Sun Cluster Data Service for SAP Web Application Server Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Verify the Operation of the Fault Monitor for the SAP Enqueue Server

Perform this procedure on each set of two nodes where the SAP enqueue server and the SAP replica server can run.

  1. Log in to a node as superuser.

  2. Ensure that the SAP replica server resource group is offline on all nodes.

    At this point in this procedure you are testing the behavior of the SAP enqueue server resource group without the SAP replica server resource group. Therefore, the SAP replica server resource group must be offline on all nodes. Further in this procedure you will test the behavior of the SAP enqueue server with the SAP replica server resource group.

  3. Bring online the resource group to which the SAP enqueue server belongs.

    # clresourcegroup online -n node central-rg
    -n node

    Specifies the name of the node or zone on which the resource group is to be brought online. This node is the node that you have just logged in to.


    Specifies the name of the resource group to be brought online. This group is the resource group to which the SAP enqueue server belongs.

  4. Abnormally terminate the SAP enqueue server.

    1. Determine the process ID of the SAP enqueue server, where the name of the SAP enqueue server executable file is enserver.

      # ps -ef | grep enserver
    2. Kill the process for the SAP enqueue server.

      # kill -9 pid

      Specifies the process ID of the SAP enqueue server. This ID is the process ID that you determined with the ps and grep commands.

  5. Confirm that the SAP enqueue server fails over to the node where SAP replica server is online, if configured.

    Run the clresource status command to confirm that the SAP enqueue server resource is offline on the first node or zone and online on the second node or zone.

  6. Again, bring online the resource group to which the SAP enqueue server belongs.

    # clresourcegroup online -n node central-rg
    -n node

    Specifies the name of the node or zone on which the resource group is to be brought online.


    Specifies the name of the resource group to be brought online. This group is the resource group to which the SAP enqueue server belongs.

  7. Log in to a different node or zone as superuser. On this node or zone, bring online the resource group to which the SAP replica server belongs.

    # clrsourcegroup online -n node repl-rg
    -n node

    Specifies the name of the node or zone on which resource group is to be brought online. This node is the node that you have just logged in to.


    Specifies the name of the resource group to be brought online. This group is the resource group to which the SAP replica server belongs.

  8. Again, abnormally terminate the SAP enqueue server, as in Step 4.

  9. Confirm that the SAP enqueue server resource group fails over to the node on which the SAP replica server resource group is running.

    As the SAP enqueue server resource group starts on the node on which the SAP replica server resource group is running, the SAP replica server resource group fails over to another available node. If no node is available, the SAP replica server resource group is offline.

    Run the clresource status command to confirm that the SAP enqueue server resource group is offline on the first node or zone and online on the second node or zone. Confirm also that the SAP replica server resource group is offline on the second node. The SAP replica server resource group can be either online on another available node or zone or be offline.