Sun Cluster Data Service for Sun Grid Engine Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Configure Sun Cluster HA for NFS for Use With Sun Cluster HA for Sun Grid Engine

Note –

Commands in this procedure assume that you have set the $SGE_ROOT environment variable to specify the root of the Sun Grid Engine file system.

  1. Register the SUNW.nfs resource type.

    # clresourcetype register SUNW.nfs
  2. From any cluster node, create a directory for NFS configuration files.

    Create the directory under root of the Sun Grid Engine file system. Name the directory SUNW.nfs.

    # mkdir -p $SGE_ROOT/SUNW.nfs
  3. In the directory that you created in Step 2, create a file that contains the share command for the root of the Sun Grid Engine file system.

    Name the file the dfstab.sge-nfs-rs, where sge-nfs-rs is the name of the NFS resource that you will create in Step 4.

    # echo "share -F nfs -o rw sge-root" \
     > $SGE_ROOT/SUNW.nfs/dfstab.sge-nfs-rs
  4. Add a SUNW.nfs resource to the failover resource group that you created in How to Enable Sun Grid Engine to Run in a Cluster.

    # clresource create \
    -g sge-rg \
    -t SUNW.nfs \
    -p Resource_dependencies=sge-hasp-rs \

Example 2 Creating a dfstab File for the Root of the Sun Grid Engine File System

This example shows the command for creating a dfstab file for the root of the Sun Grid Engine file system.

# echo "share -F nfs -o rw /global/gridmaster" \
 > /global/gridmaster/SUNW.nfs/dfstab.sge-nfs-rs