Sun Cluster Data Service for Sybase ASE Guide for Solaris OS

Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE Extension Properties

For details about system-defined properties, see the r_properties(5) man page and the rg_properties(5) man page.

The SUNW.sybase resource type represents the Sybase ASE application in a Sun Cluster configuration. The extension properties of this resource type are as follows:

Adaptive_Server_Log_ File

The path to the log file for the adaptive server. Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE continually reads this property for error monitoring.

Default: None

Range: Minimum=1

Tunable: When disabled


The name of the data server. Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE uses this property to locate the RUN server in the $SYBASE/$ASE/install directory.

Default: None

Range: Minimum=1

Tunable: Any time


The name of the backup server. Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE uses this property to locate the RUN server in the $SYBASE/$ASE/install directory. If you do not set this property, Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE will not manage the server.

Default: Null

Range: None

Tunable: When disabled


Number of fault-monitor probe cycles before Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE establishes a new connection.

Default: 5

Range: 1 – 100

Tunable: Any time


String of format userid/password, which specifies the database user's user ID and password . Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE uses this property for database probes. When you set up the Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE data service, define the database user ID and password before you enable the server resource and the server resource's fault monitor. Do not use the sa account for the database user. You must set this property, even if you do not set the Monitor_Server_Name property.

Default: None

Range: Minimum=1

Tunable: Any time


List of databases that need to be online before the resource can be brought online.

Default: Null

Range: None

Tunable: Any time


Debug level for writing to the Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE log.


Range: 0 – 100

Tunable: Any time


File that contains all of the Sybase ASE environment variables. Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE requires that you define the variables SYBASE, SYBASE_ASE, and SYBASE_OCS. Other variables that you define are passed as environment variables to the Sybase server.

The definition of each environment variable must conform to the following format:


Each environment variable that you define must also be specified, one per line in the Environment_File.

Typically, users use the environment file that is created by the Sybase installation.

Note –

The value of this property is independent of the shell that is being used by the sybase user. Specifically, the sybase user can have csh as its default shell.

Default: None

Range: Minimum=1

Tunable: When disabled


The name of the monitor server. Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE uses this property to locate the RUN server in the $SYBASE/$ASE/install directory. If you do not set this property, Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE will not manage the server.

Default: Null

Range: None

Tunable: When disabled


Timeout value for the fault monitor probe.

Default: 60 seconds

Range: 1 – 99999 seconds

Tunable: Any time


The absolute path to the script that the STOP method executes to stop the Sybase ASE servers. This file stores the password of the Sybase ASE system administrator (sa). Protect the path so that only the user and group that are associated with the Sybase ASE installation can access the file. The Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE package includes the sybase_stop_servers template. You must replace the existing password.

Default: None

Range: Minimum=1

Tunable: Any time


The name of the text server. The Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE data service uses this property to locate the RUN server in the $SYBASE/$ASE/install directory. If you do not set this property, the Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE data service will not manage the server.

Default: Null

Range: None

Tunable: When disabled


Whether the START method waits for the database to be brought online before exiting.

Default: TRUE


Tunable: Any time


When a fault with the resource is detected, the RESOURCE_RESTART value will ensure that only this resource is restarted. A value of RESOURCE_GROUP_RESTART will ensure that all resources in the resource group are restarted.



Tunable: Any time


This file contains the custom fault monitor actions.

Default: None

Range: None

Tunable: Any time