Sun Cluster Data Service for Samba Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureExample: Create the Samba smb.conf Configuration File

  1. Create the Samba Configuration Directory.

    Vigor5# mkdir -p /local/samba/smb1
    Vigor5# cd /local/samba/smb1
    Vigor5# mkdir -p lib logs private shares var/locks
  2. Create the Samba smb.conf Configuration File.

    Vigor5# cat > /local/samba/smb1/lib/smb.conf <<-EOF
            workgroup = ADS
            bind interfaces only = yes
            interfaces = SMB1/
            netbios name = SMB1
            security = ADS
            realm = ADS.EXAMPLE.COM
            password server = ADS.EXAMPLE.COM
            server string = Samba (%v) domain (%h)
            pid directory = /local/samba/smb1/var/locks
            log file = /local/samba/smb1/logs/log.%m
            smb passwd file = /local/samba/smb1/private/smbpasswd
            private dir = /local/samba/smb1/private
            lock dir = /local/samba/smb1/var/locks
            winbind cache time = 30
            allow trusted domains = no
            idmap backend = rid:ADS=100000-200000
            idmap uid = 100000-200000
            idmap gid = 100000-200000
            winbind enum groups = yes
            winbind enum users = yes
            winbind use default domain = yes
            comment = Monitor directory for Sun Cluster
            path = /tmp
            browseable = No
  3. Test the Samba smb.conf Configuration File.

    Vigor5# /opt/samba/bin/testparm -s /local/samba/smb1/lib/smb.conf
  4. Join the Active Directory Server.

    Vigor5# /opt/samba/bin/net -s /local/samba/smb1/lib/smb.conf ads join -U Administrator