed command. The return code from the SAP command is listed.


Check the return code for dbmcli command for reasons of failure. Also, check the SAP log files for more details.

243322 Unable to launch dispatch thread on remote node %d


An attempt to deliver an event to the specified node failed.


Examine other syslog messages occurring at about the same time on both this node and the remote node to see if the problem can be identified. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes and contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing and correcting the problem.

243639 Scalable service instance [%s,%s,%d] deregistered on node %s.


The specified scalable service had been deregistered on the specified node. Now, the gif node cannot redirect packets for the specified service to this node.


This is an informational message, no user action is needed.

243648 %s: Could not create %s table


libscdpm could not create the cluster-wide consistent table that the Disk Path Monitoring Daemon uses to maintain persistent information about disks and their monitoring status.


This is a fatal error for the Disk Path Monitoring daemon and will mean that the daemon cannot run on this node. Check to see if there is enough space available on the root file system. Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

243781 cl_event_open_channel(): %s


The cl_eventd was unable to create the channel by which it receives sysevent messages. It will exit.


Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes and contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing and correcting the problem.

243947 Failed to retrieve resource group mode.


HA Storage Plus was not able to retrieve the resource group mode to which it belongs from the CCR.


Check the cluster configuration. If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider.

243965 udlm_ack_msg: udp is null!


Can not acknowledge a message received from udlmctl because the address to acknowledge to is null.



244116 clcomm: socreate on routing socket failed with error = %d


The system prepares IP communications across the private interconnect. A socket create operation on the routing socket failed.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

244571 Initialization failed. Invalid command line %s %s.


Unable to process parameters passed to the call back method. The parameters are indicated in the message. This is a Sun Cluster HA for Sybase internal error.


Report this problem to your authorized Sun service provider

244794 Failed to issue vxdg list command.


An error occurred when the command 'vxdg list' was run.


Ensure that the correct version of VxVM is installed. Contact your authorized Sun service provider for further assistance in diagnosing the problem.

245128 Extension property %s must be set.


The indicated property must be set by the user.


Use scrgadm to set the property.

246751 Failed to stop derby data service; unsuccessful exit


Could not stop the derby data service.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

246769 kill -TERM: %s


The rpc.fed server is not able to kill a tag that timed out, and the error message is shown. An error message is output to syslog.


Save the /var/adm/messages file. Examine other syslog messages occurring around the same time on the same node, to see if the cause of the problem can be identified.

247392 scnetapp fatal error - Cannot get element from %s


The program responsible for retrieving NAS configuration information from the CCR has suffered an internal error. Continued errors of this type may lead to a compromise in data integrity.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider as soon as possible to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

247405 Failed to take the resource out of PMF control. Will shutdown WLS using sigkill


The resource could not be taken out of pmf control. The WLS will however be shutdown by killing the process using sigkill.


Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes. Contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing the problem.

247682 recv_message: cm_reconfigure: %s


udlm received a message to reconfigure.


None. OPS is going to reconfigure.

247720 %s: t_alloc() failed: %s.


The cluster was unable to allocate space for network protocol information during a cluster installation or configuration change.


Check memory utilization on each cluster node and install more memory or increase swap space, as necessary. If memory utilization appears to be otherwise normal, contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available. Once the issue is addressed, retry the affected administrative operation.

247752 Failed to start the service %s.


Specified data service failed to start.


Look in /var/adm/messages for the cause of failure. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes. Contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing the problem.

247973 pthread_mutex_trylock error %d line %d


Internal error.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

248287 Telemetry data service failed to get cacao port


The port number to connect to Cacao could not be retrieved. This should never occur.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

248355 Invalid Parameter for check_properties


Should never occur.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

248838 SAPDB parent kernel process file does not exist.


The SAPDB parent kernel process file cannot be found on the system.


During normal operation, this error should not occurred, unless the file was deleted manually. No action required.

248975 Failfast: Destroying failfast unit %s while armed in zone "%s" (zone ID %d)


The specified failfast unit was destroyed while it was still armed.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

249196 The ZFS pool '%s' is already configured in the resource %s.


HAStoragePlus detected that the specified ZFS pool is already configured in another resource. HAStoragePlus does not allow the same ZFS pool to be configured in multiple resources to avoid data corruption and availability problems.


Do not use the specified ZFS pool in this resource.

249804 INTERNAL ERROR CMM: Failure creating sender thread.


An instance of the userland CMM encountered an internal initialization error. This is caused by inadequate memory on the system.


Add more memory to the system. If that does not resolve the problem, contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

250133 Failed to open the device %s: %s.


This is an internal error. System failed to perform the specified operation.


For specific error information check the syslog message. Provide the following information to your authorized Sun service provider to diagnose the problem. 1) Saved copy of /var/adm/messages file 2) Output of "ls -l /dev/sad" command 3) Output of "modinfo | grep sad" command.

250151 write: %s


The cl_apid experienced the specified error when attempting to write to a file descripter. If this error occurs during termination of the daemon, it may cause the cl_apid to fail to shutdown properly (or at all). If it occurs at any other time, it is probably a CRNP client error.


Examine other syslog messages occurring at about the same time to see if the problem can be identified. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes and contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing and correcting the problem.

250364 SCSLM <%s> pool_value_get_uint64 error <%s>


Should never occur.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

250387 Stop fault monitor using pmfadm failed. tag %s error=%s.


The Process Monitoring Facility could not stop the Sun Cluster HA for Sybase fault monitor. The fault monitor tag is provided in the message. The error returned by the PMF is indicated in the message.


Stop the fault monitor processes. Contact your authorized Sun Service provider to report this problem.

250885 CMM: Quorum device %s: owner set to node %d.


The specified node has taken ownership of the specified quorum device.


This is an informational message, no user action is needed.

251472 Validation failed. SYBASE directory %s does not exist.


The indicated directory does not exist. The SYBASE environment variable may be incorrectly set or the installation may be incorrect.


Check the SYBASE environment variable value and verify the Sybase installation.

251552 Failed to validate configuration.


The data service is not properly configured.


Look at the prior syslog messages for specific problems and take corrective action.

251565 Validation failed. Neither default PARAMETER_FILE: %s


Neither the parameter file init<sid>.ora nor the server parameter file spfile<sid>.ora is present in the default location $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/ folder.


Create a valid parameter file or server parameter file for that Oracle instance in the default location, or provide a valid parameter file in the PARAMETER_FILE extension property of the HA-Oracle resource.

251591 This node has a lower preference to node %d for global service %s associated with path %s.Device switchover can still be done to this node.


HA Storage Plus determined that the node is less preferred to another node from the DCS global service view, but as the Failback setting is Off, this is not a problem.


This is an informational message, no user action is needed.

251702 Error initializing an internal component of the version manager (error %d).


This message can occur when the system is booting if incompatible versions of cluster software are installed.


Verify that any recent software installations completed without errors and that the installed packages or patches are compatible with the rest of the installed software. Also contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

251867 SCSLM <%s> zone <%s> unexpected group <%s>


Should never occur.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

252457 The %s command does not have execute permissions: <%s>


This command input to the agent builder does not have the expected default execute permissions.


Reset the permissions to allow execute permissions using the chmod command.

253279 The asadmin list-node-agents command failed to run. Unable to communicate with the Domain Admin Server %s on port %d. Probe Cannot determine the status of the Node Agent %s.


This error is from the Node Agents Probe. Before checking for the status of the Node Agents, the probe makes sure the Domain Admin Server is accessible. This error message indicates that the Domain Admin Server is not UP and the probe cannot get the status of the Node Agents.


If the Domain Admin Server is also a suncluster resource then set the resource dependency between the Node Agents resource and the Domain Admin Server resource. If the Domain Admin Server is not a sun cluster resource then make sure it is Running.

253709 The %s protocol for this node%s is not compatible with the %s protocol for node %u%s.


This is an informational message from the cluster version manager and may help diagnose what software component is failing to find a compatible version during a rolling upgrade. This error may also be due to attempting to boot a cluster node in 64-bit address mode when other nodes are booted in 32-bit address mode, or vice versa.


This message is informational; no user action is needed. However, if this message is for a core component, one or more nodes may shut down in order to preserve system integrity. Verify that any recent software installations completed without errors and that the installed packages or patches are compatible with the rest of the installed software.

253810 Resource dependency on %s is not set.


The resource dependency on the resource listed in the error message is not set.


Set the resource dependency on the appropriate resource.

254053 Initialization error. Fault Monitor password is NULL


Internal error. Environment variable SYBASE_MONITOR_PASSWORD not set before invoking fault monitor.


Report this problem to your authorized Sun service provider.

254131 resource group %s removed.


This is a notification from the rgmd that the operator has deleted a resource group. This message can be used by system monitoring tools.


This is an informational message; no user action is needed.

254388 Failed to retrieve Message server pid.


Failed to retrieve the process ID for the message server indicating the message server process is not running.


No action needed. The fault monitor will detect this and take appropriate action.

254477 Error stopping the PMF


The PMF service fails to stop.


Please reboot the node,

254534 (%s) not a member of the diskgroup (%s)


This node is not in the node list of the disk set or disk group.


Determine whether the node is in the node list of the disk set or disk group. To retrieve the node list of the disk set or disk group, run scstat -D or cldevicegroup show.

254692 scswitch: internal error: bad state <%s> (<%d>) for resource group <%s>


While attempting to execute an operator-requested switch of the primaries of a resource group, the rgmd has discovered the indicated resource group to be in an invalid state. The switch action will fail.


This may indicate an internal error or bug in the rgmd. Contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing and correcting the problem.

255071 Low memory: unable to process client registration


The cl_apid experienced a memory error that prevented it from processing a client registration request.


Increase swap space, install more memory, or reduce peak memory consumption.

255115 Retrying to retrieve the resource type information.


An update to cluster configuration occured while resource type properties were being retrieved


Ignore the message.

255135 create_and_arm_failfast : Unable to get ff_admin_ptr


Unable to get the reference for the failfast_admin object from the name server.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

255314 Could not stop monitor for resource %s.


The monitor for HA-KDC is running and could not be stopped.


Check to see if the monitor is still running and try to manually stop the monitor. Observe the behavior and take the appropriate action.

255870 Complete_Probe for resource sckrb5 failed.


Sun Cluster could not complete the thorough probing of HA-KDC.


Check for other error messages logged before this one to determine the specific cause of failure.

256023 pmf_monitor_suspend: Error opening procfs status file <%s> for tag <%s>: %s


The rpc.pmfd server was not able to open a procfs status file, and the system error is shown. procfs status files are required in order to monitor user processes. This error occurred for a process whose monitoring had been suspended. The monitoring of this process has been aborted and can not be resumed.


Determine if the machine is running out of memory. If this is not the case, save the syslog messages file. Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

256245 ORB initialization failure


An attempt to start the scdpmd failed.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

256574 Device group type is cvm


The disk group type is Veritas Volume Manager with the cluster feature. This message is an informational message.


No user action is required.

256703 Notice: not OK to join. Error: %s Retrying...


An unknown error has prevented the node from rejoining the cluster. The RAC framework will automatically retry this operation.


No user action is required.

256915 Method <%s> on resource <%s>, node <%s>: authorization error: %d.


An attempted method execution failed, apparently due to a security violation; this error should not occur. This failure is considered a method failure. Depending on which method was being invoked and the Failover_mode setting on the resource, this might cause the resource group to fail over or move to an error state.


Examine other syslog messages occurring at about the same time to see if the problem can be diagnosed. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes and contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing the problem.

256960 scvxvmlg error - opendir(%s) failed


The program responsible for maintaining the VxVM namespace was unable to access the global device namespace. If configuration changes were recently made to VxVM diskgroups or volumes, this node may be unaware of those changes. Recently created volumes may be unaccessible from this node.


Verify that the /global/.devices/node@N (N = this node's node number) is mounted globally and is accessible. If no configuration changes have been recently made to VxVM diskgroups or volumes and all volumes continue to be accessible from this node, then no further action is required. If changes have been made, the device namespace on this node can be updated to reflect those changes by executing '/usr/cluster/lib/dcs/scvxvmlg'. If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

257965 File %s should be readable by %s.


A program required the specified file to be readable by the specified user.


Set correct permissions for the specified file to allow the specified user to read it.

258308 UNRECOVERABLE ERROR: Sun Cluster boot: failfastd not started


Internal error.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

258909 clexecd: sigfillset returned %d. Exiting.


clexecd program has encountered a failed sigfillset(3C) system call. The error message indicates the error number for the failure.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

259034 Failfast : Real Time class not configured in this system


Real time class is not configured in this system, but failfast needs to run with real time priority.


Configure real time priority class for the system.

259455 in fe_set_env_vars malloc failed


The rgmd server was not able to allocate memory for the environment name, while trying to connect to the rpc.fed server, possibly due to low memory. An error message is output to syslog.


Determine if the host is running out of memory. If not save the /var/adm/messages file. Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

259548 File-system %s is not mounted on mountpoint directory %s


The file system that this ScalMountPoint resource represents is not mounted on the mount point.


Determine whether the mount-point directory exists. If the directory does not exist, create it and repeat the operation. Otherwise, contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

259588 Function: validate - Milestone not set in %s


The Milestone variable is not set in the parameter file sczbt_<resource name>.


Set the Milestone variable in the parameter file sczbt_<resource name>.

259775 Validate - nmbd %s non-existent executable


The Samba executable nmbd either doesn't exist or is not executable.


Check the correct pathname for the Samba (s)bin directory was entered when registering the resource and that the program exists and is executable.

259810 reservation error(%s) - do_scsi3_reserve() error for disk %s


The device fencing program has encountered errors while trying to access a device. All retry attempts have failed.


This may be indicative of a hardware problem, which should be resolved as soon as possible. Once the problem has been resolved, the following actions may be necessary: If the message specifies the 'node_join' transition, then this node may be unable to access the specified device. If the failure occurred during the 'release_shared_scsi2' transition, then a node which was joining the cluster may be unable to access the device. In either case, access can be reacquired by executing '/usr/cluster/lib/sc/run_reserve -c node_join' on all cluster nodes. If the failure occurred during the 'make_primary' transition, then a device group might have failed to start on this node. If the device group was started on another node, move it to this node by using the cldevicegroup command. If the device group was not started, you can start it by using the cldevicegroup command. If the failure occurred during the 'primary_to_secondary' transition, then the shutdown or switchover of a device group might have failed. If so, the desired action may be retried.

259985 SCSLM <%s> ret %d, outputs <%s>


Should never occur.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

260883 In J2EE probe, failed to find http header in %s.


The data service could not find an http header in reply from J2EE engine.


Informational message. No user action is needed.

261109 Method <%s> failed to execute on resource <%s> in resource group <%s>, on node <%s>, error: <%d>


A resource method failed to execute, due to a system error number identified in the message. The indicated error number appears not to match any of the known errno values described in intro(2). This is considered a method failure. Depending on which method is being invoked and the Failover_mode setting on the resource, this might cause the resource group to fail over or move to an error state, or it might cause an attempted edit of a resource group or its resources to fail.


Other syslog messages occurring at about the same time might provide evidence of the source of the problem. If not, save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes, and (if the rgmd did crash) a copy of the rgmd core file, and contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance.

261123 resource group %s state change to managed.


This is a notification from the rgmd that a resource group's state has changed. This message can be used by system monitoring tools.


This is an informational message; no user action is needed.

261236 Validate - my.cnf %s does not exist


The my.cnf configuration does not exist in the defined database directory.


Make sure that my.cnf is placed in the defined database directory.

261662 Not attempting to start Resource Group <%s> on node <%s>, because the Resource Groups <%s> for which it has strong negative affinities are online.


The rgmd is enforcing the strong negative affinities of the resource groups. This behavior is normal and expected.


No action required. If desired, use clresourcegroup to change the resource group affinities.

262047 Switch-over of RG %s to node %s failed.\n Trying node %s...


An attempt to switch over the resource group that contains the metadata server resource to another node failed. The RGM is trying to switch the resource group to another node in the resource group's node list. This message is an informational message.


No user action is required.

262295 Failback bailing out because resource group <%s>is being updated or switched


The rgmd daemon was unable to failback the specified resource group to a more preferred node because the resource group was already in the process of being updated or switched.


This is an informational message; no user action is needed.

262898 Name service not available.


The monitor_check method detected that name service is not responsive.


Check if name servcie is configured correctly. Try some commands to query name serves, such as ping and nslookup, and correct the problem. If the error still persists, then reboot the node.

262901 Validation failed. CRS_HOME/bin/crs_stat not found CRS_HOME=%s


The SUNW.scalable_rac_server_proxy agent could not find the crs_stat binary in the indicated $CRS_HOME/bin/ directory.


Check whether the $CRS_HOME/bin/ directory is accessible, and if so, whether the crs_stat binary exists. If the problem persists, contact your Sun support representative for further assistance.

263258 CCR: More than one copy of table %s has the same version but different checksums. Using the table from node %s.


The CCR detects that two valid copies of the indicated table have the same version but different contents. The copy on the indicated node will be used by the CCR.


This is an informational message, no user action is needed.

263440 Only a single path to the JSAS install directory has to be set in Confdir_list


Each JSAS resource can handle only a single installation of JSAS. You cannot create a resource to handle multiple installations.


Create a separate resource for making each installation of JSAS Highly Available.

263495 INTERNAL ERROR : program name is NULL


The program name being processed was incorrect.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing the problem.

263582 Node Agent %s failed to stay up.


This is an informational message. The Probe detected that the Node Agent is down. The Probe will either restart the Node Agents and all the Application Server instances or Failover to another node.


No User action needed.

263652 Error in binding the handle:%s


Error in creating the handle to bind with the SMF repository.


Check the SMF manpage to know more about the error.Also make sure the basic SMF functionalities are working fine.Contact SUN vendor for more help.

264326 Error (%s) when reading extension property <%s>.


Error occurred in API call scha_resource_get.


Check syslog messages for errors logged from other system modules. If error persists, please report the problem.

264895 Validate - smbd %s non-existent executable


The Samba executable smbd either doesn't exist or is not executable.


Check the correct pathname for the Samba (s)bin directory was entered when registering the resource and that the program exists and is executable.

265013 Update on the resource is completed successfully.


Self explanatory.


This is an informational message, no user action is needed.

265109 Successfully stopped the database.


The resource was able to successfully shutdown the the HADB database.


This is an informational message, no user action is needed.

265139 stop_pgs: Stop PostgreSQL with the option %s


The PostgreSQL database server is shut down with the specified option.



265504 scf_property_create failed: %s


An API call failed.


Examine log files and syslog messages to determine the cause of the failure. Take corrective action based on any related messages. If the problem persists, report it to your Sun support representative for further assistance.

265832 in libsecurity for program %s (%lu); svc_tli_create failed for transport %s


A server (rpc.pmfd, rpc.fed or rgmd) was not able to start on the specified transport. The server might stay up and running as long as the server can start on other transports. An error message is output to syslog.


Save the /var/adm/messages file. Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

265925 CMM: Cluster lost operational quorum; aborting.


Not enough nodes are operational to maintain a majority quorum, causing the cluster to fail to avoid a potential split brain.


The nodes should rebooted.

266055 "pmfctl -R": Error resuming pid %d for tag <%s>: %d


An error occured while rpc.pmfd attempted to resume the monitoring of the indicated pid, possibly because the indicated pid has exited while attempting to resume its monitoring.


Check if the indicated pid has exited, if this is not the case, Save the syslog messages file. Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

266059 security_svc_reg failed.


The rpc.pmfd server was not able to initialize authentication and rpc initialization. This happens while the server is starting up, at boot time. The server does not come up, and an error message is output to syslog.


Save the /var/adm/messages file. Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

266116 get_node_list failed for malloc of size %d


Unable to allocate memory when reading nodelist.


Increase swap space, install more memory, or reduce peak memory consumption.

266274 %s: No memory, restarting service.


The PMF action script supplied by the DSDL could not complete its function because it could not allocate the required amount of memory; the PMF action script has restarted the application.


If this error persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing and correcting the problem.

266519 invalid value for parameter '%sfailfast': "%s". Using default value of 'panic'


/opt/SUNWudlm/etc/udlm.conf did not have a valid entry for failfast mode. Default mode of 'panic' will be used.



266582 Failed to initialize Condtion Variable : %s


The condition variable that is used to synchronize threads for the I/O probe could not be initialized.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

266640 Specified global device path %s is invalid : %s.


HA Storage Plus found that the specified path is not a global device.


Usually, this means that a typo has been made when filling the GlobalDevicePaths property -or- that the underlying device corresponding to the mount point is not a device group name.

266834 CMM: Our partition has been preempted.


The cluster partition to which this node belongs has been preempted by another partition during a reconfiguration. The preempted partition will abort. If a cluster gets divided into two or more disjoint subclusters, exactly one of these must survive as the operational cluster. The surviving cluster forces the other subclusters to abort by grabbing enough votes to grant it majority quorum. This is referred to as preemption of the losing subclusters.


There may be other related messages that may indicate why quorum was lost. Determine why quorum was lost on this node partition, resolve the problem and reboot the nodes in this partition.

267096 SCSLM thread pools facility error %d


Should never occur.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

267361 check_cmg - Database connect to %s failed


While probing the Oracle E-Business Suite concurrent manager, a test to connect to the database failed.


None, if two successive failures occur the concurrent manager resource will be restarted.

267589 launch_fed_prog: call to rpc.fed failed for program <%s>, step <%s>


Launching of fed program failed due to a failure of ucmmd to communicate with the rpc.fed daemon. If the rpc.fed process died, this might lead to a subsequent reboot of the node.


Examine other syslog messages occurring at about the same time to see if the problem can be identified and if it recurs. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes and contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance.

267673 Validation failed. ORACLE binaries not found ORACLE_HOME=%s


Oracle binaries not found under ORACLE_HOME. ORACLE_HOME specified for the resource is indicated in the message. HA-Oracle will not be able to manage Oracle if ORACLE_HOME is incorrect.


Specify correct ORACLE_HOME when creating resource. If resource is already created, please update resource property 'ORACLE_HOME'.

267839 The entry in mnttab for mount point '%s' exceeds %d characters.


The internal buffer size of the mnttab entry for the specified mount point has execeeded MNT_LINE_MAX characters.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

268460 check_for_ccrdata failed malloc of size %d


Call to malloc failed. The "malloc" man page describes possible reasons.


Install more memory, increase swap space or reduce peak memory consumption.

268467 Function: start_sczbt - logical interface %s:%s placed into %s


The interface of the logical host resource is placed by the start command into the referenced zone.



268593 Failed to take the resource out of PMF control. Sending SIGKILL now.


An error was encounterd while taking the resource out of PMF's control while stopping the resource. The resource will be stopped by sending it SIGKILL.


This message is informational; no user action is needed.

268646 Extension property <network_aware> has a value of <%d>


Resource property Network_aware is set to the given value.


This is an informational message, no user action is needed.

269027 sigfillset: %s


The daemon was unable to configure its signal handling functionality, so it is unable to run.


Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes and contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing and correcting the problem.

269240 clconf: Write_ccr routine shouldn't be called from kernel


Routine write_ccr that writes a clconf tree out to CCR should not be called from kernel.


No action required. This is informational message.

269251 Failing over all NFS resources from this node.


HA-NFS is failing over all NFS resources.


This is an informational message, no action is needed. Look for previous error messages from HA-NFS for the reason for failing over.

269454 Validate - Userid %s is not a member of group mqm


The specified userid is not a member of group mqm.


The specified user must be a member of grouo mqm.

269590 Function: validate - Zonebrand for zone %s is configured as solaris8, but the zone is configured as brand type %s.


Zonebrand is set to "solaris8". But the Zone is not configured as brand type solaris8 according to zonecfg info.


Review the components configuration file and make sure the variable Zonebrand defines "solaris8" only for a Zone that got really setup with brand type "solaris8".

269641 Error in failing over the res group:%s


The number of restarts of services under the resource has reached the max. So the resource will be failing over


No action needed.Just a notice meesage

270179 SCSLM pools facility, no static config file


Should never occur.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

270351 The derby data service failed to retrieve private local nodename


The data service tried to find the local nodename associated with the private interconnects.


Examine other syslog messages occurring at about the same time to see if the problem can be identified. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes and contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing and correcting the problem.

271274 Failed to get RT parameters


Could not query Real Time parameters for the system. The process will be aborted and this zone will not be available to host applications.


Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes. Contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing the problem.

272086 CMM: Quorum device %s does not appear to be configured on quorum server. This quorum device will be unavailable.


The quorum device is unknown to the quorum server. This quorum device may have been unconfigured on the quorum server.


Remove the device using scconf, and try adding it again.

272139 Message Server Process is not running. pid was %d.


Message server process is not present on the process list indicating message server process is not running on this node.


No action needed. Fault monitor will detect that message server process is not running, and take appropriate action.

272434 Validation failed. SYBASE text server startup file RUN_%s not found SYBASE=%s.


Text server was specified in the extension property Text_Server_Name. However, text server startup file was not found. Text server startup file is expected to be: $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install/RUN_<Text_Server_Name>


Check the text server name specified in the Text_Server_Name property. Verify that SYBASE and SYBASE_ASE environment variables are set property in the Environment_file. Verify that RUN_<Text_Server_Name> file exists.

273018 INTERNAL ERROR CMM: Failure starting CMM.


An instance of the userland CMM encountered an internal initialization error.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

273046 impossible to read the resource name


An internal error prevented the application from recovering its resource name


This is an informational message, no user action is needed

273354 CMM: Node %s (nodeid = %d) is dead.


The specified node has died. It is guaranteed to be no longer running and it is safe to take over services from the dead node.


The cause of the node failure should be resolved and the node should be rebooted if node failure is unexpected.

273861 Validate - Infrastructure directory %s does not exist


The value of the Oracle Application Server Infrastructure directory within the xxx_config file is wrong, where xxx_config is either 9ias_config for Oracle 9iAS or 10gas_config for Oracle 10gAS.


Specify the correct OIAS_INFRA in the appropriate xxx_config file.

273892 fatal: CCR callback registration error: %s


An error occurred in a CCR related operation while registering the callbacks for updating nodename cache. Hence RGM will abort.


Contact your authorized Sun service representative for resolution.

274020 Using mount options "%s" from /etc/vfstab


Mount options from the entry in /etc/vfstab for the specified NFS file system will be used for mounting the file system. This message is an informational message.


No user action is required.

274138 Could not get device group info for (%s)


An error occurred while status information for the VxVM volume was being retrieved.


Ensure that the correct version of the library is installed. Contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing the problem.

274229 validate_options: %s Option -N not set


The option -N of the Apache Tomcat agent command $COMMANDNAME is not set, $COMMANDNAME is either start_sctomcat, stop_sctomcat or probe_sctomcat.


look at previous error messages in the syslog.

274386 reservation error(%s) - Could not determine controller number for device %s


The device fencing program has suffered an internal error.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available. Copies of /var/adm/messages from all nodes should be provided for diagnosis. It may be possible to retry the failed operation, depending on the nature of the error. If the message specifies the 'node_join' transition, then this node may be unable to access shared devices. If the failure occurred during the 'release_shared_scsi2' transition, then a node which was joining the cluster may be unable to access shared devices. In either case, it may be possible to reacquire access to shared devices by executing '/usr/cluster/lib/sc/run_reserve -c node_join' on all cluster nodes. If the failure occurred during the 'make_primary' transition, then a device group has failed to start on this node. If another node was available to host the device group, then it should have been started on that node. If desired, it might be possible to switch the device group to this node by using the cldevicegroup command. If no other node was available, then the device group will not have been started. You can use the cldevicegroup command to retry the attempt to start the device group. If the failure occurred during the 'primary_to_secondary' transition, then the shutdown or switchover of a device group has failed. The desired action may be retried.

274421 Port %d%c%s is listed twice in property %s, at entries %d and %d.


The port number in the message was listed twice in the named property, at the list entry locations given in the message. A port number should only appear once in the property.


Specify the property with only one occurrence of the port number.

274506 Wrong data format from kstat: Expecting %d, Got %d.


See 176151


See 176151

274562 Fault monitor for resource %s failed to stay up.


Resource fault monitor failed. The resource will not be monitored.


Examine log files and syslog messages to determine the cause of the failure. Take corrective action based on any related messages. If the problem persists, report it to your Sun support representative for further assistance.

274603 No interfaces found


The allow_hosts or deny_hosts for the CRNP service specifies LOCAL and the cl_apid is unable to find any network interfaces on the local host. This error may prevent the cl_apid from starting up.


Examine other syslog messages occurring at about the same time to see if the problem can be identified. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes and contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing and correcting the problem.

274605 Server is online.


Informational message. Oracle server is online.



274887 clcomm: solaris xdoor: rejected invo: door_return returned, errno = %d


An unusual but harmless event occurred. System operations continue unaffected.


No user action is required.

274901 Invalid protocol %s given as part of property %s.


The property named does not have a legal value.


Assign the property a legal value.

275313 SCSLM zone <%s> bind to pool.sys_id %llu, should be <%s%s> (pool.sys_id %llu)


A non-global zone used to run resource groups under SLM control is not dynamically bind to the expected SCSLM pool (poolbind).


Set zone pool binding to the displayed SCSLM pool (with poolbind command) before launching a resource group under SLM control in this zone.

275415 Broker_user extension property must be set


A Sun ONE Message Queue resource with the Smooth_Shutdown property set to true must also set the Broker_User extension property.


Set the Broker_User extension property on the resource.

275532 "pmfadm -k": Error signaling <%s>: %s


An error occured while rpc.pmfd attempted to send a signal to one of the processes of the given tag. The reason for the failure is also given. The signal was sent as a result of a 'pmfadm -k' command.


Save the /var/adm/messages file. Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

275564 SCSLM zone_getattr errno <%s>


Should never occur.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

275628 SCSLM <%s> pool_conf_alloc error <%s>


Should never occur.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

276672 reservation error(%s) - did_get_did_path() error


The device fencing program has suffered an internal error.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available. Copies of /var/adm/messages from all nodes should be provided for diagnosis. It may be possible to retry the failed operation, depending on the nature of the error. If the message specifies the 'node_join' transition, then this node may be unable to access shared devices. If the failure occurred during the 'release_shared_scsi2' transition, then a node which was joining the cluster may be unable to access shared devices. In either case, it may be possible to reacquire access to shared devices by executing '/usr/cluster/lib/sc/run_reserve -c node_join' on all cluster nodes. If the failure occurred during the 'make_primary' transition, then a device group has failed to start on this node. If another node was available to host the device group, then it should have been started on that node. If desired, it might be possible to switch the device group to this node by using the cldevicegroup command. If no other node was available, then the device group will not have been started. You can use the cldevicegroup command to retry the attempt to start the device group. If the failure occurred during the 'primary_to_secondary' transition, then the shutdown or switchover of a device group has failed. The desired action may be retried.

277044 Error occurred while waiting for first partition nodes


During a dual-partition upgrade in a live upgrade scenario, processing must wait for the first partition nodes to come online. Some error occurred while waiting for the nodes to come online. Upgrade process has stopped and cannot proceed.


Cluster upgrade has failed. Reboot all the nodes out of cluster mode and recover from upgrade. Finish the cluster upgrade by using the standard upgrade method.

277745 Monitor check for derby data service not successful.


The data service check of the node was unsuccessful.


This message is informational; no user action is needed.

277995 (%s) msg of wrong version %d, expected %d


Expected to receiver a message of a different version. udlmctl will fail.


Save the contents of /var/adm/messages, /var/cluster/ucmm/ucmm_reconf.log and /var/cluster/ucmm/dlm*/*logs/* from all the nodes and contact your Sun service representative.

278199 reset_rg_state: unable to change state of resource group <%s> on node <%s>; assuming that node died


The rgmd daemon was unable to reset the state of the specified resource group to offline on the specified node or zone, presumably because the node or zone died.


Examine syslog output on the specified node to determine the cause of node death. The syslog output might indicate further remedial actions.

278240 Stopping fault monitor using pmf tag %s.


The fault monitor will be stopped using the Process Monitoring Facility (PMF), with the tag indicated in the message.


This is an information message, no user action is needed.

278292 Function: validate - Zone %s is configured with ip-type=exclusive, and the sczbt resource is dependand on a SUNW.LogicalHostname resource. This combination does not work.


The configured non-global zone has set ip-type=exclusive within its zone config, and the resource was configured to depend on a SUNW.LogicalHostname resource. It is not possible to assign the IP address from this SUNW.LogicalHostname resource for the non-global zone if ip-type=exclusive is set.


Either set ip-type=shared for the non-global zone config, or remove the dependency to the SUNW.LogicalHostname resource.

278526 in libsecurity for program %s (%lu); creat of file %s failed: %s


The specified server was not able to create a cache file for rpcbind information. The affected component should continue to function by calling rpcbind directly.


Save the /var/adm/messages file. Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

278654 Unable to determine password for broker %s.


Cannot retrieve the password for the broker.


Check that the scs1mqconfig file is accessible and correctly specifies the password.

278952 Issuing a failover request because of probe failures.


This message indicates that the fault monitor is about to make a failover request because of probe failures. If the request fails, refer to the syslog messages that appear after this message.


This is an informational message; no user action is required.

279035 Unparsed sysevent received


The cl_apid was unable to process an incoming sysevent. The message will be dropped.


Examine other syslog messages occurring at about the same time to see if the problem can be identified. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes and contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing and correcting the problem.

279061 The file %s needed by the telemetry data service does not exist


A program or script of the telemetry data service could not execute because a file does not exist. This should never occur.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

279084 CMM: node reconfiguration


The cluster membership monitor has processed a change in node or quorum status.


This is an informational message, no user action is needed.

279152 listener %s probe successful.


Informational message. Listener monitor successfully completed first probe.



279195 Error determining the resource group name


The name of the resource group that contains this resource could not be determined.


Investigate possible RGM errors or DSDL errors. Contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing the problem.

279309 Failfast: Invalid failfast mode %s specified. Returning default mode PANIC.


An invalid value was supplied for the failfast mode. The software will use the default PANIC mode instead.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

279565 Function: validate - exclude: lofs found in /etc/system


The kernel module for the lofs filesystem is still excluded in /etc/system.


Place a * in front of the exlude: lofs line and reboot the node.

280492 time for %s: %s


The time(2) function failed with the specified error. This error will cause the rpc.pmfd to stop monitoring the specified nametag.


Search for other syslog error messages on the same node. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes, and report the problem to your authorized Sun service provider.

280505 Validate - Application user <%s> does not exist


The Oracle E-Business Suite applications userid was not found in /etc/passwd.


Ensure that a local applications userid is defined on all nodes within the cluster.

280559 IPMP group %s is not homogenous


Not all adapters in the IPMP group can host the same types of IP addresses. eg some adapters are IPv4 only, others are capable of hosting IPv4 and IPv6 both and so on.


Configure the IPMP group such that each adapter is capable of hosting IP addresses that the rest of the adapters in the group can.

280685 Failfast : Zone %s (zone ID %d) rebooting


Rebooting zone with the specified zone ID, as the specified failfast unit was destroyed while it was still armed.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

280981 validate: The N1 Grid Service Provisioning System start command does not exist, its not a valid masterserver installation


The cr_server command is not found in the expected subdirectory


Correct the Basepath specified in the parameter file.

281428 Failed to retrieve the resource group handle: %s.


An API operation on the resource group has failed.


For the resource group name, check the syslog tag. For more details, check the syslog messages from other components. If the error persists, reboot the node.

281680 fatal: couldn't initialize ORB, possibly because machine is booted in non-cluster mode


The rgmd daemon was unable to initialize its interface to the low-level cluster machinery. This might occur because the operator has attempted to start the rgmd on a node that is booted in non-cluster mode. The rgmd will produce a core file, and in some cases it might cause the node to halt or reboot to avoid data corruption.


If the node is in non-cluster mode, boot it into cluster mode before attempting to start the rgmd. If the node is already in cluster mode, save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes, and of the rgmd core file. Contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing the problem.

281732 The directory %s needed by the derby data service does not exist


A program or script of the derby data service could not execute because a directory does not exist. This should never occur.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

281775 Telemetry data service stop method returned with error %s


The telemetry data service could not stop for an unknown reason.


This message is informational; no user action needed.

281819 %s exited with error %s in step %s


A ucmm step execution failed in the indicated step.


None. See /var/adm/messages for previous errors and report this problem if it occurs again during the next reconfiguration.

281954 Incorrect resource group properties for RAC framework resource group %s. Value of Maximum_primaries(%s) is not equal to number of nodes in nodelist(%s).


The RAC framework resource group is a scalable resorce group. The value of the Maximum_primaries and Desired_primaries properties should be set to the number of nodes specified in the Nodelist property. RAC framework will not function correctly without these values.


Specify correct values of the properties and reissue command. Refer to the documentation of Sun Cluster support for Oracle Parallel Server/ Real Application Clusters for installation procedure.

282009 scf_service_add_pg failed: %s


An API call failed.


Examine log files and syslog messages to determine the cause of the failure. Take corrective action based on any related messages. If the problem persists, report it to your Sun support representative for further assistance.

282406 fork1 returned %d. Exiting.


clexecd program has encountered a failed fork1(2) system call. The error message indicates the error number for the failure.


If the error number is 12 (ENOMEM), install more memory, increase swap space, or reduce peak memory consumption. If error number is something else, contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

282508 INTERNAL ERROR: r_state_at_least: state <%s> (%d)


A non-fatal internal error has occurred in the rgmd state machine.


Since this problem might indicate an internal logic error in the rgmd, save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes, and the output of clresourcetype show -v, clresourcegroup show -v +, and clresourcegroup status +. Report the problem to your authorized Sun service provider.

282527 Function: lofsmount - Non-global zones mount from %s to %s with options %s successful


The mount of the directory into the root path of the non-global zone was successful.



282827 Executable %s is not a regular file.


HA Storage Plus found that the specified file was not a plain file but of different type (directory, symbolic link, etc.).


Usually, this means that an incorrect filename was given in one of the extension properties.

282980 liveCache %s was brought down outside of Sun Cluster. Sun Cluster will suspend monitoring for it until it is started up successfully again by the user.


LiveCache fault monitor detects that liveCache was brought down by user intendedly outside of Sun Cluster. Suu Cluster will not take any action upon it until liveCache is started up successfully again by the user.


No action is needed if the shutdown is intended. If not, start up liveCache again using LC10 or lcinit, so it can be under the monitoring of Sun Cluster.

283262 HA: rm_state_machine::service_suicide() not yet implemented


Unimplemented feature was activated.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

283767 network is very slow.


This means that the PNM daemon was not able to read data from the network - either the network is very slow or the resources on the node are dangerously low.


It is best to restart the PNM daemon. Send KILL (9) signal to pnmd. PMF will restart pnmd automatically. If the problem persists, restart the node with clnode evacuate and shutdown.

284150 Nodelist must contain two or more nodes.


The nodelist resource group property must contain two or more Sun Cluster nodes.


Recreate the resource group with a nodelist that contains two or more Sun Cluster nodes.

284228 Prog <%s> failed to execute step <%s> - SLM error


Resource group is under SC SLM control and an SLM error occurred. Some errors might be configuration errors. Check fed SLM errors for more details.


Move RG_SLM_type to manual and restart the resource group.

284644 Warning: node %d has a weight assigned to it for property %s, but node %d is not in the %s for resource %s.


A node has a weight assigned but the resource can never be active on that node, therefore it doesn't make sense to assign that node a weight.


This is an informational message, no user action is needed. Optionally, the weight that is assigned to the node can be omitted.

284702 Error parsing URI: %s (%s)


There was an error parsing the URI for the reason given.


Fix the syntax of the URI.

284962 Validate - %s configuration directory %s does not exist


The Samba resource could not validate that the Samba configuration directory exists.


Check that the correct pathname for the Samba configuration directory was entered when registering the Samba resource and that the configuration directory really exists.

285040 The application process tree has died and the action to be taken as determined by scds_fm_history is to failover. However the application is not being failed over because the failover_enabled extension property is set to false. The application is left as-is. Probe quitting ...


The application is not being restarted because failover_enabled is set to false and the number of restarts has exceeded the retry_count. The probe is quitting because it does not have any application to monitor.


This is an informational message, no user action is needed.

285668 reservation warning(%s) - MHIOCSTATUS error(%d) will retry in %d seconds


The device fencing program has encountered errors while trying to access a device. The failed operation will be retried


This is an informational message, no user action is needed.

286259 Incorrect resource group properties for RAC framework resource group %s. Value of Maximum_primaries(%s) is not equal to Desired_primaries(%s).


The RAC framework resource group is a scalable resorce group. It must be created with identical values for the Maximum_primaries and Desired_primaries properties. RAC framework will not function correctly without these values.


Specify correct values of the properties and reissue command. Refer to the documentation of Sun Cluster support for Oracle Parallel Server/ Real Application Clusters for installation procedure.

286286 reservation fatal error(UNKNOWN) - get_control() failure


The device fencing program has suffered an internal error.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available. Copies of /var/adm/messages from all nodes should be provided for diagnosis.

286807 clnt_tp_create_timed of program %s failed %s.


HA-NFS fault monitor was not able to make an rpc connection to an nfs server.


Save the /var/adm/messages file. Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

287111 Validate - RUN_NMBD=%s is invalid - specify YES or NO


The Samba resource can run without nmbd, however you must specify the service when configuring the Samba resource


Specify either YES or NO for RUN_NMBD within /opt/SUNWscsmb/samba/util/samba_config

287174 Could not find complete_probe for sckrb5.


The complete_probe file could not be found or is not executable.


Ensure that the file exists and is executable. By default the file can be found at /opt/SUNWsckrb5/bin/complete_probe.

287202 DB port is %s


The monitor start method prints the port number configured.


This message is informational; no user action is needed.

287834 Stopping fault monitor: %s:<%s>:%s


Fault monitor has detected an error. Fault monitor will be stopped. Error detected by fault monitor and action taken by fault monitor is indicated in message.



288058 Monitor for derby data service successfully started


The data service monitor successfully started.


This message is informational; no user action is needed.

288423 Failed to retrieve the cluster information. Retrying...


HA Storage Plus was not able to the cluster configuration, but it will retry automatically.


This is an informational message, no user action is needed.

288452 Error retrieving zone name; assuming global zone


On a Solaris 10 system, a zone or the entire node is being shut down or rebooted. Before stopping the RGM service, a script is executed to evacuate resource groups from the zone. This script cannot determine which zone is being stopped, and assumes the entire node is being rebooted.


This message might indicate an internal error or misconfiguration of Sun Cluster software. Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

288501 Failed to obtain the global service name associated with global device path %s: %s.


The DCS was not able to find the global service name associated with the specified global device path.


Check the global service configuration.

288677 scf_transaction_start failed: %s


An API call failed.


Examine log files and syslog messages to determine the cause of the failure. Take corrective action based on any related messages. If the problem persists, report it to your Sun support representative for further assistance.

288687 fe_set_env_vars() failed for zoneadm for zone %s


The rgmd daemon was unable to set up environment variables for executing zoneadm. The zone will stay up, but the rgmd will not attempt to start services on it.


Reboot the zone. Examine other syslog messages occurring at about the same time to see if the problem can be identified. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes and contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing and correcting the problem.

288839 mount_client_impl::add_notify() failed to start filesystem replica for %s at mount point %s nodeid %s


Filesystem availability may be lessened due to reduced component redundancy.


Check the device.

288900 internal error: invalid reply code


The cl_apid encountered an invliad reply code in an sc_reply message.


This particular error should not cause problems with the CRNP service, but it might be indicative of other errors. Examine other syslog messages occurring at about the same time to see if the problem can be identified. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes and contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing and correcting the problem.

289503 Unable to re-compute NFS resource list.


The list of HA-NFS resources online on the node has gotten corrupted.


Make sure there is space available in /tmp. If the error is showing up despite that, reboot the node.

290718 Error: Can't start ${SERVER}.


An attempt to start the rpc.fed server failed. This error will prevent the rgmd from starting, which will prevent this node from participating as a full member of the cluster.


Examine other syslog messages occurring at about the same time to see if the problem can be identified. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes and contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing and correcting the problem.

290926 Successful validation.


The validation of the configuration for the data service was successful.


None. This is only an informational message.

291077 Invalid variable name in the Environment file %s. Ignoring %s


HA-Oracle reads the file specified in USER_ENV property and exports the variables declared in the file. Syntax for declaring the variables is : VARIABLE=VALUE Lines starting with " VARIABLE is expected to be a valid Korn shell variable that starts with alphabet or "_" and contains alphanumerics and "_".


Please check the environment file and correct the syntax errors. Do not use export statement in environment file.

291245 Invalid type %d passed.


An invalid value was passed for the program_type argument in the pmf routines.


This is a programming error. Verify the value specified for program_type argument and correct it. The valid types are: SCDS_PMF_TYPE_SVC: data service application SCDS_PMF_TYPE_MON: fault monitor SCDS_PMF_TYPE_OTHER: other

291342 validate_options: HA N1 Grid Service Provisioning System Remote Agent %s Option %s is not set


A required option is not set in the start, stop, validate and probe command.


Set the specific option in the command.

291378 No Database probe script specified. Will Assume the Database is Running


This is a informational messages. probing of the URL's set in the Server_url or the Monitor_uri_list failed. Before taking any action the WLS probe would make sure the DB is up (if a db_probe_script extension property is set). But, the Database probe script is not specified. The probe will assume that the DB is UP and will go ahead and take action on the WLS.


Make sure the DB is UP.

291625 CMM: Votecount changed from %d to %d for quorum device %d (%s).


The votecount for the specified quorum device has been changed as indicated.


This is an informational message, no user action is needed.

291716 Error while executing


There was an error while attempting to execute (source) the specified file. This may be due to improper permissions, or improper settings in this file.


Please verify that the file has correct permissions. If permissions are correct, verify all the settings in this file. Try to manually source this file in korn shell ("."), and correct any errors.

292013 clcomm: UioBuf: uio was too fragmented - %d


The system attempted to use a uio that had more than DEF_IOV_MAX fragments.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

292193 NFS daemon %s did not start. Will retry in 100 milliseconds.


While attempting to start the specified NFS daemon, the daemon did not start.


This is an informational message. No action is needed. HA-NFS would attempt to correct the problem by restarting the daemon again. HA-NFS imposes a delay of 100 milliseconds between restart attempts.

294380 problem waiting the deamon, read errno %d


Internal error.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

294409 check_dhcp - Dhcpclient test exited with %s


The dhcpclient test exited with a non-zero return code.


None required. Informational message, an immediate failover is being requested.

294962 fatal: Error registering for zone state change notifications


The rgmd or rpc.fed failed to register with sc_zonesd for zone state change notification. The node will be aborted.


Examine other syslog messages occurring at about the same time to see if the problem can be identified which is preventing this registration. Look for door-related or sc_zonesd-related errors. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes and contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing and correcting the problem.

295075 Configuration file %s synchronization not required


This is informational message. Configuration file specified in the message is synchronized with resource properties.



295456 Error: /var/run is not mounted; cannot start cl_eventlogd.


The cl_eventlog init script found that /var/run is not mounted. Because cl_eventlogd requires /var/run for sysevent reception, cl_eventlogd will not be started.


Examine other syslog messages occurring at about the same time to see if the problem with /var/run can be identified. Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes and contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing and correcting the problem.

295576 SCSLM ftruncate <%s> error <%s>


Should never occur.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

295666 clcomm: setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE): %s


During cluster initialization within this user process, the setrlimit call failed with the specified error.


Read the man page for setrlimit for a more detailed description of the error.

295755 Derby data service start method returned with error %s


The derby data service could not start for an unknown reason.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

295838 Listener %s started.


Informational message. HA-Oracle successfully started Oracle listener.



296046 INTERNAL ERROR: resource group <%s> is PENDING_BOOT or ERROR_STOP_FAILED or ON_PENDING_R_RESTART, but contains no resources


The operator is attempting to delete the indicated resource group. Although the group is empty of resources, it was found to be in an unexpected state. This will cause the resource group deletion to fail.


Use clresourcegroup offline to switch the resource group offline on all nodes, then retry the deletion operation. Since this problem might indicate an internal logic error in the rgmd, save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes, and report the problem to your authorized Sun service provider.

296099 Function: validate - Zonebrand for zone %s is configured as lx, but the zone is configured as brand type %s.


Zonebrand is set to "lx". But the Zone is not configured as brand type lx according to zonecfg info.


Review the components configuration file and make sure the variable Zonebrand defines "lx" only for a Zone that got really setup with brand type "lx".

296514 Internal Error: ORACLE_OWNER not set even after successful validation.


An internal error occurred while attempting to save the name of the owner of the Oracle installation in a local file for use during shutdown of Oracle listener.


This message is informational. If the problem persists, report it to your Sun support representative.

297061 clcomm: can't get new reference


An attempt was made to obtain a new reference on a revoked handler.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

297139 CCR: More than one data server has override flag set for the table %s. Using the table from node %s.


The override flag for a table indicates that the CCR should use this copy as the final version when the cluster is coming up. In this case, the CCR detected multiple nodes having the override flag set for the indicated table. It chose the copy on the indicated node as the final version.


This is an informational message, no user action is needed.

297178 Error opening procfs control file <%s> for tag <%s>: %s


The rpc.pmfd server was not able to open a procfs control file, and the system error is shown. procfs control files are required in order to monitor user processes.


Determine if the machine is running out of memory. If this is not the case, save the /var/adm/messages file. Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

297286 The FilesystemCheckCommand extension property is set to %s. File system checks will however be skipped because the resource group %s is scalable.


Self explanatory.


This is an informational message, no user action is needed.

297325 The node portion of %s at position %d in property %s is not a valid node identifier or node name.


An invalid node was specified for the named property. The position index, which starts at 0 for the first element in the list, indicates which element in the property list was invalid.


Specify a valid node instead.

297328 Successfully restarted resource group.


This message indicates that the rgm restarted a resource group, as expected.


This is an informational message.

297493 Validate - Applications directory %s does not exist


The Oracle E-Business Suite applications directory does not exist.


Check that the correct pathname was entered for the applications directory when registering the resource and that the directory exists.

297536 Could not host device service %s because this node is being shut down


An attempt was made to start a device group on this node while the node was being shutdown.


If the node was not being shutdown during this time, or if the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

297717 Local HADB Management Agent is Waiting for other MAs to Join


The management agent at host localhost is not ready to execute the operation, since it is about to do repository recovery.


Make sure that a majority of the management agents in the domain are running.

297867 (%s) t_bind: tli error: %s


Call to t_bind() failed. The "t_bind" man page describes possible error codes. udlmctl will exit.


Save the contents of /var/adm/messages, /var/cluster/ucmm/ucmm_reconf.log and /var/cluster/ucmm/dlm*/*logs/* from all the nodes and contact your Sun service representative.

297942 Oracle commands inaccessible. Forcing shutdown of Oracle listener by killing the listener process.


The resource shutdown will attempt to kill the Oracle listener process. A graceful shutdown could not be attempted as Oracle commands are inaccessible, possibly due to the commands residing on a failover, global, or NAS file system on which the listener resource's dependency has not been set.


This message is informational. You must ensure that the resource comes online correctly on an alternate cluster node or on the same node after the Oracle commands become accessible again. If possible and supported, set the dependency of the listener resource on the file system resource.

298060 Invalid project name: %s


Either the given project name doesn't exist, or root is not a valid user of the given project.


Check if the project name is valid and root is a valid user of that project.

298320 Command %s is too long.


The command string passed to the function is too long.


Use a shorter command name or shorter path to the command.

298360 HA: exception %s (major=%d) from initialize_seq().


An unexpected return value was encountered when performing an internal operation.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

298532 Script lccluster does not exist.


Script 'lccluster' is not found under /sapdb/<livecache_Name>/db/sap/.


Follow the HA-liveCache installation guide to create 'lccluster'.

298562 Tcp_transport could not create tcp_rio_client reaper


The replyio subsystem was unable to create this thread. This is caused by inadequate memory on the system.


Add more memory to the system. If that does not resolve the problem, contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

298679 Either extension property <Child_mon_level> is not defined, or an error occurred while retrieving this property. The default value of -1 is being used.


Property Child_mon_level may not be defined in RTR file. Use the default value of -1.


No user action is needed.

298719 getrlimit: %s


The rpc.pmfd or rpc.fed server was not able to get the limit of files open. The message contains the system error. This happens while the server is starting up, at boot time. The server does not come up, and an error message is output to syslog.


Save the /var/adm/messages file. Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

298744 validate: %s is not set in the parameterfile %s but it is required


The variable $Variable is not set in the parameter file $Filename.


set the variable in the file $Filename to a valid contents.

298776 scnetapp fatal error - Cannot read CCR table %s


The program responsible for retrieving NAS configuration information from the CCR has suffered an internal error. Continued errors of this type may lead to a compromise in data integrity.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider as soon as possible to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

298911 setrlimit: %s


The rpc.pmfd server was not able to set the limit of files open. The message contains the system error. This happens while the server is starting up, at boot time. The server does not come up, and an error message is output to syslog.


Save the /var/adm/messages file. Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

298997 Unexpected eventmask while performing: '%s' result %d revents %x


clexecd program has encountered an error.


Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

299114 Probe failed in the prenet start method.


The disk set or disk group failed its availability check.


Verify the status of the disk set or disk group and perform maintenance if required. After confirming that the disk set or disk group is available, try to restart the resource.

299452 Validate - De-activating %s, by removing it


The DHCP resource validates that /etc/rc3.d/S34dhcp is not active and achieves this by deleting/etc/rc3.d/S34dhcp.


No user action is needed. /etc/rc3.d/S34dhcp will be deleted.

299639 Failed to retrieve the property %s: %s. Will shutdown the WLS using sigkill


This is an internal error. The property could not be retrieved. The WLS stop method however will go ahead and kill the WLS process.


Save a copy of the /var/adm/messages files on all nodes. Contact your authorized Sun service provider for assistance in diagnosing the problem.