Sun Cluster Data Service for Samba Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Verify the Installation and Configuration of Samba

This procedure does not verify that your application is highly available because you have not yet installed your data service.

Perform this procedure on one node or zone of the cluster only.

  1. Test the smb.conf file.

    1. If the global zone is being used for Samba.

      # samba-bin-directory/testparm \
      > samba-configuration-directory/lib/smb.conf
    2. If a non-global zone or HA container is being used for Samba.

      # zlogin zonename samba-bin-directory/testparm \
      > samba-configuration-directory/lib/smb.conf
  2. If winbind is used, start and test winbind.

    1. Start and test winbind.

      1. If the global zone is being used for Samba.

        # samba-sbin-directory/winbindd \
        > -s samba-configuration-directory/lib/smb.conf
        # getent passwd
        # getent group
      2. If a non-global zone or HA container is being used for Samba.

        # zlogin zonename samba-sbin-directory/winbindd \
        > -s samba-configuration-directory/lib/smb.conf
        # zlogin zonename getent passwd
        # zlogin zonename getent group
    2. Test if the fault monitor user can be resolved.

      This test must succeed.

      If you encounter problems restart winbindd with debug information using -d 3.

      You should then retest and observe the winbindd log file which can be found at samba-configuration-directory/logs/log.winbindd.

      Note –

      Winbind caching can affect the results from getent passwd samba_fault_monitor which might not be up-to-date. Refer to the winbind[8] man page for more information on winbind caching and to the smb.conf[5] man page for more information on winbind cache time.

      1. If the global zone is being used for Samba.

        # getent passwd samba-fault-monitor-user
      2. If a non-global zone or HA container is being used for Samba.

        # zlogin zonename getent passwd samba-fault-monitor-user
  3. Start and test Samba.

    1. Start Samba.

      1. If the global zone is being used for Samba.

        # samba-sbin-directory/smbd \
        > -s samba-configuration-directory/lib/smb.conf -D
      2. If a non-global zone or HA container is being used for Samba.

        # zlogin zonename samba-sbin-directory/smbd \
        > -s samba-configuration-directory/lib/smb.conf -D
    2. Test that smbclient can access Samba.

      This test must succeed.

      If you encounter problems restart smbclient with debug information using -d 3.

      1. If the global zone is being used for Samba.

        # samba-bin-directory/smbclient -N -L NetBIOS-name
        # samba-bin-directory/smbclient '\\NetBIOS-name\scmondir' \
        > -U samba-fault-monitor-user -c 'pwd;exit'
      2. If a non-global zone or HA container is being used for Samba.

        # zlogin zonename samba-bin-directory/smbclient -N -L NetBIOS-name
        # zlogin zonename samba-bin-directory/smbclient '//NetBIOS-name/scmondir' \
        > -U samba-fault-monitor-user -c 'pwd;exit'
  4. Stop the smbd, nmbd, and winbindd daemons.

    Perform this step in the global zone only.

    # pkill -TERM -z zonename 'smbd|nmbd|winbindd'
  5. Unmount the highly available local file system.

    Perform this step in the global zone only.

    This step is not required if a cluster file system is being used.

    You should unmount the highly available file system you mounted in Step 6 in How to Prepare Samba for Sun Cluster HA for Samba

    1. If the global zone only is being used for Samba.

      # umount samba-highly-available-local-file-system
    2. If a non-global zone or HA container is being used for Samba.

      Unmount the highly available local file system from the zone.

      # umount /zonepath/root/samba-highly-available-local-file-system
  6. Remove the logical host.

    Perform this step in the global zone only.

    You should remove the logical host you configured in Step 11 in How to Prepare Samba for Sun Cluster HA for Samba

    # ifconfig interface removeif samba-logical-host