Sun Cluster Data Service for MySQL Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureUpgrade from Sun Cluster 3.0 to Sun Cluster 3.2 when Using Sun Cluster HA for MySQL

This procedure shows the steps how to upgrade Sun Cluster HA for MySQL from Sun Cluster 3.0 to Sun Cluster 3.2.

  1. Shut down Sun Cluster HA for MySQL resource.

    # clresource disableMySQL-resource
  2. Upgrade the nodes to Sun Cluster 3.2 according to Sun Cluster documentation.

  3. Start the MySQL Server manually on Sun Cluster 3.2.

    #cd <MySQL Base directory>

    # ./bin/mysqld --defaults-file=<MySQL Database directory>/my.cnf \
    --basedir=<MySQL Base directory>\
     --datadir=<MySQL Database directory>\
     --pid-file=<MySQL Database directory>/ &
  4. Access the MySQL instance from local node with the socket option.

    #<MySQL Base directory>
    /bin/mysql -S <MySQL Socket> -uroot \

    The following is an example for a MySQL instance.

    # mysql -s /tmp/hahostix1.sock -uroot -proot
  5. Drop the Sun Cluster HA for MySQL test database sc3_test_database.

    # mysql -s /tmp/hahostix1.sock -uroot -proot
    mysql> DROP DATABASE sc3_test_database;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
  6. Delete all entries in db-table in mysql-database that contain User='<MySQL Faultmonitor user>'.

    # mysql -s /tmp/hahostix1.sock -uroot -proot
    mysql> use mysql;
    Database changed
    mysql> DELETE FROM db WHERE User='fmuser';
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)
  7. Delete all entries in user-table in mysql-database that contain User='<MySQL Faultmonitor user>'.

    # mysql -s /tmp/hahostix1.sock -uroot -proot
    mysql> use mysql;
    Database changed
    mysql> DELETE FROM user WHERE User='fmuser';
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)
  8. Add faultmonitor-user and a test-database to MySQL.

    # cd /opt/SUNWscmys/util

    Copy the mysql_config to myplace and edit the mysql_config file and follow the comments within that file:

    # Where is mysql installed (BASEDIR)
    # Mysql admin-user for localhost (Should be root)
    # Password for mysql admin user
    # Configured logicalhost
    # Specify a username for a faultmonitor user
    # Pick a password for that faultmonitor user
    # Socket name for mysqld ( Should be /tmp/<Logical host>.sock )
    # Specify the physical hostname for the physical NIC that this
    logical hostname
    # belongs to for every node in the cluster this Resource group can be
    located on.
    # IE: The logicalhost lh1 belongs to hme1 for physical-node phys-1 and
    # hme3 for physical-node phys-2. The hostname for hme1 is phys-1-hme0 and
    # for hme3 on phys-2 it is phys-2-hme3.
    # IE: MYSQL_NIC_HOSTNAME="phys-1-hme0 phys-2-hme3"
    # Where are your databases installed? (location of my.cnf)

    Note –

    The following is an example for a MySQL instance on Sun Cluster 3.2.

    MYSQL_NIC_HOSTNAME="clusterix1 clusterix2"
  9. After editing mysql_config, run the mysql_register script.

    # ./mysql_register -f myplace/mysql_config
  10. Stop the MySQL Server manually.

    # kill -TERM `cat <MySQL Database directory>/
  11. Start up Sun Cluster HA for MySQL resource.

    # clresource enable MySQL-resource
  12. Change source addresses for admin user for accessing locally a MySQL instance with a MySQL Logicalhost.

    Note –

    If you want to access the MySQL instance only through the socket (localhost), omit this step.

    When Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 has been used, delete the root user belonging to the logical host and add an admin user belonging to the physical host.

    Note –

    If the node name and the hostname for the physical interface are different, use the hostname for the physical interface.

    The following is an example for a MySQL instance on Sun Cluster 3.2.

    # mysql -S /tmp/hahostix1.sock -uroot
    mysql> use mysql;
    mysql> DELETE FROM user where User='root' AND Host='hahostix1';
    mysql> GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'root'@'clusterix1' IDENTIFIED BY 'rootpasswd';
    mysql> GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'root'@'clusterix2' IDENTIFIED BY 'rootpasswd';
    mysql> exit;

    Note –

    You have to manually add the Grant_priv to the admin users, See the MySQL Administration documentation.