Sun Cluster Data Service for Samba Guide for Solaris OS

Appendix A Deployment Example: Installing Samba packaged with Solaris 10

This appendix presents a complete example of how to install and configure the Samba application and data service in the global and non-global zone. It presents a simple node cluster configuration. If you need to install the application in any other configuration, refer to the general-purpose procedures presented elsewhere in this manual.

Target Cluster Configuration

This example uses a single-node cluster with the following node and zone names:


The physical node, which owns the file system.


A whole root non-global zone named whole.


A sparse root non-global zone named sparse.

Software Configuration

This deployment example uses the following software products and versions:

This example assumes that you have already installed and established your cluster. It illustrates installation and configuration of the data service application only.


The instructions in this example were developed with the following assumptions:

Installing and Configuring Samba packaged with Solaris 10

Note –

This deployment example is designed for a single-node cluster. It is provided simply as a concise guide to help you if you need to refer to an installation and configuration of Samba.

This deployment example is not meant to be a precise guide as there are several alternate ways to install and configure Samba.

If you need to install Samba in any other configuration, refer to the general purpose procedures elsewhere in this manual.

The instructions with this deployment example assumes that you are using the Samba software packaged with Solaris 10 and will configure Samba on a ZFS highly available local file system .

The cluster resource group will be configured to failover between the global zone and two non-global zones on a single node cluster.

The tasks you must perform to install and configure Samba in the global and non-global zones are as follows:

ProcedureExample: Prepare the Cluster for Samba

  1. Install and configure the cluster as instructed in Sun Cluster Software Installation Guide for Solaris OS.

    Install the following cluster software components on node Vigor5.

    • Sun Cluster core software

    • Sun Cluster data service for Samba

  2. Add the logical host name to /etc/hosts and /etc/inet/ipnodes

    Vigor5# grep SMB1 /etc/hosts /etc/inet/ipnodes
    /etc/hosts:	SMB1#20
    /etc/inet/ipnodes:	SMB1#20
  3. Install and configure a Zettabyte File System

    1. Create a ZFS pool.

      Note –

      The following zpool definition represents a very basic configuration for deployment on a single-node cluster.

      You should not consider this example for use within a productive deployment, instead it is a very basic configuration for testing or development purposes only.

      Vigor5# zpool create -m /local HAZpool c1t1d0
    2. Create a ZFS

      Vigor5# zfs create HAZpool/samba
  4. Create the Samba Fault Monitor Userid in the Global Zone

    Vigor5# groupadd -g 1000 samba
    Vigor5# useradd -u 1000 -g 1000 -s /bin/false homer

ProcedureExample: Configure the Non-Global Zones

In this task you will install two Solaris Containers on node Vigor5.

  1. On local cluster storage create a directory for the non-global zones root path.

    Vigor5# mkdir /zones
  2. Create a temporary file for the whole root zone, for example /tmp/whole, and include the following entries:

    Vigor5# cat > /tmp/whole <<-EOF
    create -b
    set zonepath=/zones/whole
  3. Create a temporary file for the sparse root zone, for example /tmp/sparse, and include the following entries:

    Vigor5# cat > /tmp/sparse <<-EOF
    set zonepath=/zones/sparse
  4. Configure the non-global zones, using the files you created.

    Vigor5# zonecfg -z whole -f /tmp/whole
    Vigor5# zonecfg -z sparse -f /tmp/sparse
  5. Install the zones.

    Open two windows and issue the following command in each window.

    Vigor5# zoneadm -z whole install
    Vigor5# zoneadm -z sparse install
  6. Boot the zones.

    Vigor5# zoneadm -z whole boot
    Vigor5# zoneadm -z sparse boot
  7. Log in to the zones and complete the zone system identification.

    Vigor5# zlogin -C whole
    Vigor5# zlogin -C sparse
  8. Close the terminal windows and disconnect from the zone consoles.

    After you have completed the zone system identification, disconnect from the two windows your previously opened.

    Vigo5# ~.
  9. Create local mount points for the HA-ZFS file system with in the zones.

    Vigor5# zlogin whole mkdir /local
    Vigor5# zlogin sparse mkdir /local
  10. Create the Samba Fault Monitor Userid in the zones.

    Vigor5# zlogin whole groupadd -g 1000 samba
    Vigor5# zlogin sparse groupadd -g 1000 samba
    Vigor5# zlogin whole useradd -u 1000 -g 1000 -s /bin/false homer
    Vigor5# zlogin sparse useradd -u 1000 -g 1000 -s /bin/false homer

ProcedureExample: Configure Cluster Resources for Samba

  1. Register the necessary data types on the single node cluster

    Vigor5# clresourcetype register SUNW.gds SUNW.HAStoragePlus
  2. Create the Samba resource group.

    Vigor5# clresourcegroup create -n Vigor5,Vigor5:whole,Vigor5:sparse samba-rg
  3. Create the logical host.

    Vigor5# clreslogicalhostname create -g samba-rg -h SMB1 samba-lh
  4. Create the HAStoragePlus resource in the samba-rg resource group.

    Vigor5# clresource create -g samba-rg -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus \
    > -p Zpools=HAZpool sambaZFS-has
  5. Enable the resource group.

    Vigor5# clresourcegroup online -M samba-rg

ProcedureExample: Create the Samba smb.conf Configuration File

  1. Create the Samba Configuration Directory.

    Vigor5# mkdir -p /local/samba/smb1
    Vigor5# cd /local/samba/smb1
    Vigor5# mkdir -p lib logs private shares var/locks
  2. Create the Samba smb.conf Configuration File.

    Vigor5# cat > /local/samba/smb1/lib/smb.conf <<-EOF
            workgroup = PDC
            bind interfaces only = yes
            interfaces = SMB1/
            netbios name = SMB1
            security = user
            server string = Samba (%v) domain (%h)
            pid directory = /local/samba/smb1/var/locks
            log file = /local/samba/smb1/logs/log.%m
            smb passwd file = /local/samba/smb1/private/smbpasswd
            private dir = /local/samba/smb1/private
            lock dir = /local/samba/smb1/var/locks
            domain logons = yes
            domain master = yes
            preferred master = yes
            comment = Monitor directory for Sun Cluster
            path = /tmp
            browseable = No
  3. Test the Samba smb.conf Configuration File.

    Vigor5# /usr/sfw/bin/testparm -s /local/samba/smb1/lib/smb.conf
  4. Add the Samba Fault Monitor Userid.

    Note –

    You should specify samba as the password, otherwise you will need to change the SAMBA_FMPASS variable in Step 1 in Example: Enable the Samba Software to Run in the Cluster

    Vigor5# /usr/sfw/bin/smbpasswd -c /local/samba/smb1/lib/smb.conf -a homer

ProcedureExample: Verify Samba

  1. Start Samba using the smbd program.

    Vigor5# /usr/sfw/sbin/smbd -s /local/samba/smb1/lib/smb.conf -D
  2. Connect to Samba using the smbclient program.

    Vigor5# /usr/sfw/bin/smbclient -N -L SMB1 -s /local/samba/smb1/lib/smb.conf
    Vigor5# /usr/sfw/bin/smbclient '\\SMB1\scmondir' -U homer -c 'pwd;exit' \
    > -s /local/samba/smb1/lib/smb.conf
  3. Stop Samba.

    Vigor5# pkill -TERM smbd

ProcedureExample: Enable the Samba Software to Run in the Cluster

  1. Create the Sun Cluster HA for Samba Configuration file.

    Vigor5# cat > /var/tmp/samba_config <<-EOF
    #+++ Resource Specific Parameters +++
    #+++ Common Parameters +++
    #+++ SMBD & NMBD Specific Parameters (See Note 1) +++
    #+++ WINBIND Specific Parameters (See Note 2) +++
    #+++ Zone Specific Parameters (See Note 3) +++
  2. Register the Sun Cluster HA for Samba data service.

    Vigor5# /opt/SUNWscsmb/util/samba_register -f /var/tmp/samba_config
  3. Enable the resource.

    Vigor5# clresource enable samba

ProcedureExample: Verify the Sun Cluster HA for Samba resource group

  1. Switch the Samba resource between the Global zone and Non-Global zones.

    Vigor5# for node in Vigor5:whole Vigor5:sparse Vigor5
       clrg switch -n $node samba-rg
       clrs status samba
       clrg status samba-rg