Sun Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide for Solaris OS
 partial failures ( Index Term Link )
 Pathprefix, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 Per_node, resource property attributes ( Index Term Link )
  effect of probe interval on ( Index Term Link )
  optimizing for mission-critical services ( Index Term Link )
 persistent faults, defining ( Index Term Link )
 ping command, responses from disabled resources ( Index Term Link )
 Pingpong_interval, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 Pkglist, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
  cluster file system ( Index Term Link )
  data services ( Index Term Link )
 Port_list, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Postnet_stop, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 Postnet_stop_timeout, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Prenet_start, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 Prenet_start_timeout, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 preregistered resource types
  reregistering after inadvertent deletion ( Index Term Link )
  upgrading ( Index Term Link )
 Probe_timeout extension property
  effect on restart time ( Index Term Link )
  tuning ( Index Term Link )
  See also extension properties
  resource ( Index Term Link )
  resource group ( Index Term Link )
  resource type ( Index Term Link )
  Type_version ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Property, resource property attribute ( Index Term Link )
 property attributes, resource ( Index Term Link )
 property names, rules ( Index Term Link )
 property values, rules ( Index Term Link )
 Proxy, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 prtconf -v command ( Index Term Link )
 prtdiag -v command ( Index Term Link )
 psrinfo -v command ( Index Term Link )