Sun Cluster Data Service for SAP liveCache Guide for Solaris OS

Planning the Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache Installation and Configuration

This section contains the information you need to plan your Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache installation and configuration.

Note –

If you have not already done so, read your SAP documentation before you begin planning your Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache installation and configuration because your SAP documentation includes configuration restrictions and requirements that are not outlined in Sun Cluster documentation or dictated by Sun Cluster software.

Note –

Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache can be configured to run in a whole root or a sparse root non-global zone, if required.

Configuration Requirements

Caution – Caution –

Your data service configuration might not be supported if you do not adhere to these requirements.

Use the requirements in this section to plan the installation and configuration of Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache. These requirements apply to Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache only. You must meet these requirements before you proceed with your Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache installation and configuration.

For requirements that apply to all data services, see Sun Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide for Solaris OS.

Standard Data Service Configurations

Use the standard configurations in this section to plan the installation and configuration of Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache. Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache supports the standard configurations in this section. Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache might support additional configurations. However, you must contact your Sun service provider for information on additional configurations.

Figure 2 illustrates a four-node cluster with SAP APO Central Instance, APO application servers, a database, and liveCache. APO Central Instance, the database, and liveCache are configured as failover data services. SAP xserver can be configured only as a scalable data service. APO application servers can be configured as scalable or failover data services.

Figure 2 Four-Node Cluster

Illustration: The preceding context describes the graphic.

Configuration Considerations

Use the information in this section to plan the installation and configuration of Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache. The information in this section encourages you to think about the impact your decisions have on the installation and configuration of Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache.

Configuration Planning Questions

Use the questions in this section to plan the installation and configuration of Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache. Insert the answers to these questions into the data service worksheets in Configuration Worksheets in Sun Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide for Solaris OS. See Configuration Considerations for information that might apply to these questions.