Sun Cluster Data Service for MaxDB Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Enable MaxDB to Run in a Cluster

  1. Create a failover resource group to contain the MaxDB application resources and the logical host name for the MaxDB resource.

    Use the resource group that you identified when you answered the questions in Configuration Planning Questions.

    # clresourcegroup create -n node-zone-list sapdb-rg

    Specifies that the resource group that you are creating is named sapdb-rg.

    -n node-zone-list

    Specifies a comma-separated, ordered list of zones that can master this resource group. The format of each entry in the list is node. In this format, node specifies the node name and zone specifies the name of a non-global Solaris zone. To specify the global zone, or to specify a node without non-global zones, specify only node.

    This list is optional. If you omit this list, the global zone of each cluster node can master the resource group.

  2. Ensure that all network resources that you intend to you use are added to your name service database.

  3. Add a logical host name resource to the failover resource group that you created in Step 1.

    # clreslogicalhostname create -g sapdb-rg \
    -h sapdb-logical-hostname sapdb-logical-hostname
    -g sapdb-rg

    Specifies that the logical host name's database resource is to be added to the failover resource group that you created in Step 1.


    Specifies the host name list. You must use this option either when more than one logical host needs to be associated with the new MaxDB resource or when the logical host does not have the same name as the MaxDB resource itself. MaxDB is the resource for the sapdb-logical-hostname that you specified in Configuration Planning Questions.


    Specifies the logical host name of the server on which the database is running. This host name must be the logical host name for the MaxDB resource that you specified in Configuration Planning Questions.

    Note –

    If you require a fully qualified hostname, you must specify the fully qualified name with the -h option and you cannot use the fully qualified form in the resource name.

  4. Enable the resource group that you created in Step 1.

    # clresourcegroup online -emM sapdb-rg

    Enables the resource group sapdb-rg created in Step 1 and moves it to the MANAGED state.

Example 5 Enabling MaxDB to Run in a Cluster

This example shows the sequence of commands that are required to enable MaxDB to run in a cluster. The commands are run on only one cluster node.

  1. The following command creates a failover resource group to contain the MaxDB application resources and the logical host name for the MaxDB resource. The resource group is named sapdbrg. The sapdbrg resource group can be brought online on all cluster nodes or zones.

    # clresourcegroup create sapdbrg
  2. The following command adds a logical host name resource to the sapdbrg resource group. The logical host name of the server on which the database is running is srvr-1. When the sapdbrg resource group is brought online, an attempt is made for each node to discover a network interface on the subnet that the host name list identifies.

    # clreslogicalhostname create -g sapdbrg -h sdrvr-1 -d sapdblr 

    Note –

    If you require a fully qualified hostname, you must specify the fully qualified name with the -h option and you cannot use the fully qualified form in the resource name.

  3. The following command moves the sapdbrg resource group to the MANAGED state, brings the resource group online, and monitors the resources in the resource group.

    # clresourcegroup online -emM sapdbrg