Sun Cluster Data Service for Samba Guide for Solaris OS

Determine which Solaris Zone Samba will run use

Solaris zones provides a means of creating virtualized operating system environments within an instance of the Solaris 10 OS. Solaris zones allow one or more applications to run in isolation from other activity on your system. For complete information about installing and configuring a Solaris Container, see System Administration Guide: Solaris Containers-Resource Management and Solaris Zones.

You must determine which Solaris Zone Samba will run in. Samba can run within a global zone, non-global zone or in an HA container configuration. Table 2 provides some reasons to help you decide.

Note –

Samba cam be deployed within a whole root zone or a sparse root zone of a non-global zone or HA container.

Table 2 Choosing the appropriate Solaris Zone for Samba

Zone type 

Reasons for choosing the appropriate Solaris Zone for Samba 

Global Zone 

Only one instance of Samba will be installed. 

Non-global zones are not required. 

Non-global Zone 

Several Samba instances need to be consolidated and isolated from each other. 

Different versions of Samba will be installed. 

Failover testing of Samba between non-global zones on the same node is required. 

HA Container 

You require Samba to run in the same zone regardless of which node the HA container is running on. 

Note –

If your requirement is simply to make Samba highly available you should consider choosing a global or non-global zone deployment over an HA Container deployment. Deploying Samba within an HA container will incur additional failover time to boot/halt the HA container.