Sun Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide for Solaris OS
  file systems to HAStoragePlus resource ( Index Term Link )
  nodes to resource groups
   overview ( Index Term Link )
   failover ( Index Term Link )
   scalable ( Index Term Link )
  resources to a resource group
   overview ( Index Term Link )
   failover application ( Index Term Link )
   logical hostname ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   scalable application ( Index Term Link )
   shared address ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 affinities, resource groups ( Index Term Link )
 Affinity_timeout, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 aliases ( Index Term Link )
 API_version, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 application binaries, determining location ( Index Term Link )
 Array_maxsize, resource property attribute ( Index Term Link )
 Array_minsize, resource property attribute ( Index Term Link )
 attributes, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Auto_start_on_new_cluster, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 automatic recovery actions ( Index Term Link )
 auxnodelist, node list property ( Index Term Link )
 balancing, load on cluster nodes ( Index Term Link )
 Boot, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 Boot_timeout, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 bringing online, resource groups ( Index Term Link )
 bypassing, name services ( Index Term Link )
 caution notice, removal of file systems ( Index Term Link )
  resource group properties ( Index Term Link )
  resource properties ( Index Term Link )
  resource type properties ( Index Term Link )
 Cheap_probe_interval, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 CheckNameService extension property ( Index Term Link )
 claccess ( Index Term Link )
 cldev ( Index Term Link )
 cldevice ( Index Term Link )
 cldevicegroup ( Index Term Link )
 cldg ( Index Term Link )
  Start_failed resource state ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  STOP_FAILED error flag ( Index Term Link )
 clinterconnect ( Index Term Link )
 clintr ( Index Term Link )
 clnas ( Index Term Link )
 clnasdevice ( Index Term Link )
 clnode ( Index Term Link )
 clnode command ( Index Term Link )
 clq ( Index Term Link )
 clqs ( Index Term Link )
 clquorum ( Index Term Link )
 clquorumserver ( Index Term Link )
 clreslogicalhostname ( Index Term Link )
 clresource ( Index Term Link )
 clresourcegroup ( Index Term Link )
 clresourcetype ( Index Term Link )
 clressharedaddress ( Index Term Link )
 clrg ( Index Term Link )
 clrs ( Index Term Link )
 clrslh ( Index Term Link )
 clrssa ( Index Term Link )
 clrt ( Index Term Link )
 clsetup utility ( Index Term Link )
 clsetup utility
  logical hostname
   adding to a resource group ( Index Term Link )
  shared address
   adding to a resource group ( Index Term Link )
 clsnmphost ( Index Term Link )
 clsnmpmib ( Index Term Link )
 clsnmpuser ( Index Term Link )
 clta ( Index Term Link )
 cltelemetryattribute ( Index Term Link )
 cluster ( Index Term Link )
 clvxvm ( Index Term Link )
  enforcing for online resource groups ( Index Term Link )
  preferring for online resource groups ( Index Term Link )
 combining, resource group affinities ( Index Term Link )
 Command-Line Interface
  logical hostname
   adding to a resource group ( Index Term Link )
  shared address
   adding to a resource group ( Index Term Link )
 commands ( Index Term Link )
  node information ( Index Term Link )
 complete failures ( Index Term Link )
  guidelines ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  planning cluster file system ( Index Term Link )
 configuring and administering, Sun Cluster data services ( Index Term Link )
 considerations ( Index Term Link )
  failover application resources ( Index Term Link )
  logical hostname resources ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  resource groups
   failover ( Index Term Link )
   scalable ( Index Term Link )
  scalable application resources ( Index Term Link )
  shared address resources ( Index Term Link )
   using CLI ( Index Term Link )
 data services
  considerations ( Index Term Link )
  planning ( Index Term Link )
  special requirements ( Index Term Link )
 Default, resource property attribute ( Index Term Link )
 defining, persistent faults ( Index Term Link )
 delegating, resource group failover or switchover ( Index Term Link )
 Description, resource property attribute ( Index Term Link )
 description values, rules ( Index Term Link )
 Desired_primaries, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 device groups
  relationship with resource groups ( Index Term Link )
  synchronizing startups with resource groups ( Index Term Link )
 directive, #$upgrade ( Index Term Link )
 disabled resources, unexpected behavior ( Index Term Link )
  resource fault monitors ( Index Term Link )
  resources ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  SMF instances ( Index Term Link )
 displaying, resource type, resource group, and resource configuration ( Index Term Link )
 distributing, online resource groups ( Index Term Link )
 downgrading, resource types ( Index Term Link )
  HAStoragePlus resources ( Index Term Link )
  logical hostname resources ( Index Term Link )
  shared address resources ( Index Term Link )
  resource fault monitors ( Index Term Link )
  resources ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Solaris SMF services ( Index Term Link )
 enumeration literal names, rules ( Index Term Link )
 Enumlist, resource property attribute ( Index Term Link )
 error flags, STOP_FAILED ( Index Term Link )
 error messages
  cluster ( Index Term Link )
  failure to modify file system ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 /etc/vfstab file
  adding entries to ( Index Term Link )
  removing entries from ( Index Term Link )
 extension properties
   effect on restart time ( Index Term Link )
   tuning ( Index Term Link )
  resource property attribute ( Index Term Link )
  resource type ( Index Term Link )
 Failback, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 failover, delegating for resource groups ( Index Term Link )
 Failover, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 failover application resources, adding to resource group ( Index Term Link )
 Failover_mode, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Failover_mode system property ( Index Term Link )
 failovers, preserving distribution of online resource groups ( Index Term Link )
 fault monitors
  disabling ( Index Term Link )
  enabling ( Index Term Link )
  faults detected by ( Index Term Link )
  probe interval ( Index Term Link )
  probe timeout ( Index Term Link )
  resource ( Index Term Link )
  response to faults ( Index Term Link )
  tuning ( Index Term Link )
  modification of file systems ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  persistent ( Index Term Link )
  responses to ( Index Term Link )
 file systems
  adding to HAStoragePlus resource ( Index Term Link )
  caution notice ( Index Term Link )
  failure to modify ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  highly available
   enabling ( Index Term Link )
   modifying ( Index Term Link )
  removing from HAStoragePlus resource ( Index Term Link )
  unmounting ( Index Term Link )
   adding entries to ( Index Term Link )
   removing entries from ( Index Term Link )
  RTR ( Index Term Link )
 Fini, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 Fini_timeout, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 format, resource type names ( Index Term Link )
 freeing node resources, affinities ( Index Term Link )
 Global_resources_used, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 Global_zone, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 HAStoragePlus, upgrading from HAStorage ( Index Term Link )
 HAStoragePlus resource
  cluster file systems
   change from local file system ( Index Term Link )
   configuring ( Index Term Link )
 HAStoragePlus resource type
  caution notice ( Index Term Link )
  criteria for using ( Index Term Link )
  failure to modify instances of ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  modifying instances of ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  resource type versions ( Index Term Link )
  upgrading ( Index Term Link )
 help ( Index Term Link )
 highly available file systems
  adding file systems to ( Index Term Link )
  caution notice ( Index Term Link )
  enabling ( Index Term Link )
  failure to modify ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  modifying ( Index Term Link )
  removing file systems from ( Index Term Link )
 Implicit_network_dependencies, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 Init, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 Init_nodes, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 Init_timeout, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 installation, overview ( Index Term Link )
 installed_nodes, node list property ( Index Term Link )
 Installed_nodes, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, restrictions ( Index Term Link )
 intervals, fault monitor probes ( Index Term Link )
 Is_logical_hostname, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 Is_shared_address, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 legal names, Resource Group Manager (RGM) ( Index Term Link )
 load balancing ( Index Term Link )
 Load_balancing_policy, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Load_balancing_weights, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 logical hostname resources
  adding to resource group
   using CLI ( Index Term Link )
   using clsetup utility ( Index Term Link )
  modifying ( Index Term Link )
 Max, resource property attribute ( Index Term Link )
 Maximum_primaries, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 maximum values, restarts ( Index Term Link )
 Maxlength, resource property attribute ( Index Term Link )
 messages file ( Index Term Link )
  HAStoragePlus resources ( Index Term Link )
  logical hostname resources ( Index Term Link )
  shared address resources ( Index Term Link )
 migrating to a new resource type version ( Index Term Link )
 Min, resource property attribute ( Index Term Link )
 Minlength, resource property attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mission-critical services ( Index Term Link )
 modifying resources ( Index Term Link )
 Monitor_check, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 Monitor_check_timeout, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Monitor_start, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 Monitor_start_timeout, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Monitor_stop, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 Monitor_stop_timeout, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Monitored_switch, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 name services, bypassing ( Index Term Link )
 Network_resources_used, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 networks, restrictions ( Index Term Link )
 node list properties ( Index Term Link )
 nodelist, node list property ( Index Term Link )
 Nodelist, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 Nodelist resource group property, and affinities ( Index Term Link )
  adding to resource groups
   overview ( Index Term Link )
   failover ( Index Term Link )
   scalable ( Index Term Link )
  distributing resource groups on ( Index Term Link )
  load balancing ( Index Term Link )
  off-loading noncritical services ( Index Term Link )
  removing from resource groups
   overview ( Index Term Link )
   failover ( Index Term Link )
   failover with shared addresses ( Index Term Link )
   scalable ( Index Term Link )
 noncritical services, off-loading ( Index Term Link )
 nsswitch.conf, verifying file contents ( Index Term Link )
 Num_resource_restarts, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Num_rg_restarts, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 off-loading noncritical resource groups, affinities ( Index Term Link )
 On_off_switch, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 partial failures ( Index Term Link )
 Pathprefix, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 Per_node, resource property attributes ( Index Term Link )
  effect of probe interval on ( Index Term Link )
  optimizing for mission-critical services ( Index Term Link )
 persistent faults, defining ( Index Term Link )
 ping command, responses from disabled resources ( Index Term Link )
 Pingpong_interval, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 Pkglist, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
  cluster file system ( Index Term Link )
  data services ( Index Term Link )
 Port_list, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Postnet_stop, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 Postnet_stop_timeout, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Prenet_start, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 Prenet_start_timeout, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 preregistered resource types
  reregistering after inadvertent deletion ( Index Term Link )
  upgrading ( Index Term Link )
 Probe_timeout extension property
  effect on restart time ( Index Term Link )
  tuning ( Index Term Link )
  See also extension properties
  resource ( Index Term Link )
  resource group ( Index Term Link )
  resource type ( Index Term Link )
  Type_version ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Property, resource property attribute ( Index Term Link )
 property attributes, resource ( Index Term Link )
 property names, rules ( Index Term Link )
 property values, rules ( Index Term Link )
 Proxy, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 prtconf -v command ( Index Term Link )
 prtdiag -v command ( Index Term Link )
 psrinfo -v command ( Index Term Link )
 quiescing resource groups ( Index Term Link )
 R_description, resource property ( Index Term Link )
  from failure to modify file system ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 recovery actions
  resuming automatic ( Index Term Link )
  suspending automatic ( Index Term Link )
  HAStoragePlus resource type
   during upgrade ( Index Term Link )
  preregistered resource types ( Index Term Link )
  resource types ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.LogicalHostname resource type
   after inadvertent deletion ( Index Term Link )
   during upgrade ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.SharedAddress resource type
   after inadvertent deletion ( Index Term Link )
   during upgrade ( Index Term Link )
  file systems from HAStoragePlus resource ( Index Term Link )
  nodes from resource groups
   overview ( Index Term Link )
   failover ( Index Term Link )
   failover with shared addresses ( Index Term Link )
   scalable ( Index Term Link )
  resource group ( Index Term Link )
  resource types ( Index Term Link )
  resources ( Index Term Link )
 replicating, configuration data ( Index Term Link )
 requirements, data services ( Index Term Link )
 reregistering preregistered resource types ( Index Term Link )
 Resource_dependencies, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Resource_dependencies_offline_restart, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Resource_dependencies_restart, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Resource_dependencies_weak, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 resource fault monitors ( Index Term Link )
 Resource Group Manager (RGM)
  legal names ( Index Term Link )
  values ( Index Term Link )
 resource group names, rules ( Index Term Link )
 resource group properties ( Index Term Link )
  Auto_start_on_new_cluster ( Index Term Link )
  Desired_primaries ( Index Term Link )
  Failback ( Index Term Link )
  Global_resources_used ( Index Term Link )
  Implicit_network_dependencies ( Index Term Link )
  Maximum_primaries ( Index Term Link )
  Nodelist ( Index Term Link )
  Pathprefix ( Index Term Link )
  Pingpong_interval ( Index Term Link )
  Resource_list ( Index Term Link )
  RG_affinities ( Index Term Link )
  RG_dependencies ( Index Term Link )
  RG_description ( Index Term Link )
  RG_is_frozen ( Index Term Link )
  RG_mode ( Index Term Link )
  RG_name ( Index Term Link )
  RG_project_name ( Index Term Link )
  RG_slm_cpu ( Index Term Link )
  RG_slm_cpu_min ( Index Term Link )
  RG_slm_pset_type ( Index Term Link )
  RG_slm_type ( Index Term Link )
  RG_state ( Index Term Link )
  RG_system ( Index Term Link )
  Suspend_automatic_recovery ( Index Term Link )
 resource groups
  adding nodes to ( Index Term Link )
  adding resources ( Index Term Link )
   failover application ( Index Term Link )
   logical hostname ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   scalable application ( Index Term Link )
   shared address ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  affinities ( Index Term Link )
  bringing online ( Index Term Link )
  changing properties ( Index Term Link )
   failover ( Index Term Link )
   scalable ( Index Term Link )
  delegating failover or switchover ( Index Term Link )
  displaying configuration information ( Index Term Link )
  distributing among nodes ( Index Term Link )
  enforced collocation ( Index Term Link )
  enforced separation ( Index Term Link )
  even distribution ( Index Term Link )
   adding nodes ( Index Term Link )
   removing nodes from ( Index Term Link )
  failover with shared addresses
   removing nodes from ( Index Term Link )
  moving to UNMANAGED state ( Index Term Link )
  preferred collocation ( Index Term Link )
  preferred separation ( Index Term Link )
  quiescing ( Index Term Link )
  relationship with device groups ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link )
  removing nodes ( Index Term Link )
  restarting ( Index Term Link )
  resuming automatic recovery actions ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving, replicating or upgrading configuration data about ( Index Term Link )
   adding nodes ( Index Term Link )
   removing nodes from ( Index Term Link )
  suspending automatic recovery actions ( Index Term Link )
  switching over ( Index Term Link )
  switching the current primary ( Index Term Link )
  synchronizing startups with device groups ( Index Term Link )
  resource group property ( Index Term Link )
  resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 Resource_name, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 resource names, rules ( Index Term Link )
 Resource_project_name, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 resource properties ( Index Term Link )
  Affinity_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Boot_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Cheap_probe_interval ( Index Term Link )
  extension ( Index Term Link )
  Failover_mode ( Index Term Link )
  Fini_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Init_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Load_balancing_policy ( Index Term Link )
  Load_balancing_weights ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_check_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_start_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_stop_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Monitored_switch ( Index Term Link )
  Network_resources_used ( Index Term Link )
  Num_resource_restarts ( Index Term Link )
  Num_rg_restarts ( Index Term Link )
  On_off_switch ( Index Term Link )
  Port_list ( Index Term Link )
  Postnet_stop_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Prenet_start_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  R_description ( Index Term Link )
  Resource_dependencies ( Index Term Link )
  Resource_dependencies_offline_restart ( Index Term Link )
  Resource_dependencies_restart ( Index Term Link )
  Resource_dependencies_weak ( Index Term Link )
  Resource_name ( Index Term Link )
  Resource_project_name ( Index Term Link )
  Resource_state ( Index Term Link )
  Retry_count ( Index Term Link )
  Retry_interval ( Index Term Link )
  Scalable ( Index Term Link )
  Start_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Status ( Index Term Link )
  Status_msg ( Index Term Link )
  Stop_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Thorough_probe_interval ( Index Term Link )
  Type ( Index Term Link )
  Type_version ( Index Term Link )
  UDP_affinity ( Index Term Link )
  Update_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Validate_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Weak_affinity ( Index Term Link )
 resource property attributes ( Index Term Link )
  Array_maxsize ( Index Term Link )
  Array_minsize ( Index Term Link )
  Default ( Index Term Link )
  Description ( Index Term Link )
  Enumlist ( Index Term Link )
  Extension ( Index Term Link )
  Max ( Index Term Link )
  Maxlength ( Index Term Link )
  Min ( Index Term Link )
  Minlength ( Index Term Link )
  Per_node ( Index Term Link )
  Property ( Index Term Link )
  Tunable ( Index Term Link )
  type ( Index Term Link )
 Resource_state, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Resource_type, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 resource type names, rules ( Index Term Link )
 resource type properties ( Index Term Link )
  API_version ( Index Term Link )
  Boot ( Index Term Link )
  Failover ( Index Term Link )
  Fini ( Index Term Link )
  Global_zone ( Index Term Link )
  Init ( Index Term Link )
  Init_nodes ( Index Term Link )
  Installed_nodes ( Index Term Link )
  Is_logical_hostname ( Index Term Link )
  Is_shared_address ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_check ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_start ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_stop ( Index Term Link )
  Pkglist ( Index Term Link )
  Postnet_stop ( Index Term Link )
  Prenet_start ( Index Term Link )
  Proxy ( Index Term Link )
  Resource_list ( Index Term Link )
  Resource_type ( Index Term Link )
  RT_basedir ( Index Term Link )
  RT_description ( Index Term Link )
  RT_system ( Index Term Link )
  RT_version ( Index Term Link )
  Single_instance ( Index Term Link )
  Start ( Index Term Link )
  Stop ( Index Term Link )
  Update ( Index Term Link )
  Validate ( Index Term Link )
  Vendor_ID ( Index Term Link )
 resource type registration (RTR) file ( Index Term Link )
 resource types
  changing properties ( Index Term Link )
  displaying configuration information ( Index Term Link )
  downgrading ( Index Term Link )
   existing resources ( Index Term Link )
   migrating instances of ( Index Term Link )
   new resources ( Index Term Link )
   migrating instances of ( Index Term Link )
  migrating to a new resource type version ( Index Term Link )
   reregistering after inadvertent deletion ( Index Term Link )
   upgrading ( Index Term Link )
  registering ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving, replicating or upgrading configuration data about ( Index Term Link )
   migrating instances of ( Index Term Link )
  unregistering ( Index Term Link )
  upgrading ( Index Term Link )
  adding to a resource group ( Index Term Link )
  changing properties ( Index Term Link )
  clearing STOP_FAILED error flag ( Index Term Link )
  disabling ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  disabling fault monitors ( Index Term Link )
  displaying configuration information ( Index Term Link )
  enabling ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  enabling fault monitors ( Index Term Link )
  failover application
   adding to a resource group ( Index Term Link )
  logical hostname
   adding to a resource group ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   modifying ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link )
  removing resource types ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving, replicating or upgrading configuration data about ( Index Term Link )
  scalable application
   adding to a resource group ( Index Term Link )
  shared address
   adding to a resource group ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   isolating from hosts when disabled ( Index Term Link )
   modifying ( Index Term Link )
 responses, to faults ( Index Term Link )
 restarting, resource groups ( Index Term Link )
 restarts, maximum allowed ( Index Term Link )
 restrictions ( Index Term Link )
 Retry_count, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Retry_count system property ( Index Term Link )
 retry interval ( Index Term Link )
 Retry_interval, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Retry_interval system property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_affinities, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_affinities resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_dependencies, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_description, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_is_frozen, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_mode, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_name, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_project_name, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_slm_cpu, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_slm_cpu_min, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_slm_pset_type, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_slm_type, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_state, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_system, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RT_basedir, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 RT_description, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 RT_system, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 RT_version, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
  description values ( Index Term Link )
  enumeration literal names ( Index Term Link )
  property names ( Index Term Link )
  property values ( Index Term Link )
  resource group names ( Index Term Link )
  resource names ( Index Term Link )
 Scalable, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 scalable application resources, adding to resource group ( Index Term Link )
 retrieving, configuration data about resource groups, resource types, and resources ( Index Term Link )
 scsnapshot utility ( Index Term Link )
 Service Management Facility (SMF) ( Index Term Link )
  enabling ( Index Term Link )
 setting up
  HAStoragePlus resource type ( Index Term Link )
   existing resources ( Index Term Link )
   new resources ( Index Term Link )
 shared address resources
  adding to resource group ( Index Term Link )
   using clsetup utility ( Index Term Link )
  isolating from hosts when disabled ( Index Term Link )
  modifying ( Index Term Link )
 short commands ( Index Term Link )
 show-rev subcommand ( Index Term Link )
 showrev –p command ( Index Term Link )
 Single_instance, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 SMF (Service Management Facility) ( Index Term Link )
 special requirements, identifying ( Index Term Link )
 Start, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 Start_failed resource state
  clearing ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Start_timeout, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Status, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Status_msg, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Stop, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 STOP_FAILED error flag ( Index Term Link )
 Stop_timeout, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 strong negative affinity
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  usage example ( Index Term Link )
 strong positive affinity
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  usage example ( Index Term Link )
 strong positive affinity with failover delegation
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  usage example ( Index Term Link )
 subcommands ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Cluster Administrative commands ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Cluster Manager GUI ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Management Center GUI ( Index Term Link )
 SUNW.LogicalHostname resource type
  reregistering after inadvertent deletion ( Index Term Link )
  resource type versions ( Index Term Link )
  upgrading ( Index Term Link )
 SUNW.SharedAddress resource type
  reregistering after inadvertent deletion ( Index Term Link )
  resource type versions ( Index Term Link )
  upgrading ( Index Term Link )
 Suspend_automatic_recovery, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 switching, resource groups ( Index Term Link )
 switching the current primary, resource groups ( Index Term Link )
 switchover, delegating for resource groups ( Index Term Link )
 synchronizing startups, resource groups and device groups ( Index Term Link )
  description values ( Index Term Link )
  enumeration literal names ( Index Term Link )
  property names ( Index Term Link )
  property values ( Index Term Link )
  resource group names ( Index Term Link )
  resource names ( Index Term Link )
  resource type names ( Index Term Link )
 system properties
  See also extension properties
  See also properties
  effect on fault monitors ( Index Term Link )
  Failover_mode ( Index Term Link )
  Retry_count ( Index Term Link )
  Retry_interval ( Index Term Link )
   effect on restart time ( Index Term Link )
   tuning ( Index Term Link )
 technical support ( Index Term Link )
 Thorough_probe_interval, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Thorough_probe_interval system property
  effect on restart time ( Index Term Link )
  tuning ( Index Term Link )
  fault monitor
   guidelines for setting ( Index Term Link )
  clsetup utility ( Index Term Link )
  Sun Cluster Administrative commands ( Index Term Link )
  Sun Cluster Manager GUI ( Index Term Link )
  Sun Management Center GUI ( Index Term Link )
  modification of file systems ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Tunable, resource property attribute ( Index Term Link )
 tuning, fault monitors ( Index Term Link )
 Type, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 type, resource property attributes ( Index Term Link )
 Type_version, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Type_version property ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 UDP_affinity, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 unmounting, file systems ( Index Term Link )
 unregistering, resource types ( Index Term Link )
 Update, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 Update_timeout, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 upgrade directive ( Index Term Link )
  configuration data ( Index Term Link )
  HAStoragePlus resource type ( Index Term Link )
  preregistered resource types ( Index Term Link )
  resource types ( Index Term Link )
 Validate, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 Validate_timeout, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 values, Resource Group Manager (RGM) ( Index Term Link )
 /var/adm/messages file ( Index Term Link )
 Vendor_ID, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
  addition of file systems to HAStoragePlus resource ( Index Term Link )
  nsswitch.conf file contents ( Index Term Link )
  removal of file systems from HAStoragePlus resource ( Index Term Link )
  HAStoragePlus resource type ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.LogicalHostname resource type ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.SharedAddress resource type ( Index Term Link )
 vfstab file
  adding entries to ( Index Term Link )
  adding removing entries from ( Index Term Link )
 volume managers, highly available file systems ( Index Term Link )
 Weak_affinity, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 weak negative affinity
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  usage example ( Index Term Link )
 weak positive affinity
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  usage example ( Index Term Link )