Sun Cluster Data Service for SAP liveCache Guide for Solaris OS

Registering and Configuring the Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache

This section contains the procedures that you need to configure Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache.

Setting Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache Extension Properties

Use the extension properties in Appendix A, Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache Extension Properties to create your resources. Use the following command line to configure extension properties when you create your resource.

clresource create -g resource-group -t resource-type -p property=value resource

Use the procedure in Changing Resource Type, Resource Group, and Resource Properties in Sun Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide for Solaris OS to configure the extension properties if you have already created your resources. You can update some extension properties dynamically. You can update others, however, only when you create or disable a resource. The Tunable fields in Appendix A, Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache Extension Properties indicate when you can update each property. See Appendix B, Standard Properties, in Sun Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide for Solaris OS for details on all Sun Cluster properties.

ProcedureHow to Register and Configure Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache

Use this procedure to configure Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache as a failover data service for the liveCache database and SAP xserver as a scalable data service. This procedure assumes that you installed the data service packages. If you did not install the Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache packages as part of your initial Sun Cluster installation, go to Installing the Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache Packages to install the data service packages. Otherwise, use this procedure to configure the Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache.

Caution – Caution –

Do not configure more than one SAP xserver resource on the same cluster because one SAP xserver serves multiple liveCache instances in the cluster. More than one SAP xserver resource that runs on the same cluster causes conflicts between the SAP xserver resources. These conflicts cause all SAP xserver resources to become unavailable. If you attempt to start the SAP xserver twice, you receive an error message that says Address already in use.

  1. Become superuser on one of the nodes or zones in the cluster that will host the liveCache resource.

  2. Copy the lccluster file to the same location as the lcinit file.

    # cp /opt/SUNWsclc/livecache/bin/lccluster \

    Uppercase name of liveCache database instance

  3. Edit the lccluster file to substitute values for put-LC_NAME-here and put-Confdir_list-here.

    Note –

    The put-Confidir_list-here value exists only in the Sun Cluster 3.1 and 3.2 versions.

    1. Open the lccluster file.

      # vi /sapdb/LC-NAME/db/sap/lccluster

      Note –

      The CONFDIR_LIST=”put-Confdir_list-here entry exists only in the Sun Cluster 3.1 and 3.2 versions.

    2. Replace put-LC_NAME-here with the liveCache instance name. The liveCache instance name is the value you defined in the Livecache_Name extension property.

      For an example, see Step c.

    3. Replace put-Confdir_list-here with the value of the Confidir_list extension property.

      Note –

      This step is only for the Sun Cluster 3.1 and 3.2 versions. Skip this step if you are running an earlier version of Sun Cluster.



      If the liveCache instance name is LC1 and the liveCache software directory is /sapdb, edit the lccluster script as follows.

      CONFDIR_LIST="/sapdb" [Sun Cluster 3.1 and 3.2 versions only]
  4. Add the HAStoragePlus resource to the liveCache resource group.

    # clresourcetype register SUNW.HAStoragePlus
    # clresource create -g livecache-resource-group \
    -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus -p filesystemmountpoints=mountpoint,... \
    -p globaldevicepaths=livecache-device-group \
    -p affinityon=TRUE livecache-storage-resource

    The resource is created in the enabled state.

    Note –

    AffinityOn must be set to TRUE and the local file system must reside on global disk groups to be failover.

    For the procedure on how to set up an HAStoragePlus resource, see Sun Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide for Solaris OS.

  5. Register the resource type for liveCache database.

    # clresourcetype register SUNW.sap_Livecache
  6. Register the resource type for SAP xserver.

    # clresourcetype register SUNW.sap_xserver
  7. Create a scalable resource group for SAP xserver. Configure SAP xserver to run on all the potential nodes or zones that liveCache will run on.

    Note –

    Configure SAP xserver so that SAP xserver starts on all nodes or zones that the liveCache resources can fail over to. To implement this configuration, ensure that the node-zone-list parameter of the SAP xserver resource group contains all the nodes or zones listed in the liveCache resource groups' node-zone-list. Also, the value of desired_primaries and maximum_primaries of the SAP xserver resource group must be equal to each other.

    # clresourcegroup create -S -n node-zone-list  \
    -p Maximum_primaries=value \
    -p Desired_primaries=value xserver-resource-group
  8. Add the HAStoragePlus resource to the SAP xserver resource group.

    # clresource create \
    -g xserver-resource-group \
    -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus \
    -p filesystemmountpoints=mountpoints \
    -p affinityon=false xserver-storage-resource

    The resource is created in the enabled state.

    For more information about setting up an HAStoragePlus resource, see Enabling Highly Available Local File Systems in Sun Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide for Solaris OS.

  9. Create an SAP xserver resource in this scalable resource group.

    # clresource create  \
    -g xserver-resource-group -t SUNW.sap_xserver \
    -p resource_dependencies=xserver-storage-resource xserver-resource

    The resource is created in the enabled state.

    See Setting Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache Extension Properties for a list of extension properties.

  10. Create the liveCache resource.

    # clresource create -g livecache-resource-group \
    -t SUNW.sap_livecache -p livecache_name=LC-NAME \
    -p resource_dependencies=livecache-storage-resource,xserver-resource livecache-resource

    The resource is created in the enabled state.

  11. Ensure that the liveCache resource group is brought online only on the node or zone where the SAP xserver resource group is online.

    To meet this requirement, create on the liveCache resource group a strong positive affinity for the SAP xserver resource group.

    # clresourcegroup set \
    -p rg_affinities=++xserver-resource-group livecache-resource-group
  12. Enable the liveCache failover resource group.

    # clresourcegroup online -M livecache-resource-group
  13. (Optional) Consider configuring your cluster to prevent the APO application server resource group from being brought online on the same node or zone as the liveCache resource group.

    You might plan to run the APO application server on a node or zone to which the liveCache resource can fail over. In this situation, consider using resource group affinities to shut down the APO application server when the liveCache resource fails over to the node or zone.

    To specify this behavior, create on the APO application server resource group a strong negative affinity for the liveCache resource group.

    # clresourcegroup set \
    -p rg_affinities=--liveCache-resource-group apo-resource-group